Winter storms have arrived here in Canada, with school bus and other closures. I awoke and began my day crying out to God for those living in tents in the snow, or wandering across the world without hope. Oh how I long to rescue and bring healing into as many lives as possible. What joy and delight to know and read about those feeding the poor and the helpless. Thank you for all who operate shelters and find beds and food for those who have none. But even there trauma has occurred for some. Currently there is not enough accommodation for the flood of refugees and immigrants seeking a better life in the Western World, let alone the homeless people already here. As world leaders struggle to solve these social pressures, what can you and I do?
I think back over my own life, and remember a time on the other side of the world, during my suffering, I picked up a book called “Hind’s Feet In High Places”, the story of a disfigured, wounded person trying to get to the High Places where healing was promised. Frightened and alone, she fled into a the dark recesses of a cave to shelter for a little while. Surprised she saw a little bloom at the very back, lifting its lovely face. What is your name? she inquired. “Acceptance With Joy” came the reply.
There is a message for all of us in this memory. You may be happy and enjoying your life and that is a wonderful blessing. But for millions, the bombs keep dropping, building are being destroyed, beatings and oh the cold in a jail cell far away are reality. I pray for the peace of Israel, that those hidden away in the tunnels under Gaza will soon be released and that peace might come to the land of the Bible, even for a little while. That the Palestinians might also have food and peace this Christmas and safety, as God loves us all.
You may be shut in as I am today and feeling so insignificant. Many seniors live alone now. God sees you and loves you. Oh, little flower, take courage. Your purpose is learn how to bloom, and then help someone in need. Here are some practical ideas:
A toy in the toy drive for a gift for a child, a frozen turkey to someone to cook for others, maybe a basket of food, even the gift of a music tape to lift our hearts in praise. I have a Bill Gaither tape on in the background just now for that very thing. Some cash, or a gift card for the person who may or may not deliver your mail this Season, but they did over the year. Someone you might visit, or a phone call? Does someone nearby need a sidewalk shoveled? Would you smile and offer a friendly greeting?
Let’s be grateful for life itself, and this moment in time–which is all any of us get. Would you take someone into your home? Church, would you offer apartments to rent or fund a thrift store to clothe people? Leaders, would you fight your own discouragement to find inner strength and creative solutions to help those for whom you are responsible? Thank you so much. No guilt. Do what you can, and if physically or financially not possible to bless, then pray, and rest assured, prayer changes things.
Why should I care, screams half the world? Because suffering is how we see our own need of a saviour, and humbles us to admit it. It pushes us to seek help. Whatever your faith, or if having none at all, you are important. I want to send a message of comfort to you that I have needed myself today. To find hope, to stir up faith that some changes are coming for the better. Be at peace within yourself. We do this by turning our attention, or focus on bringing joy, encouragement to others. That is how we bloom.
Love is the greatest gift of all. God is love. Love is caring. Love is giving. Who has given more than Almighty God, Himself, who understands suffering more than all of us! For God so loved, He gave! Let us do the same.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Bill Gaither Vocal Band and
African Children’s Choir
“Love Can Change the World”
For God so loved this world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3: 16
But if anyone has this world’s goods, the resources for sustaining life, and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him? I John 3: 17