


Scroll down for index, then click on blue or green links to find active records     

ALERT: To Aborginal people: This website contains records and photos of dead people 
A Bit of Australia’s History
European explorers began arriving in what is now Australia in the 17th century. In 1770, Great Britain claimed Australia as a territory. The “First Fleet” of European settlers arrived in 1788 with ships of convicts. Six colonies were created in the late 18th and 19th centuries; they federated and became the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. English is the official language.[1]”  Mormon website

From 1788 to 1868 Britain transported more than 160,000 convicts from its overcrowded prisons to the Australian colonies, forming the basis of the first migration from Europe to Australia. When these first Europeans arrived they did not find an empty land as expected.


In Australia those of Irish descent are a higher percentage of the population than in any other country outside Ireland.

The oldest death record for a Gillespie found so far in Australia is 1852.

From India to Australia – Gillespie/Daniels Family Tree being traced by another researcher.

Transportation of Irish Convicts To Australia – searchable database

Convict Index 

The Ryerson Index of Death Records & Obituaries in Australia’s Newspapers   If this link fails, try www.ryersonindex.org

General Marriage Records:

Elizabeth Gillespie married John Jackson 1884 Australia

Ethel M Gillespie married John H Ogilvie 1916, Australia

Fanny Gillespie married Charles S Peterson 1913, Australia

Joseph M Gillespie married Martha Kerr 1930, Australia


Australia Capital Territory:

                                            Births     Marriages         Deaths

Prior to 1911 the area now known as the ‘Australian Capital Territory’ was administratively part of New South Wales. Between 1 January 1911 and 29 July 1938 it was officially known as the ‘Federal Capital Territory’.

New South Wales:    Births          Marriages           Deaths

Australian Royalty: Genealogy of the Colony of NSW

Northern Territory:     Births     Marriages      Deaths

Administration of the area now known as the Northern Territory was by New South Wales until 1863. For births, deaths and marriages from the beginning of Civil Registration in 1856 to 1863 see New South Wales.

Between 1863-1870 administration of the Northern Territory was from Adelaide, South Australia and civil registration of births, deaths and marriages for that period can be found in South Australian records.

Queensland:              Births            Marriages            Deaths

South Australia:       Births         Marriages        Deaths

Tasmania:                      Births         Marriages        Deaths

Victoria:                         Births         Marriages     Deaths

Western Australia:   Births      Marriages      Deaths


Australia Miscellaneous Death Records


Australia Census:

1828 – no Gillespies in New South Wales

1841   (fragment)  James Gilespie at Port-Phillip, Bourke, NSW

1891   – 64 Gillespies in New South Wales

Australia Gillespie Family Histories

*The Gillespies of Killarney, Queensland, © Ken J. Gillespie 2000  – In library archives. Links to Ireland

John Gillespie, Co Armagh, Ireland to New South Wales

Robert Gillespie Family from West Lothian, Scotland

Thomas & Catherine Gillespie, Co Mayo, Ireland to Sydney, by Rose Warne

Researchers Index 

Persons Lost and Found

Newspaper Articles

Newspaper Index of Records

Burke’s Peerage :   Helen Somerville, second daughter of Robert Gillespie, of Corny, Brighton Road, St Kilda, married John Nairne, b Jan 1, 1865. Helen and John m at St Kilda Presbyterian Church April 3, 1889  (see page 585, no further details about Robert Gillespie) Listed under ELDER, of Victoria, Australia. 



Australia Gillespie Soldiers World War I

Over 324,000 Australians served overseas in the War of 1914–18. Of these, nearly 60,000 died, 152,000 were wounded and 4,000 were taken prisoner.

Australia Gillespie Soldiers World War II

World War II: 1939–45. Over 993,000 Australians served in the armed forces during World War II. Of those on active service, 27,073 were killed in action or died, 23,477 were wounded, and 30,560 were taken prisoner of war.


May 2019 (Great Lakes Advocate News)

Of the 118,865 people enrolled to vote in Lyne, there were 81,545 formal votes and 7671 informal votes cast. There were nine candidates contesting the seat.

The electorate of Lyne was named after Sir William Lyne who was named Premier of New South Wales 1899-1901.

Dr Gillespie was elected to the seat in 2013.

Sydney Opera House


Record Count: 11
