purple rose
purple rose

Read down below Coe Hill News for developments over the year in Gillespie genealogy records.  County totals are changed as records added.


Adding older obituaries:

  • Rev Tom Logan                                                1927 – 2016
  • Peggi Logan, Tom’s wife, nee Young.   1928 – 2020
  • Rev Robert “Bob” Cottrill                          1941 -2019
  • Daniel Johnson                                                 1966- 2021

………….. click on green links below to open to another page………..

Added chart of McCaw families to Coe Hill Families – upper menu bar.

Added family photos for Melville, Stella & Mark Reid to tombstone page.

Added photo of Mrs.  MacNaughton on Obituaries A – Q page (upper menu bar).

Added photo of Nola Crosby & Norma at Upper Canada Village 1971 and one photo of her as a teen at Christmas to Harold Crosby Tombstone page

Added more photos to Charlie Jarrett’s tombstone page.

Added photo of Gordon McCaw, wife and daughter, and friends to his tombstone page.

Added photo of Harold Crosby house to his tombstone page.

……………………………………… Current Year News..…………………………

Death of Irene Bird, December 22, 2023 in Stirling  Manor. Celebration of her life,  January 6th, 2024 at 1:00 pm at Limerick Centre. Visits afterwards to 4:00 pm.

Death of Bill McCaw, son of Frank, on January 26,  2024 in Bancroft. Service was at Bancroft Pentecostal Church at 11:30 am on Saturday, February 3rd. Visitation from 10:30 am before service. His full obituary on Coe Hill Obituaries, A – Q above menu bar.

Carl Tinney of Faraday Township, died Monday, Feb 19th, 2024. Carl had a septic pumping business over the years,  and became Reeve of Faraday Twp. Cremation. A memorial service in the spring.  Lower Faraday Cemetery.

Obituary added for Michael McIllroy of Coe Hill, April 19, 2024

Obituary added for Charles Gary Hannah of Coe Hill, April 24, 2024

Obituary added for Mona Thompson (nee MacCauley) May 2024.

Obituary added for Bradley Cox, who died in Coe Hill on Sunday, May 26, 2024.

Obituary added for Arthur “Art” Martin, June 4, 2024.

Obituary added for David Jackson who died June 23, 2024 at home i Coe Hill. Son of Helen Jackson.

Obituary for Edith (Jackson) McCaw, wife of Dan of Coe Hill who passed away on Wednesday, July 24, 2004. Visitation and Funeral at Mt Zion Church, Gilmour Saturday, July  27th. Burial St Michael’s Anglican Cemetery, Coe Hill. More details on her obituary.

Note: Cemetery databases as too large for one page, so introducing an index of names in Coe Hill area local cemeteries,  then adding outlying  ones under Coe Hill Obituaries R to Q.

……………………..      OLD PHOTOS FROM COE HILL………………….

Help identify children of Coe Hill Public School.

A.   Is this Grade 4, about 1954? Grade School

TOP: Coe Hill Public School. Bert Giles was the PrincipalI think we were ages 9 or10 and this is Grade 4 because we had moved into the Little White School House for Grade 5 (ages 10 or 11). This was the year my Daddy died.  I remember rushing home from this school all excited thinking he had come home, to be greeted with the terrible shock at the door.

  • Back row left to right:  girl, Norma Gillespie, boy, boy, boy
  • Next row forward:  Sheila Wannamaker, Nola Crosby, Sherryl Ferguson,  Eileen Neil,  Shirley Twomey, Sharon McCauley, Barbara Thompson
  • Middle Row: Una Marshall, Marilyn Woodbeck. Linda Warner, Anna Marie Stephanuk, boy
  • Front Row: boy, boy, boy, Bill McCaw, ?Terry__, Bill Sprackett

My class:

Public School Class
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2024

Back Row L to R: Barbara Thompson, Norma Gillespie, Una Marshall, Front Row: Nola Crosby, Linda Warner, Marilyn Woodbeck

B.  Class in the Little White School House – 1955?

Class of Grade 5
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2021

Back Row Left to Right: Sherrill or Sherryl Ferguson, Brenda Keller, Linda Warner, Marilyn Woodbeck, Sheila Wannamaker, Shirley Twomey, Kathleen Anderson, Linda Silas, Joan Twomey

Front Row: Eileen Neal, Nola Crosby, Norma Gillespie, Gail Danford, Carol Hoard, Gaye Daniels, Una Marshall, Barbara Thompson

Boys in Window:  Ted and Bill McCaw


C. . Below,  a Kindergarten Class at Coe Hill School

  • Glenn's class at Coe Hill Public School
    Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2024

Help name these children . They look Kindergarten age, possible 4 years old. My younger brother, Glenn Gillespie, 3rd boy in from R. That would make it 1951.

D..  Below: Is this Bill Hocking?    If so, name his friend. (looks a bit like Bill Reid).

Answer Sam G: Could be his son Dick, who married Joy Lennox.

Bill Hocking & friend
Copyright Norma Gillespie 2024


E. A Coe Hill Public School Outing. Name teacher and students. Where is the location of this stop? With a tent in background, could it be the Boy Scout’s Camp off Wollaston Lake Road?

Class Outing
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2024


F. . Coe Hill Public School

Coe Hill Public School
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2024   The school as I remember it.  1950s

G. Another class at Coe Hill School below

Coe Hill Students
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2024  I am 2nd row from front, 4th from  left, almost hidden.

I arrived in Coe Hill as a five year old, so this may be my first class in Kindergarten.

H. A baseball sports team at the Fair Grounds

Sports Team 2
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2024

Baseball Team:
Back Row: Sam Gillespie – Scott McMurray – Don Park – Gerald Garrett – Ivan Gunter
Front Row:  ?Geoff Gunter – Wayne MacKillican – Allyn Gunter (need help with other names).

I. A Hockey Team of Coe Hill

Sam & Hocky
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2024

Hockey Coach: Sam Gillespie, in middle.

Front Row:    Norm Gunter-Roger Crosby – Doug McCaw
Middle Row: Phil Irwin – Frank Minor – Sam – Gary Cotman
Back Row:     male, male,  Glenn Gillespie  on the right
The Women of Coe Hill on January  24, 1984 at a baby shower for Norma Gillespie at Judy McCaw’s house:
Group A: left to right, front row, then back row
Front: Betty Shin, Lynn Challinor, Muriel McCaw, Aileen Ingram, Mary Hope. Back: Etta Smith, Muriel Post, Bernice Post.
Group A of ladies at my baby shower 1984
Group A of ladies at my baby shower 1984


Group B: left to right

Mildred Bandy; Marg McCaw, Joy Keller, Betty Wilson, Hilda Bamber, Nancy Sedgewick, Maureen Cardona.

Group B at Norma's baby shower, 1984
Group B at Norma’s baby shower, 1984


Group C:  left to right

Mary Lynn Hilts, Mary Garrett, Helen Jackson, Geraldine Woodbeck & at back ?  Darlene Garrett.

Group C at ladies shower for Norma 1984
Group C at ladies shower for Norma 1984

The new baby has arrived, Rebecca, with her parents, Norma & Allan McLean at the Coe Hill Farm 1984.

Allan, Norma & Rebecca McLean, 1984
Allan, Norma & Rebecca McLean, 1984


Coe Hill Children on a Bike Ride: Need help with identifying them, left to right:

Lois Vader…                Children of Coe Hill

Preserving the history of Coe Hill through old photos.


Arranged by Country

Red Arrow indicates most recent work

AFRICA:               1

South Africa Deaths: 1

ASIA:                      1

China:        Arrest & detention of Australian Karm Gillespie since 2013 on death row.



  • Capital Territory:      16
  • New South Wales:      98
  • Queensland                      2
  • Victoria                                2

Capital Territory  Marriages  1

NSW Births                              4

NSW Marriages                   29

South Australia Births     47

Queensland Births             48

The Family Tree of Gillespie/Daniels: From India to Australia  – 

CANADA – 186

  • Alberta:                                         15
  • British Columbia:                     22
  • Manitoba:                                        1
  • New Brunswick:                        20
  • Newfoundland:                             3
  • Nova Scotia                                     4
  • Ontario:                                            18
  • Prince Edward Co.                      4
  • Saskatchewan                                2

BC Voters List, 1898                        13

  • Alberta Births                                    1
  • Ontario Births                                11
  • Ontario Marriages                          5
  • New Brunswick Births               19
  • New Brunswick Marriages          6
  • New Brunswick Land Petitions   4
  • Nova Scotia Pioneer  1790          1
  • Nova Scotia Births                             6
  • Nova Scotia Marriages                    1
  • BC Marriages                                      26
  • BC Births & Baptisms                         1
  • Alberta Marriages                                1
  • Saskatchewan Births                          1
  • Saskatchewan Marriages                 1

CARIBBEAN              1

Jamaica Deaths      1


Obituaries:    10


1810 Immigration of 200 convicts from Ireland to Australia

1833 – arrivals in New Brunswick from Ireland


People in St Paul, Minnesota are searching their roots from the immigration of a Gillespie family from Castlebar, Co Sligo in 1898.  IrishCentral article.

Added note about the Famine Memorial in Dublin that was created by Dublin sculptor, Rowan Gillespie. The memorial  remembers the Great Famine (1845-1849), which saw the population of the country halved through death and emigration.

Famine Memorial, Dublin
Famine Memorial, Dublin

Obituaries; 77

  • Antrim                                  9
  • Armagh                               19
  • Belfast                                   8
  • Carlow                                    2
  • Down                                       8
  • Dublin                                      7
  • Londonderry                     15
  • Tyrone                                      9
  • Wicklow                                    1
  • Co Donegal Births           78
  • Co Donegal Marriages  13
  • Co Donegal Wills                 1


World War I:

  • Canada      3 (2 New Brunswick soldiers; 1 Ontario)
  • USA             6  Alaska


  • Australian Memorial rechecked – found 2 more names.
  • Correction made for Henry Hoddinott from World War II to World War I (Coe Hill Soldiers)
  • Checking Death Records in Canada and USA to find vets to add to military listing of soldiers during World War II.

REMEMBERING 80th Anniversary of D-Day & The Battle of Normandy

International Gathering on June 6 2024 in France


CHARTING Gillespie military burial locations in Europe from World War I and World War II. Coe Hill Soldiers and personal family members are included,  but may not be listed here if database is too big. This focus is for Gillespie soldiers to encourage visits and filming of tombstones.

Adegem Canadian War Cemetery Arthur James Gillespie,   Glenn Gillespie IX. B. 10
Antwerpen Schoonshelf Communal Cem. John Gillespie    
Ardennes American Cemetery Dana D Gillespie, US; Marcus Gillespie, US D. 28.15 Gorace J Gillespie, US, C. 23, 21; Marcus Gillespie, US A. 11. 2
Bard Cottage Cemetery A Gilasbey    
Cement House Cemetery N. A. Gillespie    
Commines Communal Cemetery James Gillespie, UK   James Gillespie
Dadizeale New British Cemetery J Gillespie    
Dozinghem Military Cemetery Robert Wright Gillespie    
Heverlee War Cemetery William James Gillespie, UK    
Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery S Gillespie    
La Clytte Military Cemetery Charles J Gilhespie    
La Plus Douve Farm Military Cemetery J Gillespie    
Mendinhem Military Cemetery A Gillespie    
Menin Gate Memorial A Gillespie; James Gillespie. James Gillespie, Reuben Gillespie, Rollo Gillespie   Arthur N Gillespie; Charles Gillespie, James Gillespie,
Menin Gate Memorial continued.. William Gillespie, William James Gillespie, John Gillespie, McL Gillespie    
New Zealand Memorial Duncan Thomas Gillespie    
Nieuport Memorial George C Gillespie, UK   John Gillespie, UK
Nine Elms British Cemetery H C Gillespie    
Passchendaele New British Cemetery Roy Gillespie, UK    
Polgesteerst Memorial Allan Gillespie, John William Gillespie    
Railway Dugouts Cemetery H Gillespie    
Tyne Cot Memorial David Gillespie; James Gillespie, John Gillespie   Findlay Martin Gillespie; Jessie Davis Gillespie
Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery F D Gillespie, W Gillespie  
Achicourt Road Cemetery Charles Dugald Gillespie D13  
Arras Road Cemetery A J Campbell    
Aubigny Communal Cem Extension Victor Allen Gillespie III. F. 16  
Bagneux British Cemetery      
Banneville La Campagne War Cemetery Thomas G R Gillespie UK    
Beacourt British Cemetery      
Beney-Sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery Wilbert Howard Gillespie CDN    
Boulogne Military Cemetery      
Brettsville Sur-Larze War Cemetery Edward J Gillespie; William Leaman CDN   Henry T Gillespie; Hilton A Gillespie CDN
Cimetiere Communal de las Gorgue Cemetery A Gillespie    
Cimietiere de Marberge Cemetery W D Gillespie    
Contay British Cemetery William Leaman Gillespie II.B.14  
Danville British Cemetery      
Dominion Cemetery Archibald James Gillespie I. D. 4 Gordon Gillespie
Douelles Communal Cemetery      
Drummond Cemetery      
Duisan British Cemetery Harry Gillespie VI. G. 53 P Gillespie
Dunkirk Town Cemetery William Gillespie, UK    
Echoivres Military Cemetery      
Etaps Military Cemetery Maurice Gillespie LX VII. J. 22  
Fabourg D’Amiens Cemetery Alexander M. Gillespie VII. 7.3 Paul Evan Gillespie
Fosse No 10 Communal Cemetery J. W Gillespie III.A.4  
Hersin Communal Cemetery Duncan Gillespie I.C.24  
Houplines Communal Cemetery W Gillespie    
L. A. Chaudiere Military Cemetery      
Levin Communal Cemetery      
London Cemetery & Extension David Bryce Gillespie 6. E. 3  
Lorraine American Cemetery Leduc J Gillespie, US   James Gillespie, US; William Gillespie, US
Merville Communal Cemetery F S Gillespie    
New Zealand War Cemetery Robert Bruce Gillespie, NZ    
Niagara Cemetery      
Nine Elms Military Cemetery      
Normandy American Cemetery Edward J. Gillespie US; Fred E Gillespie US   Fred E Gillespie, US
Orchard Dump Cemetery      
Ranville War Cemetery      
Surcsnes American Cemetery Harry Gillespie, US    
Tilboy Bulster Cemetery R B Gillespie    
Toronto Cemetery      
Trois Military Cemetery N J Gillespie    
Vimy Memorial & Cemetery Hugh Gillespie, James Gillespie   James Henry Gillespie;
Vimy Memorial & Cemetery, Continued.. William James Gillespie   William John Gillespie

All Canadians except where noted.


Becklingen War Cemetery, Robert J Gillespie, UK    
Durnbach War Cemetery Edward A Gillespie, UK    
Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Alan Gillespie, UK; Alexander Gillespie, UK Anthony Gillespie, AUS; John R Gillespie, UK; Robert G Gillespie, UK;Thomas Gillespie, UK; William Gillespie UK


ITALY & SICILY – all World War II graves

Anzio War Cemetery
Frank Gillespie, UK      
Castiglione South Africa Cemetery
Robert Gillespie, UK      
Catania War Cemetery
Adam Gillespie, UK I. E. 44    
Coriano Ridge Cemetery ITALY Alex Gillespie UK      
Florence American Cemetery
Joe C Gillespie, USA   Larron Lee Gillespie, USA  
Minturno War Cemetery
Harold M Gillespie, USA      
Salerno War Cemetery
David Gillespie, UK      
Syracuse War Cemetery
Adam Gillespie, UK I. E. 10 William Gillespie, UK  
Villanova Canadian Cemetery
      Gerald Forbes; F Nash
American Cemetery & Memorial Glenn Gillespie, USA
Arnhem Oosterbeek War Cemetery George Gillespie UK
Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery Andrew P Gillespie, CDN
Scoonselhof Cemetery John Gillespie, CDN



  • Obituaries:                 37
  • Marriages:                  57        (So many war brides 1940s)



  • Aberdeenshire        2
  • Argyllshire                  2
  • Ayrshire                        1
  • Bute                                 2
  • Dunbartonshire       2
  • Edinburgh                    1
  • Glasgow                        7
  • Inverness                       1
  • Lanarkshire                  2
  • Morayshire                   2
  • Renfrewshire              5
  • Stirlingshire                  2

Added early history of shipping Captain,  Alexander Gillespie from Fife, Scotland

Added links to family history of Captain John Gillespie, son of Rev John Patrick Gillespie, Scottish  Minister at Kirkcaldy,  & Lilias Simpson. Another son, Rev George Gillespie may have been the link from Scotland to Delaware.

Red Arrow  USA – 565


  • Alaska                   3
  • Arizona                 1
  • Arkansas              1
  • California             6
  • Colorado:             3
  • Connecticut:      1
  • Florida:                28
  • Georgia:                1
  • Illinois:                    1
  • Indiana                   1
  • Maine                      1
  • Massachusetts:  2
  • Michigan                2
  • Mississippi             1
  • Nebraska                2
  • New Jersey:          2
  • New York                1
  • North Carolina:  4
  • Ohio:                         5
  • Pennsylvania:       4
  • South Carolina:    2
  • Tennessee               9
  • Texas:                          2
  • Utah:                           1
  • Washington:           1
  • West Virginia        21
  • Wisconsin                 1
  • Wyoming                    1

Georgia Births               1

West Virginia Births   1

Texas Marriages        447 Gillespie,  but also Gilaspie, Gillispie, Glaspie,  Glaspey, Glasby.     1966 to 1975

Census 1900:  Alaska    2


New information received about George Turland Gillespie (1917 – 2003) of Glamorgan, Wales.

Obituaries:   1


Added Calendars 1800 to 2050 to left menu bar,  so you can find a calendar for the year of interest. Are you a Monday child? I am.  Just looked up my siblings…interesting.

Records Just Added 2024

January 1st:                   From 2023                                        47, 058

January                                             76                                           47, 134

February                                          30                                           47, 164

March                                               797                                          47, 961

April                                                        4                                           47, 965

July                                                      441                                           48, 406


Link to Work in Previous Years
