ASIA: India




Births        Marriages     Deaths


The 1861 Census had revealed that the English population in India was 125,945. Of these only about 41,862 were civilians as compared with about 84,083 European officers and men of the Army. In 1880, the standing Indian Army consisted of 66,000 British soldiers, 130,000 Natives, and 350,000 soldiers in the princely armies.

The population of the territory that became the British Raj was 100 million by 1600 and remained nearly stationary until the 19th century. The population of the Raj reached 255 million according to the first census taken in 1881 of India

Studies of India’s population since 1881 have focused on such topics as total population, birth and death rates, growth rates, geographic distribution, literacy, the rural and urban divide, cities of a million, and the three cities with populations over eight million: Delhi, Greater Bombay, and Calcutta.[70]

By the end of 1919, 1.5 million Indians had served in the armed services in either combatant or non-combatant roles, and India had provided £146 million in revenue for the war.[150]

Officers of the Bengal Army, 1754-1834

The India Mutiny of 1857-1859

Soldiers From India, World War I

Remembering Those From India, World War II

Gillespie Family Histories of India

Rev Robert Gillespie (d 1900)  & Kate Watters. The village of Gillespie Pur is named after him.

Sir Major General Robert Rollo Gillespie 1766-1814

Peerage History of Robert Rollo Gillespie – provided by researcher, Amanda Terlecki, as follows:

                        Page 1      Page 2      Page 3       Page 4

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From India to Australia:  Gillespie/Daniels Family Tree

Begins with birth & death of William Gillespie in Bombay 1780 – 1856. Provides an index of names.

More Records:

Bombay Light Infantry, 108th Regiment of Foot. Robert Rollo Gillespie, 24 years of service:   Ens. June 8 1849. Lieutenant July 3, 1855. Captain July 30, 1862. Major Sept 11, 1868.

Bangalore Great War Monument

  • Hugh P. Gillespie
  • Major Edward Gillespie TAYLOR died Nov 26, 1836 aged 47 yrs. 13th Dragoons

Naval Group China Munster Roll and Report recording the duty locations for Naval Intelligence Personnel 1943-1945

Ensign H. J. Gillespie, USA Navy, arrived 1944. Calcutta, INDIA. Also 1945 in Chunoking, CHINA

Lieutenant Jr Grade H. J. Gillespie USA Navy, Calcutta, INDIA 1945

Total Records This Page: 7

Records listed under Military in links on this page are not included in this page count. However, a few military records are included in count  because they added very early and are not yet transferred to Military.

Source of Records: Mormon website
