AUSTRALIA: South Australia Births & Baptisms


Alice Isabel Gillespie, daughter of Patrick Gillespie of Burra, SA, birth 1878

Annie June Gillespie, daughter of Arthur Sydney Gillespie of Frome, SA, born 1923

Annie Theodora Gillespie, daughter of Patrick Gillespie of Frome, born 1895. 


Boy child, born 1918, father Arthur Sydney Gillespie of Frome, SA


Charles Tamblyn Gillespie, so of Charles Edwin TAMBLYN of Adelaide, born 1900. 

Charles Tainlin Gillespie christening Jan 31, 1901 Holy Trinity, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, s/o Charles Tainlin Gillespie & Ellen Mary.

Clement Neil Kingston Gillespie, son of Wilfred Neil Gillespie of Clare, SA, born 1925

Clive Gillespie, son of Thomas Henry Gillespie of Frome, SA, born 1897

Cora Euphemia Gillespie born 1918, daughter of James Alexander Gillespie of Port Adelaide, SA.

Cyril Paul Gillespie, son of Daniel Laurence Gillespie of Frome, SA, born 1910


Donald Tom Chalton Gillespie, son of William Chalton Gillespie of Flinders, SA,  born 1915.

Doris Lyle Gillespie, daughter of Thomas Henry Gillespie of Clare, SA, birth 1899. 

Dorris Pearl Gillespie, born 1917, daughter of William Charles Gillespie of Flinders, SA.


Eileen Isabel Gillespie, born 1902, daughter of Daniel Laurence Gillespie of Frome, SA

Eileen Stella Gillespie, born 1915, daughter of Thomas Stanley Gillespie of Adelaide, SA.

Elizabeth Alice Gillespie, daughter of Thomas Henry Gillespie of Frome, SA, birth 1892

Ellen Ann Gillespie, born 1884, daughter of James Gillespie of Port Adelaide, SA

Elsie Jean Ann Gillespie, daughter of James Alexander Gillespie of Port Adelaide, born 1914

Eugene Anthony Gillespie, son of Patrick Gillespie of Burra, SA, birth 1886


Frank Cecil Gillespie, son of William Chalton of Flinders, SA, born 1925

Frederick James Gillespie, son of Thomas Stanley Gillespie of Port Adelaide, birth 1914


Gladys Amelia Gillespie, daughter of Thomas Henry Gillespie of Claire, SA, born 1900

Gwenda Joan Gillespie, born 1922, daughter of Arthur Ernest Gillespie of Adelaide, SA


Hilda Helen Gillespie, born 1891, daughter of James Gillespie of Port Adelaide, SA


Kathleen Gertrude Gillespie, daughter of Patrick Gillespie of Burra, SA, birth 1880. 

Kathleen Lucy Joy Gillespie, born 1923, daughter of Patrick Cyril Gillespie of Adelaide, SA

Keith Herbert Gillespie, son of Daniel Laurence Gillespie of Burra, SA, born 1914

Kenneth Charles Gillespie, born 1900, son of Charles Patrick Gillespie of Clare, SA.


James Alexander Gillespie, son of James Alexander Gillespie of Port Adelaide, SA, birth 1916

Jean Catherine Gillespie, daughter of Daniel Laurence Gillespie of Hindmarsh, born 1917.

John Cameron Gillespie, son of Patrick Cyril Gillespie of Adelaide, born 1921

John Neale Gillespie, son of Thomas Henry Gillespie of Flinders, birth 1908

John Taylor Gillespie, son of John Taylor Gillespie of Norwood, SA, born 1900


Laurence Kingston Gillespie, born 1923, son of Lawrence Thomas Gillespie of Hindmarsh, SA

Lawrence Thomas Gillespie, son of Daniel Lawrence Gillespie of Clare, birth 1901

Lucy Gillespie, daughter of Patrick Gillespie of Burra, birth 1877. 


Marjorie Ellen Gillespie, daughter of Arthur Ernest Gillespie of Adelaide, born 1907. 

Maxwell Gordon Gillespie, son of Gordon Alick Gillespie of Adelaide. born 1918

Mollie Rosena Gillespie, daughter of Thomas Stanley Gillespie of Flinders, SA, born 1925

Myrtle Annie Gillespie, born 1886, daughter of James Gillespie of Port Adelaide, SA


Olive Grace Gillespie, birth 1925, daughter of Oliver Stead Gillespie of Adelaide, SA


Paddy Cyril Gillespie, son of Patrick Gillespie of Frome, born1885

Patricia Elsie Gillespie, daughter of Tom Leslie Gillespie of Burra, SA, born 1925

Phyllis Leslie Gillespie daughter of William Charlton Gillespie of Frome, SA, born 1920


Thomas Hunter Gillespie, son of John Taylor Gillespie of Norwood, SA, birth 1895

Thomas Stanley Gillespie, son of James Gillespie of Port Adelaide, birth 1888

Tom Leslie Gillespie, born 1889, son of Thomas Henry Gillespie of Frome, SA.


Veronica Lucy Gillespie, birth 1927, daughter of Frederick Epherham Thomas Gillespie of Wellington, SA


William Charlton Gillespie, son of Thomas Henry Gillespie of Frome, SA, birth 1890

William Grant Gillespie, son of James Gillespie of Port Adelaide, born 1885.


Zella Emmeline Gillespie, born 1889, daughter of James Gillespie of Adelaide, SA

Marjorie Francis Gillespie-WADDELL, born 1906 Port Adelaide, daughter of James Gillespie-Waddell &

Record Count: 52

Mormon Website, Australia Library
