MILITARY: Doctors During First World War

James Gillespie, Qualifications MB CM (Aberd), Address 11 Merchant Street, Peterhead. General Practitioner, Age as of Jan 1916 = 52.  Applied to help during military emergency.

At  the call of the local War Committee for my area, as instructed by the Scottish Medical Service Emergency Committee, I am prepared to render the service or services marked above. This offer is subject to the condition that, in the event of such service requiring me to leave my present work, I am enabled to make arrangements for having it carried in during my absence.
Date Form Signed: 29/12/1915


Samuel Archibald David Gillespie, Qualifications MB Edin CM, Address Dalbeattie, General Practitioner, age as of January 1916 =49. Signed emergency form for medical work during World War I as follows:

At the call of the local War Committee for my area, as instructed by the Scottish Medical Service Emergency Committee, I am prepared to render the service or services marked above. This offer is subject to the condition that, in the event of such service requiring me to leave my present work, I am enabled to make arrangements for having it carried in during my absence.
Additional Information:

[Note] Am at present doing service, as part locum tenens for panel and civil work. Date Form Signed:  27/12/1915


Record Count:  2

Source:  Scottish Medical Service Emergency Committee
