MILITARY: World War I India



Donald Stanley Gillespie, ID291761350 b June 21, 1889 Ahmedabad, India. Signed Sept 23, 1914 at Vancouver, British Columbia to serve with Canadian troops.. His Aunt in Ardholme House, Co Down, Ireland. Bookkeeper. 18 month service with Mounted Rifles with Canadian troops. 16th Btn, 4 Brigade. Church of England.

Hugh Patrick Gillespie, ID 38292, Serving with British Forces. Oxford Bucks Light Infantry, 1st Bn, Supply & Transport Corps. Formery of 21935 2nd Loyal North Lane Reg). s/o Surgeon Major Gillespie & Margaret Gillespie,  husband of Irene Aurilda Gillespie of 2 St John Church Road, St John’s Hill, Bangalore, INDIA.  Died age 31, 1917, March 1.  Buried Bagdad (North Gate) War Cemetery, IRAQ.

Record Count: 2
