MILITARY: World War II Medals & Awards


Colin Leonard Beauchamp Gillespie, Rank Major. Service No 337656. Regiment Corps of Royal Engineers. Theatre of Combat or Operations: New Years Honours. Award Member of the Most Excellent.  For Gallant and Distinquished service (Army) Half-Yearly New Year and Sovereign’s..

Godfrey Curtiss Gillespie, Rank Lieutenant, Temporary Captain. Service No 68249. Regiment: Royal Regiment of Artillery. Theatre of Combat or Operations: Middle East (Egypt and Libya)  Award. For gallant and distinquished service (Army). Combatant Gallantry awards, Middle East.

Listed two times in the National Archives records. However Service No changed to 88349. 234 Medium Battery Royal Artillery.

Helen Sheils Gillespie, Rank Principal Matron, Service No 206162. Regiment Queen’s Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service. Theatre of Combat or Operations: Burma. Award Member of the… For gallant and distinquished service. Metorious Service Awards.

Listed twice on National Archives records.

Henry Pryce Gillespie, Rank Major. Service No 58121. Regiment South Wales Borderers. Theatre of Combat or Operations: Coronation Honours. Award Officer of the Most Excellent Order of The…   For gallant and distinquished service (Army) Half-Yearly New Year and Sovereigns.

Iain Robert Roberts Gillespie, Rank Lieutenant. Service No 137957. Regiment 8 Battlation Argyll & Amp. Sutherland Highlanders. Theatre of Combat or Operation: Italy. Award: Military Cross.  For Gallant and Distinquished Service (Army). Combatant Gallantry Award.

Isobel Edith Gillespie, Rank Captain. Regiment Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Threat of Combat or Operations: North West Europe 1944-45. Award Royal Red Cross. For gallant and distinquished service (Army) Combatant Gallantry Award.

Jack Sale Gillespie, Rank Warrant Officer, Service (Army) Service No 1069797, Regiment Royal Artilllery, Theatre of Operations: Middle East (Egypt, Libya); Award Mention in Despatches.  Recommended for honours and awards for gallant and distinquished service. Metitorious Service Award and Mentions.

James Gillespie, Rank Major (Quartermaster). Service No 475056. Regiment: Corps of Royal Engineers. Theatre of Combat or Operations: New Year Honours. Award Member of the Most Excellent Order..For Gallant and distinquished service (Army). Half Yearly, New Year and Sovereigns.


James Knox Gillespie, Rank Major, Lieutenant Colonel. Regiment Royal Army Service Corps. Theatre of Operations Middle East (East Africa and Madagascar). Award Office of the Most. For gallant and distinquished service (Army). Meritorious Service Award, Various Theatres.

Robert Rolls Gillespie, Rank Major. Service No P/6882. Regimebt Corps of Royal Engineers. Theatre of Combat or Operations: North West Europe 1944-45. Award: Order of the British Empire. For Gallant and distinquished service (Army) Metorious Service Award.

Samuel Gillespie, Rank Warrant Officer, Class I. Service No VX 19897. Regiment Australian Forces. Theatre of Operations: Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Iran). Award:  Mentioned in Despatches “For gallant and distinquished service” (Army). Meritorious Service Award and Mentions.

Total Records: 11
