Obituary: Reginald Gillespie, Lanark Co, Ontario

Obituary Reginald Cole, Perth

Additional notes from bottom of obituary:

His sisters: Miss Anna M Gillespie of Toronto; Mrs. Arnold Schooley of Kingston; and Mrs. Albert Luttrell of Detroit; one brother, Joseph Gillespie of Bucyrus, Ohio, and an aunt, Mis Sara Tute.

Among the large representation of the Orange Association were the following: Mrs. V Kirkham, P.P.G.M of Ontario East, L. O. B. A. ; Miss A Grier, Burritts Rapids, P. G. Treas. Ontario East, Mrs. E Lindsay, Grand Sec L. O. B.A.; Mrs. J Sword, P. D. Mistress, Merrickville; Miss Mabel Chapman, G Lect, Ontario E;  Mrs. M Beaver, P G. M.
