The New York Colony – Passengers from Islay, June 1739
by Capt Laughlin Campbell
33 families, 42 passengers, 177 persons
Neil Gillaspie & Mary McIlpheder, his wife, Gilbert and Angus his two sons.
Heads of Families 1739
#31 Neil Gillaspie, living as also his Wife and one daughter
Single persons imported in 1739:
- Archibald McIlpheder
- Catharine McIlpheder
Other family names, including some maiden names of wives, on document were:
Anderson, Caldwell, Campbell, Cargill, Carmichael, Clark, Creighton, Ferguson, Fraser, Green, Hyman, Keith, Lindsay, Livingston, McAlister, McAulla, McChristian, McCuarg, McDearmid, McDonald, McDougall, McDuffies, McDuffy, McEachern, McEuen, McGown, McInnish, McIntosh, McLean, McPhadden, McQuary, McVurich, Nutt, Reid, Robertson, Shaw, Thomson, Quarry,
List continued for November 1740 transport of passengers from Islay, repeating many of the same family last names. A few new ones as well: Brown, many Campbells, Cargill, Christy, Leech, McAlpine, McArthur, McCollum, McKay, McNeil, McKinven, Murphy
Total Records: 4
Record Source: The Day Book of Daniel Campbell of Shawfills 1767 with related papers concern the Estate of Islay, Scotland – edited by Freda Ramsay © 1991.