Tombstone: Cliff & Violet Crosby, St Andrew’s United Cemetery, Coe Hill Ontario

Cliff Crosby2
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2022

St Andrew’s United Cemetery, Coe Hill, Ontario CANADA

My brother Glenn remembers pumping gas  for Cliff on Sundays, so he and Roger could attend stock car races.  There was a Radio Station in Madoc, and the Crosbys sometimes performed with their instruments, with brother Dick on the violin, and others on guitars.

After Cliff & Vi’s garage burned down (across the highway from  Coe Hill Public School on south), they moved into the lovely stone covered home, formerly owned by Rollins, just across the road from Wannamaker’s Store in west end of village,   on south side of Highway 620, I visited Vi there from time to time after the children had grown up.

Roger Crosby
Roger Crosby, son of Cliff & Vi
