USA: Arizona Death Records

Lena ANGELINA 1928 AZ – July 9, 1958 Maricopa, Arizona. Father Antone Gillespie. Mother Loretta Antone. Parents both born Arizona.

Earl D BAYLESS b Nov 4, 1888 Winfield, KS – d Aug 17, 1929 Pinal, Arizona. Father Daniel T Bayless, birthplace Ohio. Mother Luella Gillespie, birthplace, Winchester, Ohio

Clifford BELL b June 22, 1937 Safford, AZ. d June 23, 1937  Graham, Arizona. Father J C Bell, birthplace Bisbee, AZ. Mother Alberta Gillespie, birthplace Solomonville, AZ.

Dick Gillespie CROCKER b April 7, 1917 MIddletown, Ohio. d Nov 24, 1944 Maricopa, AZ. Father Frank H Crocker, birthplace OH. Mother Grace Gillespie, OH. 

Frank Allen CROCKER b Jan 28, 1915 Hamilton, Ohio. d Aug 27, 1946 Maricopa. AZ. Father Frank H Crocker. Mother Grace Gillespie.

Infant male CRULL, birth July 3, 1948 Tucson, AZ. d July 3, 1948 Pima Co, AZ. Father Marvin L Crull, birthplace  Campbellstown,OH.  Mother Grace B Gillespie birthplace Freeport, IL.

Norma Elizabeth DEFEVERE b April 7, 1909 Missouri. d Feb 17, 1961 Maricopa, AZ. Father William Leroy Charles birthplace Missouri. Mother Laur Gillespie, birthplace Virginia.

Rosalea Gillespie DESPAIN b Pine, AZ. Death March 3,1928 Najaho, AZ. Father Alpheaus Gillespie, Mother Rosalia Smith

Mary Hastings DEVINE b June 2, 1903 Pittsburg, PA. d Oct 8, 1944 Pima Co, AZ. Father John M Hastings, birthplace Pittsburg, PA. Mother Mary E Gillespie, birthplace Pittsburg, PA

Ramon DIAZ b July 3, 1905 MI. d March 2, 1952 Pima Co, AZ. Father Alfredo Diaz, birthplace Mexico. Mother Ruth Gillespie, birthplace Ohio.


Alan McGary Gillespie b July 26, 1875 birthplace Madison Co, TX. d Dec 29, 1946 Pima, Arizona. Father James Wright Gillespie, birthplace Sumerton, TN. Mother Fanny Maude McGary, birthplace Huntsville, TX.

Albert B Gillespie b Sept 23, 1890 Stocktonpass, AZ. d Dec 30, 1939  Graham, AZ. Father William A Gillespie, birthplace TN. Mother Tenn Williamson.

Alexander R Gillespie b Nov 28, 1885 Blenheim, Oxford, ENGLAND. d March 17, 1948 Pima Co, AZ. Father John Gillespie, birthplace Perthshire, SCOTLAND. Mother Euphmi Caw Robertson, birthplace Perthshire, SCOTLAND.

Ann Clair Gillespie, “Nan”  Aug 12, 1936 — Oct 24, 202, Green Valley, AZ  Shawna Gilespie, daughter-in-law.

Arch M Gillespie b June 23, 1927  d May 6, 2000 US Army. Res Phoenix.  National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Marcopa Co, Arizona


Bernard A Gillespie b 1918 California. d Dec 18, 1962 Maricopa, AZ. Father Bernard Gillespie, birthplace Ohio. Mother Catherine Kerr, birthplace Oklahoma

Bernard Andrew Gillespie, born Jan 26,  1894 in Hancock Co, Ohio. Died Sept 1979, age 85. Residence Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. Son of Frank Alpine Gillespie (1868 – 1950) & Maud McCoyo (1872 – 1941) Two siblings Lester Allpine Gillespie & Parmer A Gillespie

Bobby “Joe” Gillespie, b Feb 20, 1930. d Aug 1, 1992. M Aug 28, 1950. Buried Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co, Arizona

Boyd Milan Gillespie b May 21, 1895 Indiana. d July 28, 1960 Pima Co, AZ. Father Bryant W Gillespie, birthplace Ohio. Mother Laura Milan, birthplace Illinois.

Bryan K Gillespie b Feb 9, 1896 Texas. d May 13, 1958 Cochise, AZ. Father William Gillespie, birthplace Georgia. Mother Mary Lindsay, birthplace Missouri.


Carrie Gillespie b June 23, 1877 PA. d April 14, 1955 Mohave, AZ. Father Harkness

Catherine Gillespie b Ohio. d June 23, 1935 Maricopa, AZ. Father E M Kerr.

Charles Fredrick Gillespie b March 12, 1884 Arizona. d Feb 7, 1961 Apache, AZ. Father Alpheus M Gillespie, birthplace Utah. Mother Georgianna Gardener, birthplace Utah.

Charles G Gillespie b 1876 Iowa. d Feb 1, 1923 Cochise, AZ.

Clarence E Gillespie b  Oct 22, 1917   d April 23, 1989 PVT Army, Phoenix. A2, Plot 26, O85. National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Marcopa Co, Arizona


Daniel A Gillespie d Dec 13, 1940 Mariposa, Arizona.

D Lenore Gillespie  b Aug 21, 1924  d Jan 25, 1995 US Navy PHM3 Res Sun City. Plot 18 D 02824. National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Marcopa Co, Arizona

Doyle Jack Gillespie b Dec 15, 1931. d March 22, 2001. PFC US Army. See American Legion. Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co, Arizona


Edward A Gillespie  b May 10, 1905. d Nov 18, 1973  Plot 8  G-4, R-B  Prescott National Cemetery, Vavapai Co, Arizona

Edward J Gillespie b March 28, 1897 PA. d March 20, 1959 Yavapai, Arizona. Father Frank Gillespie, birthplace ENGLAND. Mother Mary Duffy, birthplace IRELAND.

Edward Leroy Gillespie b 1915 Stocktonpass, AZ. d Oct 12, 1948 Maricopa, AZ. Father William Henry Gillespie, birthplace TN. Mother Tennie Williamson, birthplace TN.

E. L. “Doc” Gillespie b Aug 29, 1927 d Dec 13, 1992 US Army. Sec E, Row 8, plot 3 Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co,  Arizona

Elfreda Gillespie b Feb 3, 1922 Concho, AZ. d Dec 16, 1922 Apache, AZ. Father Ellis Lane Gillespie, birthplace Pinedale, AZ. Mother Edna Elnora Earl, birthplace NM.

Ellis Laine Gillespie b April 21, 1894 AZ. d March 10,1959 Cononino, AZ. Father Alphus M Gillespie, Mother Rozalia Smith

Eugene P Gillespie  b May 15, 1923   d June 29, 1996  US Army PFC  Res Mesa. A2, Plot 45  O1833. National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Marcopa Co, Arizona


Dr Floyd B Gillespie b Nov 7, 1889 South Dakota. d August 1, 1962 Pima, Arizona.

Frank Gillespie b Oct 24, 1880 Texas, d March 21, 1915 Maricopa, AZ. Father J. S. Gillespie. Mother Anderson.


George Robert Gillespie b June 27, 1875 Utah. d April 21, 1956 Navajo, AZ. Father Alphus M Gillespie, birthplace Utah. Mother Georgiana Gardner, birthplace Utah.

Gertrude A Gillespie  b Dec 15, 1906  d Oct 2, 1995  US Navy  ADJ2  Res Phoenix.  A2, Plot 45, O755  National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Marcopa Co, Arizona

Gillespie b June 18, 1962 birthplace Tucson, AZ. d June 18, 1962 Pima, Arizona. Father Carleton M Gillespie, Jr, birthplace Iowa. Mother Anita Anarde, birthplace Washington.


Hannah Gillespie, b Dec 14, 2001. d Dec 14, 2001. See E, row 8, plot 7, Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co,  Arizona

Hazel Gillespie b Oct 31, 1902 New Hampton, Missouri. d Jan 14, 1936 Maricopa, Arizona. Father John F Gillespie, birthplace MO.

H H Gillespie b 1861 MI. d Sept 3, 1931 Maricopa, Arizona. Father Donald Gillespie, birthplace SCOTLAND. Mother Mary McNeil, birthplace SCOTLAND. (My Note: this couple linked to Islay, Scotland and buried in Collingwood, Simcoe Co, Ontario, Canada)


Infant female Gillespie b June 14, 1943 Tucson, AZ. d June 14, 1943 Pima Co, Arizona. Father Robert George Gillespie, birthplace San Francisco, CA. Mother Bertha Mary Jenkins, birthplace San Diego, CA

Irl Gillespie b March 6, 1882 Texas. d July 31, 1959 Cochise, AZ. Father Bill Gillespie, birthplace Georgia.


James Harlan Gillespie, 78, of Phoenix, passed away peacefully in his sleep at Hospice of the Valley on Monday, August 11, 2014. He is survived by his wife, Helen, daughter Janet, son Paul, and his stepchildren Joe, Therese, Lee, and Nick, as well as 14 grandchildren. Born in Huron, South Dakota, Jim grew up in Gardena, California, where he developed his love of cars and of sports. Jim served four years in the United States Air Force working on aircraft. He worked a few years for Douglas Aircraft before starting a 28-year career as a claims adjuster. An open house held at his son Paul’s home at 22431 N. 69th drive, Glendale Arizona on Saturday August 23, 2014 from 4pm to 8pm

James Robert Gillespie, Sr. recently of Peoria, Arizona passed away January 16, 2012 at the golden age of 97.  Born in Seattle, Washington, he spent many years in the insurance industry and retired as a successful Broker.

Born in Seattle, Washington, he spent many years in the insurance industry and retired as a successful Broker.

Janice Kay Gillespie, Sep 24, 1951- Jan 1, 2022. Janice was born in Scottsbluff, Nebraska on September 24, 1951 to Don and Betty Moody. Janice was mother to Carrie Castillo and Alisha Owens.  She raised her daughters with love and devotion in beautiful Colorado.

Janice went to Tempe High School in Arizona and made her way to Colorado where she worked in Hospitality Services at Castle Pines Golf Club. She took pride in her work and was an outstanding, loyal employee. Janice enjoyed gardening, snorkeling, and all things that allowed her to be in nature where she could bask in the sun. She loved attending her grandchildren’s sporting events and dance recitals. Janice was most proud of being a mother, and grandmother to her family.

She is survived by her daughters Carrie Castillo and Alisha Owens.  Her son-in-law Omar Castillo, her grandchildren Owen Castillo, Olivia Castillo, and Audrina Owens.  Aside from the children she was devoted to, Janice is survived by her brothers, Larry and Jack Moody, and sister Sherri Jones.

Janice’s wishes were to be cremated and returned to her daughters.  She is laid to final rest in the Colorado Mountains, and the Grand Canyon state Arizona.

John A Gillespie d 1882.  Deputy shot by Zwing Hurst.  Row 5  Boothill Graveyard, Cochise Co, Arizona

Joseph Harry Gillespie b Jan 22, 1908 AZ. d July 5, 1951 Maricopa, AZ. Father Harry Hector Gillespie, birthplace MI. Mother Dora Stewart, birthplace Utah.

Joseph N Gillespie, Jr  b Aug 29, 1916. d Jan 29, 1990  US Army PVT  Res Phoeniz.  A2, Plot 26A O 64.  National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Marcopa Co, Arizona


Lorraine M Gillespie, “Snooky”  b Jan 10, 1922. d June 28, 1997. See L, row 2, plot 2. Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co,  Arizona


Mary Ann Gillespie b June 24, 1949 Globe, AZ. d June 24, 1949 Gila, AZ. Father Charles Gillespie, birthplace AZ. Mother Margaret Burke, birthplace AZ.


Nola Faye Gillespie b June 14, 1933 Bowie, AZ. d Oct 24, 1951 Cochise, AZ. Father Bryan K Gillespie, birthplace Texas. Mother Maudie L Williamson, birthplace Texas.


Omer K Gillaspie  d March 9, 1RN 4  Prescott National Cemetery, Vavapai Co, Arizona


Paul Eugene Gillespie b June 25, 1946 Missouri. d May 16, 1954 Maricopa, AZ. Father Ivan Gillespie, birthplace Iowa. Mother Lucille Lewengood, birthplace Missouri

Perry Elmer Gillespie b July 18, 1887 Illinois. d Jan 24, 1956 Maricopa,  AZ. Father William Gillespie, birthplace IL. Mother Anna Rude, birthplace Illinois


Ray H Gillespie b Nov 26, 1892 Globe, AZ. d May 7, 1943 Maricopa, AZ. Father Hector Gillespie, birthplace MI. Mother Dora Stewart, birthplace Utah

Raymond Robert Gillespie b July 25, 1890 Chariton, Iowa. d June 3, 1960 Pima, AZ. Father Robert Gillespie, birthplace Ohio. Mother Elva Guye, birthplace Iowa.

Robert F GillespieBobby” b April 11, 1962 d July 29, 1975. See E, row 8, plot 7 Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co,  Arizona

Robert W Gillespie  b Jan 30, 1919  d Aug 28, 1991  US Navy HMC  Res Yuma.  Plot 39, O 155  National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Marcopa Co, Arizona


Sam S Gillespie b Feb 22, 1865 Albany, MO. d Nov 21, 1932 Navajo, AZ. Father Reece Gillespie, birthplace VA. Mother Delilah Thompson, birthplace VA

Sherrie A Gillespie, stillborn Aug 27, 1953 Mariposa, AZ. Father Robert Gillespie, birthplace Alabama. Mother Mary June Curtis, birthplace Alabama

Sydney James Gillespie, 62, passed away Aprl 15, 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona. Sidney was born in Phoenix on February 12, 1953. He was preceded in death by his mother Jackie E. Blankenship and wife Wendy Colleen Carter Gillespie. Sidney is survived by three sons; Robert Alexander Gillespie, James Franklin Gillespie and Sidney Jams Gillespie.  Greenwood Memory Lawn Mortuary and Cemetery.


Tillison McKinley Gillespie, b Oct 1, 1876 West Virginia. d April 2, 1962 Pima, AZ. Father James Franklin Gillespie, birthplace WV. Mother Nancy Brown, birthplace West Virginia

Thomas E Gillispie b Texas. d May 24, 1933 Cochise, AZ. Father William Gillespie


Virgil L Gillespie b Oct 9, 1923  d Oct 26, 1985 US Army WWII, See American Legion  Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co,  Arizona


Wilbur Willis Gillespie b 1920  d 1979 TEC 4 US Army WWII  See American Legion. Holbrook City Cemetery, Navajo Co,  Arizona

William Gillespie death March 30, 1926 Yavapai, AZ. Father Jacob Gillespie. Mother Mary Anne Bird

William A Gillespie b March 28, 1883 Missouri. d Nov 3, 1957 Maricopa, AZ. Father Marcus A Gillespie, birthplace South Carolina. Mother Mary Murphy, birthplace Missouri.

Record Count: 71

Source of Records: Mormon website; AZ Department of Health Services;  Dignity Memorials, funeral home obituaries

