USA: Kentucky Marriages


Albert Gillespie married Della Laforce Dec 31, 1927 Falmouth, Kentucky (R)


Betsy Gillespie married James R Dotson Sept 27, 1908, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

B G Gillespie married Sallie Byrd Nov 28, 1895 Pendleton County, Kentucky (R)


Calvin Gillespie married Mary E Mccoy –  Scott Co, Kentucky

Carrie Lee Gillespie married William Martin, Kentucky

Catherine Gillespie married Bernard H Fields April 11, 1918, Falmouth, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Charles Gillispie married Zulietta  Jan 2, 1907, Falmouth, Kentucky (R)

Charles Gillespie married Hannah Walton, Kentucky

Christopher Gillespie married Virgie Salyers, Creepy Co, Kentucky


Daniel Gillespie, KY
Daniel Gillespie, KY

Daniel Matthew Gillespie of Richmond, KY, son of Mr & Mrs Stephen Gillespie of Louisville, married Robin Denise Warren, daughter of Mr & Mrs Donnie Warren of Flat Lick, KY, on November 28, ___at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, in Corbin, KY. The bride is a graduate and works for Eastern State University. The groom is an Eastern State graduate and works for Armored Car Company, Lexington, Kentucky.

David Gillespie married Mary Richardson, Mercier Co, Kentucky

David Gillespie married Elizabeth Cleveland, Orange Co, Kentucky

David Gillespie Jr married Jane Brown June 30, 1810, Kentucky

David R Gillespie married Matilda Hatfield 1885 Kentucky


Earl Gillespie married Mabel G Sydnor June 16, 1945 Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Elizabeth Gillespie married Samuel Henderson, Kentucky

Ellsburgh Gillespie married Elizabeth Palmer, Kentucky


Francis Gillespie married James Smiley, Kentucky

Francis Gillespie married John Gover, Kentucky


George Gillespie married unnamed Cahall April 2, 1883, Falmouth, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

George M Gillespie married Sidney Williamson, Kentucky

George W Gillispie married Bertha Craddock Nov 13, 1908, Falmouth, Kentucky (R)

George W Gillespie married Malinda Allen, Montgomery Co, Kentucky


Henry Gillespie married Martha Hundley – of Pendleton County, Kentucky (census record. From VA)

Herman Gillespie married Louisa Lyons May 27, 1937 Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Hugh Gillespay married Betsey Ednew Feb 6, 1798 Harrison Co, Kentucky


James Gillespie married Betsy Quinn, Kentucky

James Gillispie married Rety Collier Oct 5, 1904, Falmouth, Kentucky (R)

James Gillespie, s/o Will Gillespie married Elizabeth Buchanan (from census records of Lexington, Kentucky)

Jeremiah Gillespie married Harriett Reynolds, Kentucky

John Gillespie married Margaret Keller Aug 25, 1795 Harrison County, Kentucky

John A Gillespie married Ellen Coins,  Kentucky

John C Gillespie married Lucy Slater Oct 24, 1947 Falmouth, Pendleton Co, Kentucky


Lee Gillespie married Alice Makemson, of Jessamine County, Bethel, Kentucky (census records)

Lewis Gillespie married Matilda Runyon – Barren Co, Kentucky

Lucinda I J Gillespie married John W Joiner Dec 30, 1873, Lyon County, Kentucky

Lucy Jane Gillespie married David McHenry, Kentucky


Martha Gillespie married Joh Riley Sharp May 23, 1850, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Mary Gillespie married Ronald R Laforce 1788 Scott County, Kentucky

Mary Gillespie married Lewis M McCarty Sept 19, 1902, Falmouth, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Mary Gillespie married Edward Perkins July 14, 1914 Falmouth, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Mary A Gillespie married Raney Maxey, Kentucky

Mary A Gillespie married William Street, Kentucky

Mary E Gillespie married Robert E Hetterman Nov 23, 1922, Pendleton County, Kentucky

Matthew Gillespie married Elizabeth –(from census of Floyd Co, Kentucky)

Michael Gillespie married Michael Goodbread, Warren Co, Kentucky (somewhat confusing, possibly Michelle?)


Nancy Gillespie married Jacob Brassfield Jan 8, 1797, Kentucky (last name also Bressfield)

Nancy  Gillespie married Thomas Weatherred, Kentucky

Nelson Gillespie married Nancy Barker – Simpson County, Kentucky

Norma Gillespie married James Lang Cummins May 9, 1991, Kentucky


Patsey Gillespy married Richard Broadus, Kentucky

Pearl Gillespie married Huston Gadd April 1, 1912, Falmouth, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Phinous U Gillespie married Angline M Hall Jan 15, 1884 Lyon County, Kentucky

Polly Gillespy married John Gutridge, Kentucky


Raymond Gillispie married Louisa McGuire May 21, 1930, Falmouth, Kentucky (R)

Reuben Gillespie married Lauran Graham 1833, of Hickman County, Kentucky  (from census of Hickman) (2nd record gives her first name as Louisa)

Robert Gillespie married Bobbie Gordan Nov 23, 1922, Pendleton Co, Kentucky

Robert C Gillespie married Angelina Hill, Kentucky – link to Missouri

Robert N Gillespie married Sallie F Bradley April 4, 1872, Simpson County, Kentucky


Sam Gillespie married Alyssa Hrabik on December 30, 2017 Louisville, Kentucky – (click on his name for website and photos)

Sarah Gillespie married Emory Patton, Kentucky

Stella M Gillespie married Granville Salyers, Culp Creek, Greenup Co, Kentucky


Tabitha Gillespie married William Melvin, Kentucky

Thomas J Gillespie married Mary Herndon, Kentucky


William Gillespie married Nancy Hudson -Madison County (from VA) (from census record), Kentucky

William Gillespie married Atha Ann Childers May 14, 1868, Kentucky

William A Gillespie married Martha J Hundley  Pendleton Co, Kentucky

William C Gillespie married Elizabeth, Christian Co (info from his deed).

William G Gillespie married Violet Mahonney 1957 Pendleton Co, Kentucky

William H Gillispie married Mariah McGraw Dec 21, 1912 Falmouth, Kentucky (R)

Note: Lyon County was formed in 1854 from Caldwell County. The county seat is Eddyville.

Just for interest: Daniel Boone married Rebecca Bryan, 2nd cousin to Levi Gillespie, Kentucky

Record Count: 70

Source of Records: Mormon website, wills, articles in books or newspapers, online records

