Agnes Gillespie married Daniel McLeod May 22, 1905 Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States
Agnes Olive Gillespie, 26, birth 1888, married Edward W Barnes, 38, birth 1876, on Feb 16, 1914 Burleigh, North Dakota, United States
Anna Gillespie, 38, birth 1871, married John, age 48, birth 1861, on April 21, 1909 McLean, North Dakota, United States. See next record.
Anna Gillespie married John Kinsley on May 6, 1909 McLean, North Dakota, United States.
Duncan F Gillespie, 24, birth 1876, married Mary Annie Meagher, 21, birth 1879, on July 25, 1900 Pembina, North Dakota, United States
Edward Gillespie, 23, birth 1889, married Della Cole, 17, birth 1895, on Nov 12, 1912 Bottineau, North Dakota, USA
George B Gillespie, 28, birth 1878, married Liza Bissel, 29, birth 1877, on Feb 21, 1906 Cavalier, North Dakota, United States
J L M E Gillespie, (female) 20, birth 1873, married H R Staples (male) 25, birth 1868 on May 24, 1893 Pembina, North Dakota, United States
Mary Gillespie, birth 1884, married Willie George Lorne Russell on June 14, 1916 Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States
Michale H Gillespie, 23, birth 1887, married Elmina P McShane, 20, birth 1890, on Dec 7, 1910 Mountrail, North Dakota, United States
Margaret K Gillespie, 25, birth 1870, married Chas R Chamber, 37, birth 1858, on May 14, 1895 Pembina, North Dakota, United States
Peter Gillespie birth 1872, married Emeline Goodman July 14, 1894 Pembina, North Dakota, United States
Roy G Gillespie married Lula Lamphier Oct 6, 1913 McKenzie, North Dakota, United States (2nd record gives spouse as Lulu Lanphear and wedding date as Oct 1, 1913)
Sarah Gillespie, 28, birth 1876 married John B Irwin, 34, birth 1870, on March 31, 1904 Cavalier, North Dakota, United States
Sarah G Gillespie, 19, birth 1894, married Albert A Busta. 23, birth 1900, on Oct 27, 1923 Richland, North Dakota, United States.
Thomas Gillespie, 49, birth 1858 married Emma Conrad, 41, birth 1866, on Sept 5, 1907 Bottineau, North Dakota, USA.
Thomas W Gillespie, 31, birth 1869 married Maud S Propper, 21, birth 1879, on Oct 17, 1900 Richland, North Dakota, United States
William Dowler Gillespie, 30, birth 1870, married Hannah Francis, 20, birth 1880, on July 10, 1900 Pembina, North Dakota, United States.
Records: 18
Source of Records: Mormon website, North Dakota, County Marriages, 1872-1958