Catherine Gillespie, birth Jan 22, 1895 Minnesota. Death August 1977 age 82 Europe. Previous residence postal address: XX800
Edmund Gillespie, birth May 31, 1898 Rhode Island, USA. Death June 1979 age 81. Previous residence postal code XX800
George Gillespie, birth April 29, 1902 Wisconsin, USA. Death April 1966, age 64 Europe. Previous residence postal code XX800
Helen Gillespie, birth June 19, 1884 Pennsylvania. Death January 1973, age 89. Previous postal code: XX802
Hugh Gillespie birth Sept 7, 1906 New York. Death October 1986, age 80 Europe. Previous residence postal code XX800
Katherine Gillespie, birth March 25, 1899 New York. Death March 1968, age 69 Europe. Previous residence code: XX802
Marion Gillespie, birth Dec 13, 1890 New York, USA Death March 1973, age 83 in Europe. Previous residence postal code: XX802
Mary Gillespie, birth Oct 1, 1913 New York, USA. Death December 1980, age 67, in Europe. Previous residence postal code: XX800
William Gillespie, birth July 22, 1903 New Jersey. Death February 1972, age 69 Europe.
William Gillespie birth Oct 16, 1909 New York; Death April 1976, age 67, Europe. Previous residence postal code: XX800
Note: The postal code XX800 appears to be invalid for the USA and Europe. I did not check the others.
Total Records: 10
Source of Records: USA Social Security Death Index