IRELAND: Marriages


Alexander Gillespie, born 1818, s/o James Gillespie, married Mary Picken 1848, July 11, Ireland

Alexander Gillespie, born 1829, s/o Alexander Gillespie, married Janet Warwick, 1850, Dec 19, Ireland

Alexander Gillespie, s/o Joseph Gillespie married Letitia Spotswood 1863, Nov 2, Ireland

Anne Gillespie, d/o William Gillespie, married Jacob  McRoberts 1868, Jan 3, Ireland

Anne Gillespie, born 1849, d/o Charles Gillespie, married James Moran 1868, Feb 23, Ireland

Arthur Gillespie, b 1830, s/o Hugh Gillespie, married Margaret Connor 1850, Aug 12, Ireland


Bridget Gillespie married John A Langdon, Ireland


(see also Katherine)

Catherine Gillespie, d/o Hamilton Gillespie, married John Scott May 8, 1848,  Ireland

Charlotte Gillespie, d/o John Gillespie, married George Orr 1848, April 13, Ireland


Elizabeth Gillespie, d/o Thomas Gillespie, married Alexander Magennis, 1848, Oct 10, Ireland

Eliza Gillespie, d/o James Gillespie, married Samuel McClay 1848, Aug 16, Ireland

Elizabeth Ann Gillespie, d/o Farnham Gillespie, married William Davidson 1847, March 5, Ireland

Elizabeth Ann Gillespie, born 1830, d/o George Gillespie, married Joseph Dilworth 1848, Sept 8, Ireland

Ephy Gillespie, born 1814, d/o William Gillespie, married William Patton, 1850, Jan 1, Ireland

Esther Gillespie married James Atcheson 1864, March 28, Ireland


Fanny Gillespie, d/o John Thompson married Samuel Jackson 1849, May 27, Ireland (?widow)


George Knox Gillespie married Anna Maria Farrell 1828, Ireland, Waterford & Lismore.


Hugh Gillespie married Miss Miss Mortimer Sept 1795 Ireland

Hugh Gillespie, born 1828, s/o George Gillespie, married Eliza Peebles 1848, Nov 30


Isaac Gillespie, s/o William Gillespie, married Eliza Jane Beatty 1863, Jan 6, Ireland

Isaac Gillespie, s/o John Gillespie, married Margaret McIlroy 1864, Feb 12, Ireland

Isabella Gillespie, d/o Oliver Gillespie, married William Hughes 1850, May 10, Ireland

Isabella Gillespie, d/o John Gillespie, married William Arnold, 1850, Dec 12, Ireland


James Gillespie married Margaret Offey 1732, Ireland

James Gillespie married Elizabeth Griffin 1765 Ireland

James Gillespie married Mary Byrne 1800, Ireland, Ossory, Ferns & Loughlin Diocese

James Gillespie married Miss Garron April 1801 Ireland

James Gillespie married Miss Gavou, April 1821, Ireland (bride also known  as Maria Gavon).

James Gillespie, s/o Joseph Gillespie, married Sarah Wright 1848, April 5, Ireland

James Gillespie, born 1818, s/o Oliver Gillespie, married Alice Anne Magee 1848, Sept 13, Ireland

James Gillespie, s/o Samuel Gillespie, married Martha Forbes 1850, Aug 25, Ireland

James Gillespie married Margaret Clarke 1864, March 9, Ireland

Jane Gillespie, d/o John Gillespie, married John McKelvery 1847, March 8, Ireland

Jane Gillespie, d/o James Gillespie, married George Gordon 1847, June 3, Ireland

Jane Gillespie, d/o Henry Gillespie, married John Doory 1848, March 3, Ireland

John Gillespie married Lucy Rowan, 1806, Ireland, Cloyne Diocese.

John Gillespie married Dorothea Griffin 1808, Ireland, Cloyne Diocese.

John Gillespie, s/o John Gillespie, married Eliza Rutherford 1850 April 26, Ireland

John Gillespie married Helen Cunningham 1861, Ireland.


Letitita Gillespie, born 1828,  d/o Edward Gillespie, married Robert Gamble, 1847, Nov 5, Ireland


Margaret Gillespie, d/o John Gillespie, married Robert Hendry 1848, Jan 31, Ireland

Margaret Gillespie d/o Charles Gillespie married John Hillis 1868, Jan 31, Ireland

Maria Gillespie, d/o James Gillespie, married William Munn, 1849, Oct 1, Ireland

Martha Gillespie, d/o Samuel Gillespie, married Thomas Neill 1848, Sept 24, Ireland

Martha Gillespie, born 1829 d/o John Gillespie, married Samuel Boyd 1850, Oct 8, Ireland

Mary Gillespie, d/o Alexander Gillespie, married John Delmer 1847, April 9, Ireland

Mary Gillespie, d/o John Gillespie, married James Boyd 1850, Dec 6, Ireland

Mary Gillespie married Henry Vernon 1864, Feb 11, Ireland

Mary Gillespie married John Moffat 1868, July 27, Ireland

Mary Anne Gillespie, d/o William Gillespie, married John Hamill 1850, Dec 20, Ireland

Mary Anne Gillespie married John McGuckin 1864, March 29, Ireland

Mathew Gillespie, s/o Mathew Gillespie married Susan Patterson 1848, Nov 12, Ireland


Patrick Gillespie married Ellen Flanagan 1864, Jan 6, Ireland


Robert Gillespie married April 1752 Mrs Elizabeth McGowan, Ireland, widow, first husband William McGowan.

Robert Gillespie married Mary Ann Carney 1864, April 4, Ireland

Robert Rollo Gillespie, Esq, married Hon Miss Wilhelmina Massey March 25, 1818, Ireland,daughter of Baron Clarina, groom in 20th Light Dragoons. Couple married at Cork. (Date also given as May 1820).


Samuel Gillespie, s/o William Gillespie, married Ann Todd, 1847, Nov 25, Ireland

Sarah Jane Gillespie, d/o James Gillespie, married James Nicholson 1850, Feb 21, Ireland.

Stewart Gillespie, s/o Charles Gillespie, married Sarah Steele 1848, March 2, Ireland


Thomas Gillespie married 1818 Elizabeth Butler, Ireland,  Ossory, Ferns & Loughlin Diocese

Thomas Gillespie married Frances Scales 1841, Ireland, Killaloe Diocese

Thomas Gillespie, s/o John Gillespie, married Eliza Jane Henderson 1848, March 13, Ireland


William Gillespie, born 1840, s/o Joseph Gillespie, married Jane Spotteswood 1863, July 31, Ireland

William John Gillespie, Esq, married Miss Catherine Amelia Gillman, Dec 29, 1932, Dublin, pre marriage settlement.

William Orme Gillespie married Mary S Davis 1821, Ireland, Killala & Achonry Diocese (date may also have been shown as 1827)

Record Count: 65

Sources:  Irish Genealogy, Mormon website.

