Anne Gillespie birth 1856 Carlow, Ireland
Carol E Gillespie, birth Jan-March 1946 Carlow, Ireland
Catherine Gillespy baptism Nov 25, 1782 Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. Father James Gillespy. Mother Katherine Gillespy.
Catherine Jane Gillespie birth 1876 Carlow, Ireland
Catherine Jane Gillespie, baptism Jan 10, 1877 of Barracks, Carlow. Father Richard Gillespie. Mother Eliza. Birth Dec 10,1876.
Charles Gillespy baptism April 10, 1780 Co Carlow, Ireland. Father James Gillespy. Mother Katherine Gillespy.
Charles Gillespy baptism June 15, 1785 Tullow, Co Carlow. Names of parents not given.
Daniel James Gillespie of Carlow, Ireland, baptized July 5, 1882 at Carlow, Father Richard Gillespie, Mother Eliza Gillespie. Birth May 19, 1881.
Eleanor Gilespy baptism Feb 22, 1818 Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. Father Robert Gilespy. Mother Mary Gilespy.
Elizabeth Gillespy baptism Nov 25, 1789 Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. Father James Gillespy. Mother Katherine Gillespy
Elizabeth Gillespie birth Aug 30, 1870 Ballymurphy, County Carlow, Ireland. Father William Gillespie. Mother Isabella Burns Gillespie.
Emmanuel Gillespie of Carlow, Ireland birth Dec 25, 1883. Baptized Jan 16, 1884 Father Richard Gillespie, Mother Eliza Gillespie
Emmanuel Gillespie, baptized Jan 16, 1884 Carlow, Ireland. Father Richard Gillespie. Mother Eliza. Birth Dec 25, 1883
George Gillespy baptism Oct 15, 1740 Tullow, Carlow. Father Thos Gillespy. Mother Johanna Gillespy.
George Gillespy baptism Oct 5, 1742 Tullow, Co Clare.
George R Gillespie, birth July-Sept 1942. Mother’s Maiden Name Ashmore.
James Gillespy baptism November 22, 1778 Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. Father James Gillespie. Mother Katherine Gillespy.
James Gillespie of N/R baptized January 12, 1809 Carlow, Ireland, son of Henry Gillespie and Cathe. Birth 1809.
John Gilaspey baptism Sept 3, 1769, Tullow, Carlow. Son of James Gilaspey and Ann Gilaspey.
Julia Gillespie of Borris, Co Carlow, Ireland, birth and baptism August 9, 1898 at Clonagoose Congregation, Church or Parish, Carlow. Father Gillespie, Mother Julia Gillespie.
Mary Ellen Gillespie, birth Sept 14, 1874 Toorboy, Wicklow and Carlow, Ireland. Father John Gillespie, mother Anne Quinlan Gillespie (see Quinlans in Co Carlow)
Michael Gillespy baptism Oct 22, 1785 Tullow, Co Carlow. Father James Gillespy. Mother Katherine Gllespy.
Richard George Gillespie birth Oct 23, 1878 Carlow, Ireland.
Richard J Gillespie birth Jan – March 1944 Carlow, Ireland. Mother’s Maiden Name Ashmore
Richard S Gillespie birth Jan-March 1935 Carlow, Ireland, Mother’s maiden name Wynne.
Richard W Gillespie, birth 1866. Death Oct 1951. Carlow, Ireland
Robart Gilaspy baptism Sept 15, 1771 Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. Father James Gilaspy. Mother Anne Gilaspy.
Robert Gillespie, birth 1856 Carlow, Ireland
Robert James Gillespie of Bageanalstown, Carlow, Ireland, birth June 23, 1857, baptized July 26, 1857 at Dunleckney, Carlow. Father Robert Gillespie, a Policeman, Mother Anne Gillespie
Shusanna Gilaspey baptism April 17, 1774 Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland. Father James Gilaspey. Mother Katrine Gilaspey
Thomas Gilaspey July 26, 1767 Tullow, Co Carlow. Father James Gilaspey. Mother Ann Gilaspie.
William Henry Gillespie, birth Oct 7, 1880 Carlow, Ireland. Father Richard Gillespie, mother Eliza Hoolahan Gillespie. Baptism Oct 31, 1880. (note: He may have died in the Atlantic Ocean because of the RMS Titanic shipwreck en route America April 15, 1912, age 31. His siblings: Emmanuel, Esther Deborah, Ada Ruth, Matthew. (see 1911 census)
Maria MURRAY, birth Sept 3, 1867 Coolkenna and Hacketstown, Carlow, Ireland. Father William Murray, Mother Anne Gillespie
William MURRAY, birth Oct 25, 1865 Coolkenna and Hacketstown, Carlow, Ireland. Father William Murray. Mother Anne Gillespie
Thomas WILSON, birth April 1, 1875 Wicklow and Carlow Ireland, father William Wilson. Mother Catherine Gillespie
Record Count 35
Source of Records: Mormon website, Ireland Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881; Irishgenealogy.ie website. Ireland Civil Registration Indexes, 1845-1958. Wikitree