Slide 55 of 100: Hitler inspecting a group of SA Members during World War II, Germany, 1939-1945. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party. Its members were known as the 'Brownshirts' because of the colour of their uniforms. The SA played an important part in Hitler's (1889-1945) rise to power in Germany but its significance was effectively ended when its leaders were killed in the 'Night of the Long Knives' in 1934, with the rival Schutzstaffel (SS) taking over its role. Artist Unknown.

Hitler inspecting a group of SA (Sturmabteilung) members in Germany in 1939. SA was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party.

Becklingen War Cemetery, GERMANY

Robert James Gillespie, Private, ID 14442983. Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) United Kingdom. Died April 14, 1945.  Soltau, Heidekreis, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany

Durnbach War Cemetery, Bad Tolz, Bayern, GERMANY

Edward Albert Gillespie, of UK, ID 1796391, Sergeant (Air Gunner), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, 83rd Squadron. Died Aug 26, 1944, Gmund am Tegernsee, Landkreis Miesbach, Bavaria (Bayern), Germany

Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Keive, Nordrheim-Weifalen, GERMANY – close to the Dutch border, appx 130 km north of Koln.

Alan Gillespie, UK, ID 144205, Pilot Officer (Air Bomber), Royal A. F. Volunteer Reserve, 617 Squadron. Died May 16, 1943, age 20. Awarded DFM. s/o Robert & Margaret Gillespie of Carlyle, England.  Kleve, Kreis Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Alexander Gillespie, UK, ID 14749062, Rifleman. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 9th Btn Died Feb 22, 1945, age 18.  Kleve, Kreis Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Anthony Edward Gillespie, Australian. ID 439630, Flight Sergeant, Royal Australian Air Force. Died March 8, 1945, age 19. s/o Thomas Joseph Gillespie & Florence Mary Margaret of Chatswood NSW, Australia.  Kleve, Kreis Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

John Ronald Gillespie, Pilot Officer, ID 182168, Royal Air Force Reserve. United Kingdom. Died October 7, 1944.  Kleve, Kreis Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Robert Glennie Gillespie, Private, ID 1447473, Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), United Kingdom. Died March 24, 1945.

Thomas Gillespie, Private, ID 1500748 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, United Kingdom, died March 24, 1945.  Kleve, Kreis Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

William Gillespie, Corporal, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), United Kingdom. Died March 9, 1945.  Kieve, Kreis Kleve, Nordrhein-Westafeln, Germany

Source of Records: A Grave

Record Count: 9
