Andrew P Gillespie of Brown, Bonnell & Co, works occupation, Location 630 Pike, Youngstown, OH
Charles Gillaspie of The M. V. Iron Co, works, 611 Albert, Youngstown, Ohio
Edward Gillespie of The M. V. Iron Co, works, 611 Albert, Youngstown, Ohio
James Gillespie of The M. V. Iron Co, puddler, 611 Albert, Youngstown, Ohio
James Gillespie of Brown, Bonnell Co, Heater, e.s. Presque Isle, 7th house e of 779, Youngstown, Ohio
John Gillespie of The M V Iron Co, puddler, 476 Lansing Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio
Miss Mary Gillespie, seamstress, 630 Pike, Youngstown, Ohio
Miss Mary A Gillespie of Mrs May M Quinn business, seamstress, 330 Pike, Youngstown, Ohio
Patrick Gillespie of Thomas Conroy business, salesman, Poland Avenue s of city, Youngstown, Ohio
Thomas Gilespie of Youngstown Rolling Mill, works, 325 Pike, Youngstown, Ohio
William Gillespie of The M V Iron Co, works, 611 Albert, Youngstown, Ohio
Records: 11
Source: not recorded but probably online