Strange comment to begin a post. I am not fond of recycling, as I was forced to use six bins at one point in my life. Currently garbage goes out once every two weeks in this area, at a cost of $2.50 a bag, and only one bag allowed per household. Stickers to buy are available at many locations.

But my mind is not thinking of trash in this regard. But rather, things that have built up over a lifetime in one’s mind that pull us down into the mire. Truth is that, what we think about can become our reality, even if it is not actually real. So much of life is perception. How we think about ourselves; how we see others.
Rather than focusing on that, what ways can I get rid of the negatives in life that discourage me? The trash of the past, failures, misunderstandings, and even allowing people, events, feelings into my life that I should not have. Is there a way to bag it all up and get rid of it? Do I have to pay a fee?
Well, some people go to professionals. Most of us do not want to face things in life that makes us look, or feel a failure. But failure is supposed to be success turned inside out, meaning of course, it can be a blessing, not a curse, if we choose that road. Yes, I do believe in this, but maintaining a good attitude takes work. Occasionally I balk, and sabotage my own good efforts.
Part of the answer must surely be knowing who one really is, and what makes one unique. Apart from our jobs, our bank accounts, our possessions, our education and so on. We each have strengths and weaknesses, so it is very important that we go through life as a worthwhile and valuable human being. That can be lost, but also restored. It helps to find a positive thought about yourself every day. Say it out loud to yourself, about yourself and make it something true and complimentary. Never say anything negative about yourself, and block thoughts like that in your mind. Yes, we can control our mind.
I also think if we are grateful for what has happened, our change of attitude will give us a lot of peace and contentment. Let us begin to accept that no matter what has happened, we are still here, and we can be better for any suffering we experience. Accepting it, rather than rebelling against it. The other response of bitterness and hatred is a dark road to death. It does take time, just as any healing does. Choosing every day to enjoy life. Ask God for help, and focus on doing something good for somebody else.
Upsets come when least expected, and some may cause a flashback to a painful event. Some even rip away the scar tissue built there. But, I know as a medical person that regular application of a soothing medication will bring about healing again. What medication? Make sure whatever you choose that it will not hurt you, punish you, put you down, or shame you.

I listen to a lot to Bill Gaither Gospel video tapes, cause music is very soothing and uplifting. This is music I really like–lots of country and bluegrass– with marvellous messages. Joyce Meyer’s sharing helps me learn about God better and how to apply His teachings to my life. I read the Bible a lot, cause people can only help so far. I am inspîred and challenged, and I need that a lot.
Some of us may go through life with a few scars. Let them be memory chips of worthwhile battles. Something to be proud of and not feared. If attacked and wounded emotionally, physically or even psychologically, retreat. A wounded soldier knows to do that, as his strength falters. Not fleeing, but withdrawing in order to heal and recover, and regroup. There are some battles we should not try to face alone. Gather around you people who like you, and who will provide a sense of security and happiness through regular fellowship. Stay away from those who hate and want revenge and plot evil.
One more thought. Can garbage of others be a gold mine for us? I mean, can I learn from the struggles of others, how to apply self control and discipline to my life? Having a better diet is known to affect our mood. What am I eating? Stop and take a hard look. Then make changes. If our body lacks basic chemicals, such as domaine and seretonin, we may need medication to function normally. So, work with a doctor to ensure your body is able to function as it should. Block, repel, get rid of anything that wants to hurt and wound or discourage us again. Throw out the garbage of bad habits and replace it something lovely.
Personally, I am grateful today because I have found that seeing my own need draws me closer to God. I am encouraged when I read these words:
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD. Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will seek Me, and find Me. when you search for Me with all your heart
Jeremiah 29:11-13 The Holy Bible
Let me be borrow from Amal Clooney’s recent speach, that originated from former First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt:
“It is better to light a candle, than curse the darkness.”