ASIA: Myanmar (Burma)

Map of Myanmar (Burma)

Burmese flag on a flag pole gif animation

Many early vital statistic records for births, marriages and deaths are found under India when the British Empire controlled the region.

Death Records:

Anthony Gillespie born Dec 25, 1941 Burma. Died April 24, 2024 peacefully at home in New Zealand. See NZ for fuller obit.

Harry Tantrum Gilhespy, death Jan 2, 1945. Burial Taukkyan War Cemetery,   Htauk Kyant, Yangon Region, Burma

John Gilhespie, death Oct 12, 1943. Remembered on  Rangoon Memorial, Yangon Region, Myanmar (Burma)

(Note: spelling of name as given in record)

Total Records: 3

Source of Records: Find A Grave Index
