CANADA: Alberta Census 1916

201 Gillespies in 1916 census for Alberta in communities of: Battle River, Bow River, Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, MacLeod, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Strathcona, Victoria


Horace Gillespie, 36, Irish, born Ontario 1880, married, head of family

  • Cora Gillespie, wife, age 36 yrs, born USA
  • Ethel Gaurgan, step daughter, age 8 yrs, born USA


Douglas Gillespie, age 58, married, Scotch, born Ontario 1858, head of household. Immigration year 1914.

  • E Della Gillespie, 43 years, wife, born USA
  • Mabel E Gillespie, 14 years, born United  States, daughter
  • Lois B Gillespie, 11 years, born United States, daughter
  • John D Gillespie 7 years, born United States, son
  • Grove A Gillespie, male, 3 years old, born United States, son.


John Gillespie, 39, married, Irish, born Ontario 1877. Living in Bow River, Alberta, Twp 13, head of family.

  • Ella Gillespie, wife, age 30, born Ontario
  • Ivan Gillespie, son,  1 year, born Alberta
  • Katharine Gillespie, daughter, age 3 years, born Alberta
  • 2 Labourers living with family


Duncan Gillespie, age 40, married, Scotch, born Ontario 1876, head of family

  • Maud Gillespie, 36 years, wife born Prince Edward Island
  • Verna Gillespie, daughter, age 5 years, born Alberta
  • Newton Gillespie, son, age 4 years, born Alberta
  • Alexander Gillespie, 25 yrs, nephew, born Ontario


John Gillespie, 36 years, born British  Columbia, boarder, English, b 1880, living with other 3 others in household  of Elle Porterfield. Township 29



James Parke, 64 years, born Ireland, head of household. Township 14.

  • Jane Parke, 59 years, born Ireland, wife
  • Gladys Bisssele, age 15 years, born USA, granddaughter
  • Bissle, female, age 14 years, born USA
  • George Gillespie, age 9 years, born USA, Irish, grandson, Immigration year 1910.
  • Earl Gillespie, age 9 yrs, born USA, grandson
  • Wilbert Gillespie, age 7 yrs, born USA, grandson
  • Charles Gillespie, age 5 yrs, born Saskatchewan, grandson
  • John Gillespie, age 4 years, born Saskatchewan, grandson


Alfred A DICK, age 35, Scotch origins, married, born 1881 Manitoba, head of household, township Alexander Hotel, Calgary 34, Alberta

  • Vera T Dick, age 25, born Ontario, wife
  • G Vera Dick, 10 m, daughter, born Alberta

(Vera was a Gillespie. This couple survived the sinking of the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean in 1912 when they were returning to Canada from a European honeymoon).

Geo Gillespie, age 28, born Manitoba 1888, married, Scotch, Head of household, Township Dick

  • May Gillespie, 32, born USA, wife
  • Ethel Gillespie, 10, born USA


John Gillespie, age 58, married, born Scotland 1858, head of family. Immigration year 1884. Township 720.

  • Hannah Gillespie, 53 years, born England, wife
  • Isabella Gillespie, 14 years, born Alberta, daughter.


William G Gillespie, age 37, married, born Ontario 1879, English, head of family

  • Elma Gillespie, 32 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Una L Gillespie, 10 years, daughter, born Ontario
  • Adelaide N Gillespie, 8 years, daughter, born Ontario
  • Francis E Gillespie, 2 years, daughter, born Ontario
  • Ray Philis Gillespie, female, 5 months, born Alberta, daughter
  • Elizabeth Lawson, age 62 years, mother-in-law, born Ontario.


Fred Wm Gillespie, age 50, born Alberta 1866, married, Irish, head of household

  • Annie Gillespie, age 45 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Wilbur Fred Gillespie, 18 years, born Ontario, son
  • Verne Albert Gillespie, 3 years, born Alberta, son
  • Lodger

Note: This couple was the parents of Vera Gillespie who had  married Albert Dick and was returning from their honeymoon in Europe when they were shipwrecked when the Titanic sank in the Atlantic in 1912. The couple survived to live out their lives in Calgary.


Malcolm Gillespie, age 34, single, Scotch, born Ontario 1882, living in household of David Preston McNabb.


Amy Gillespie, age 37, widowed, born Dundas, Ontario 1879, head of household.

  • Jane Hydman, 75 years, born Dundas, Ontario

(Note: Amy was my father’s 2nd wife, who had left him and moved with her parents and daughter to Calgary. She is hiding her separation/divorce, and living with her mother, while in the next record we see her daughter, Eileen is living a few houses away with someone unknown, possibly Amy’s brother using a false name.  There seems to be an attempt to hide in these records, possibly to prevent Sam from finding them and for greater social respectability).

Eileen Emangellis Gillespie age 11 years, born Quebec 1905, single

  • Jack Handman, 35 years, born United States, roomer.

Note: Eileen’s second name was Amaryllis


Robert M Gillespie, age 32 years, born Scotland 1884. Immigrated 1903, married, head of household.

  • Anna Gillespie, age 32, born England, wife
  • Henry W Gillespie, age 6 years, born Alberta, son
  • Marie Gillespie, 2 years, born Alberta, daughter.


Jessie Gillespie, 21 years, born Ontario, lodger in household of William J McBratney.


J H R Gillespie, age 40 years, married, head of household

  • Mary Gillespie, 38 years, wife
  • Robert Gillespie, son, age 10 years
  • Margaret Gillespie, age 8 years, born Manitoba, daughter
  • Charles Gillespie, 6 yrs, born Manitoba, son
  • Mary Gillespie, 3 years, Scotch, born 1913 in British Columbia, daughter


John S Gelospie, age 29, married, Scotch, born Ontario 1887. Head of household,  Township 113 Calgary West.

  • Edith M Gillespie, 35 years, born Manitoba, wife


Agnes Gillespie, age 454, married, Irish origins, born Ireland 1871. Immigrated 1911. Head of household. Township 11 Calgary West.

  • Andrew Gillespie, age 28 years, born Scotland, son
  • Dave Gillespie, 28 years, born Scotland, son
  • John A Gillespie 26 years, born Scotland, son
  • Margaret Gillespie, age 24 years, born Scotland, daughter
  • Agnes Gillespie, 16 years, born Scotland, daughter
  • Fern Gillespie age 4 years, granddaughter
  • Eldon D Gillespie age 2 years, grandson, born Alta


Minnie Gillespie, age 50, widowed, Scotch origins, born United States 1866. Immigrated 1870. Living in large household of Elizabeth Hodges as a ‘help’ with many others. Township 25 Calgary West


William L Gillespie, age 36, married, Irish origins, born 1880 Ontario. Head of household.

  • Stella M Gillespie age 36 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Margaret Gillespie, 8 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • William Gillespie, 10 m, born Alberta, son.


William Gillispie, age 30, single, Irish origins, born United States 1886. Immigrated 1916. A Boarder in household of J M M Davidson.


Richard Gilhespie, 44, married, English origins, Born England 1872. Immigrated 1911. Township 21st Street, Macleod. Head of household.

  • Jennie Gilhespie, 39 years, born England, wife
  • Margaret Gilhespie, 15 years, born England, daughter
  • Elizabeth Gillespie, 14 years, born England, daughter
  • Ruth Gilhespie, 12 years, born England, daughter
  • Amelia Gilhespie, 10 years, born  England, daughter


Robert Gillespie, 60 years, born Ireland, married, head of household. Immigration year 1886.

  • Marie Gillespie, age 52 years, born Ireland, wife
  • James Gillespie, age 23 years, son, born Ireland
  • Rebecca Gillespie, 22 years, daughter, born Alberta

James Gillispie age 36, single, Scotch origins, born 1880 Ontario, Canada. Lodger in household of Thomas Wadden.


John Gillespie, age 43, married, Scotch, born Ontario, head of household

  • Pauline Gillespie, age 41 years, wife, born England
  • Annie Gillespie, age 8 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • Edith Gillespie, age 8 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • H John Gillespie, 4 years, born Alberta, son
  • Margerie Gillespie 1 years born Alberta, daughter


Nellie J Gillespie, age 47 years, Scotch, born Ontario 1869, head of household

  • Gertrude Gillespie, 14 years, daughter, born United States.


G G Gillespie, age 36 years, born Ontario 1880, Irish, married, head of household

  • Helen Gillespie, age 31 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Agnes Gillespie, 7 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • John Gillespie, 5 years, born Alberta, son


John Gillespie, age 32 years, born Ontario 1884, Irish, married, head of household

  • Jane Gillespie, age 30 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Ema Gillespie, 1 year, daughter, born Alberta


Daniel Gillespie, age 45 years, married, English, born Ontario 1871. Township 21.


John Gillespie, age 64 years, born Ontario 1852, married, Scotch, head of household. Township 22.

  • Emma Gillespie, 57 years, born SWEDEN, wife


James Gillespie, age 28 years, born Ontario 1888. married, Scotch. Township 30

  • Ethel Gillespie, age 23 years, born Ontario, wife


George Gillespie, age 64 years, born Ontario 1852. married, Scotch. Head of household, Township 31.

  • Bethea Gillespie, age 63 years, born Ontario, wife.

Notes: This couple may have immigrated from McNab Twp, Renfrew Co, Ontario. Bertha or Bethea Carswell, b 1852 married George Gillespie Sept 29, 1887 in McNab Twp. George may have been the son of Colonel Gillespie of Quebec City military history. Scottish origins. 5 sons: James, Robert, George Jr, Alexander (who moved to New Brigden, AB, signed on as WW1 Soldier in Calgary 1918, age 25) & Thomas, b 1896. 

Medicine Hat continued…

Robert Andrew Gillespie, age 25, single, Scotch, born 1891 Ontario. Township 31. Living alone.


Emerson Gillespie, 36 years, born Ontario 1880. Married, English origins. Head of household. Township 27

  • Mary Gillespie, 36 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Lewis Gillespie, 9 years, born Ontario, son
  • Three labourers living in household.


Annie Gillaspie, age 18 years, born Pl (?Prince Edward Island) 1898, single, of Scotch origins, Township 41 Red Deer. Servant in houseold of Sam Billmore.


Robert Gilespie, age 45, married, Scotch origins, born Scotland 1871. Immigrated 1882. Head of Household, Township 40 Red Deer

  • Geanie Gilespie, age 45 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Anny Gilespie, age 17 years, born Ontario, daughter
  • Allen Gilespie, age 15 years, born Ontario, son
  • Ellen Gilespie, age 13 years, born Ontario, daughter


Emma Gillespie, age 50 years, born United States 1866. Immigrated 1907. Township 42, Red Deer. Head of household.

  • Delbert Gillespie, 9 years, born United States, son
  • Denzel Conrad, age 20 years, born United States, son
  • Orcea Conrad,son, age 17 years, born United States
  • Vinita Conrad, age 16 years, born United States, daughter
  • Lizzie Conrad, age 14 years, born United States, daughter
  • Edward Conrad, age 12, born United States, son

Robert Gillespie, age 49 years, born Canada 1867. Scotch, married, head of household. Township 33.

  • Annie Gillespie, age 18 years, born  Canada, daughter
  • Bessie Gillespie 16 years, born Canada, daughter
  • Alta Gillespie, 12 years, born Canada, daughter
  • Jean Gillespie, age 10 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • Ralph Gillespie, age 7 years, born Alberta, son
  • Jessie Gillespie, age 5 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • Lodger


George Cavan, 35 years, born Ontario, married, head of household

               Gertrude Cavan, 35 years, born Ontario, wife

  • Grace Cavan, 1 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • Fried Cook, 14 years, born Ontario, daughter
  • Hugh Gillespie, age 61 years, born Ontario 1855, father-in-law, widowed, Scotch


Paul Gillespie, age 34 yeas, born Scotland 1882. Immigration 1907. married, of Scotch origins, head of household, Township 51st Batt.

  • Lillian Gillispie, age 31 hears, born England, wife
  • Ronald Gillispie, age 1 years, born Alberta, son


Charles Gillespie, age 31, born Ontario 1885, married, Scotch, Township 49.

  • Florence Gillespie, 30 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Donald Gillespie, age 9 years, son, born Ontario
  • Malcolm Gillespie, age 7 years, born Manitoba, son
  • Florence Gillespie, age 5 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • Frances Gillespie, son, age 4 years, born Alberta
  • Agatha Gillespie, 2 years, born Alberta, daughter
  • Dorothy Gillespie, 7 months, born  Alberta, daughter


Fred Gillespie, age 37, married, Scotch,  born Canada 1879. Head of household.

  • Charlotte Gillespie, 26 years, born Canada, wife
  • Ethel Gillespie, 8 years, daughter, born Canada
  • 10 boarders


Era Gillespie, age 38, born United States 1878.  Irish origins. Immigrated 1910. Head of household. Township 46.

  • Ocea Gillespie, age 39 years, born United States, wife
  • Virgil Gillespie, 9 years, son, born United States
  • Ora Gilespie, 3 years, son, born Alberta
  • servant

John  Gillespie, age 37, born Scotland 1879, married, immigrated 1906. Scotch origins. Head of household. Township 52.

  • Elisabeth Gillespie, 36 years, born Ontario. wife
  • Donald Gillespie, 1 year, 10 months old, son


Dougal C Gillespie, age 57, Scotch, born Ontario 1859, married, Head of Household, Township 45

  • Jean Gillespie, age 51 years, born Ontario, wife
  • Jean Gillespie, age 23 years, daughter, born Ontario
  • Duncan A Gillespie, age 21 years, son, born Ontario
  • William Gillespie, age 19 years, son, born Ontario
  • Lorne C Gillespie, age 17 years, son, born Ontario
  • Alice M Gillespie, age 15 years, daughter, born Ontario
  • Douglas F Gillespie, 13 years, son, born Ontario
  • Islay M Gillespie, age 8 years, daughter, born Ontario
  • Margaret Gillespie, age 77 years, born Ontario, mother

Note: Islay’s name,  as well of the use of the first names of Dougald, Duncan and Douglas indicate that this family had strong Isle of Islay, Argyllshire roots from Scotland, and probably moved here from Ontario.

Record Count: 160

Source:  not recorded
