Where did they go?
Agnes Gillespie & James McClure of Co Donegal to Virginia, Augusta Co, USA 1735.
Alice Gillespie arrived from Co Donegal 1899 New York, 20 years old.
Allin or Virgil Gillespie to MIssouri & Texas, USA
Andrew Gillespie, age 25, arrived from Co Donegal in New York 1915.
Ann Gillespie b 1835 in Co Tyrone. d/o Michael & Ann, to Manhattan, New York by 1864. Housekeeper. Both parents deceased. Arrived US 1845.
Anne Gillespies, ages 28, 24 and 22 all of Co Donegal, arrived in New York 1894.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 28 arrived in New York 1892
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 26 arrived in New York 1899.
Annie Gillespie, age 19 of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1901.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 29, arrived in New York 1902.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, aged 30, arrived in New York 1903.
Annie Gillespie, of Co Donegal, age 60, a widow, arrived in New York 1905.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 19, arrived in New York 1907.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 27, arrived in New York 1907.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 23, arrived in New York 1912.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 23 arrived in New York 1912.
Annie Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 30, arrived in New York 1913.
Annie Gillespie & James Bradley from Burcrana, Co Donegal to New York, USA and England.
Anthony Gillespie of Co Donegal, arrived in New York 1901, aged 26.
Anthony Gillespie of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1910, aged 24.
A. W. Gillespie of Catlederry, to Dumfries, Scotland
Bella Gillespie of Co Donegal,age 2, arrived in New York 1893.
Bella Gillespie of Co Donegal, aged 20, arrived in New York in 1907.
Benedict A. Gillespie, s/o Daniel of Co Donegal to New York 1920.
Bernard Gillespie of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1903, age 40.
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 18, arrived in New York 1893.
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 20, arrived in New York 1894.
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal to Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal arrived in New York, 1899, age 19.
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1901, age 19
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal, arrived in New York 1903, age 18.
Bridget Gillespies of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1904, ages 22 and 30
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1906, age 19.
Bridget Gillespie of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1907, age 20.
Bridget Gillespies of Co Donegal arrived in New York 1909, aged 23 & 24 and one woman was married, age 29.
Bridget Early Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 15, arrived in New York 1921.
Charles Gillespie (1808-1881) Amaranth Twp pioneer, to Dufferin Co, Ontario CANADA. Native of Strabane, Co Tyrone. Wife Mary Jane Rennick (nee Boyd). 1809-1882, widow of John Rennick. Ennikillen. Both buried in Orangeville, Ontario
Charles Edward Gillespie of Co Donegal, Killybegs, to Indiana then Arkansas, USA
Connell Gillespie & Mary McNeilly of Co Donegal to Indiana, then Springfield, Missouri. Died in Texas, USA
Cornelius Gillespie & Mary Falkner from Moville, Co Donegal to Brooklyn, New York.
Edward Gillespie 1790-1797 & Nancy Carr to Alleghany Co, Pennsylvania USA from Co Donegal, about 1818.
Ellen Gillespie b 1868 m Isaac Harris. From Co Donegal. To England.
Elizabeth Gillespie, m George Graham of Co Tyrone. Two children died en route in Quebec on board the ship, Lord Seaton, June 1847. Buried Grosse Island.
Eunice Gillespie of Kilcar, Co Donegal m Patrick Dougherty. She to Pennsyvania. Died New Jersey, USA.
Fritz Gillespie of Co Donegal. His descendants to Indiana, USA
George Gillespie of Co Tyrone to Washington Co, Pennsylvania, USA
Hugh Gillespie of Co Donegal to New York 1869. Links to Buck Mountain, Pennsylania, USA
James Gillespie of Co Donegal 1820-1867 to Hillsborough, New Brunswick, Canada 1838. Married Rosanna Steeves.
James Gillespie of Co Donegal expelled to Australia 1837 for 7 years.
James Gillespie of Co Tyrone married Annie Caldwell. Child Elizabeth to Australia.
James Gillespie m Agnes & Nancy Gillespie of Co Tyrone, To Jefferson Twp, Guernsey Co, Ohio, then moved to Pennsylvania.
James Gillespie & wife Francis of Co Tyrone, two daughters to Stormont Co, Ontario.
James Gillespie of Co Tyrone m Ellen Sterret. Son William to Boston, Massachusetts
James Gillespie of Co Tyrone 1806-1852 buried Mono Mills, Dufferin Co, Ontario CANADA. Wife Ann d 1866, age 62. George son d 1844, age 7 yrs.
James Gillespie, age 20 of Co Donegal, ploughman,s/o Daniel & Peggy, RC from Tullaghobeygley to Sydney, Australia 4 Oct 1859 on ship Cariboo (Donegal Relief Fund)
James Gillespie of Co Donegal b 1820 s/o John & Nancy (McClintic) to Brooklyn, New York 1841.
James Gillespie of Co Donegal m Margaret Weldon. To Wheeling, West Virginia, USA
Jane, Sally, Margaret & Catherine Gillespie from Co Donegal, Moville on ship Elizabeth 1850 to Philadelphia.
Jane Gillespie, 1820-1852 of Trillick, Co Tyrone m Noble Morrison to Huntley Twp, Carleton Co, Ontario CANADA. Four daughters, 3 sons, some who moved to Wetaskwin in Alberta.
John Gillespie of Co Tyrone, bookseller in Strabane. To Kirkintillock, Scotland. Died in Glasgow.
John Gillespie of Co Donegal, Killybegs, to Western Michigan, USA
John Gillespie and sister Elizabeth (she married James Armstrong) from Clogher, Tyrone to New York City, then PA.
John Gillespie of Co Tyrone d 1835 in Pennsyvania. m Margaret Chadwick.Daughter to New York to settle in Ligonier, PA with other family members already there.
Luke Gillespie, of Co Donegal m Mary Quinn McGowan, to Kellyville, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA
Margaret Gillespie of Co Donegal, do John (a ship’s pilot), m Patrick McLaughlin. Moved to New York, then Pennsylvania
Margaret Gillespie of Co Tyrone, 1790-1848 to Kittamning, Armstrong Co, Pennsylvania. m John Mosgrove.
Margaret Gillespie of Co Tyrone became Mrs. I McConnell. Died 1878, age 70. Buried Osnabruck Twp, Stormont Co, Ontario CANADA.
Mary Gillespie, age 46 of Co Donegal, m William Harriet. To RenfrMew, Scotland.
Mary Gillespie of Co Donegal, age 46, Kilmainham Gaol, expelled 1836 to Australia for 7 years.
Mary Gillespie of Co Donegal ordered for transportation to America 1741, Aug 5.
Patt (35) & Peggy (23) Gillespie of Co Donegal, Glen on ship Catherine of Dublin 1804 from Port of Killybegs, bound for Newcastle and Philadelphia. To Carleton Co, Ontario Canada.
Patrick & Mary Gillespie of Co Donegal, s/o Andrew, Scotland. Their son Patrick to New Zealand.
Patrick Gillespie Jr (1871-1938) s/o of Peter Gillespie of Kilcar, Co Donegal, m Katherine Murphy. He died Nebraska.
Patrick Gillespie Sr of Umiskin, Kilgar, Co Donegal m Mairen Meehand. Some of their children to New York, USA
Patrick Gillespie of Co Donegal m Mary Gatens. To New York 1915, then Newmark, Lickering Co, Ohio, USA
Patrick John Gillespie of Co Donegal to Pennsylvania. Siblings: John, Edward, Peggy, James, ?Mary.
Patrick Gillespie of Co Donegal from Umiskin 1915 to Chicago, Illinois.s/o Daniel.
Peter Gillespie of Co Tyrone expelled 1828 to Australia for life. Brother Michael.
Peter Gillespie 1880-1956 of Kilcar, Tyrone, to Omaha, Nebraska, USA. m Hannah Cunningham.
Samuel Gillespie of Screeby, Clogher, Tyrone to Carleton Co, Ontario CANADA to work on building of Rideau Canal Feb 1829.
T. Gillespie, daughter of Letitia 1825 to Stormont Co, Ontario CANADA. Settled in Beaverbrook Station, Russell Co after marriage.
Thomas Gillespie of of Co Donegal b 1799 to Mercer Co, Pennslyania 1806. His descendant a congressman.
Thomas Gillespie, age 60, Agnes, granddaughter Agnes Herd Cameron, Fife, Scotland 1881
Thomas Gillespie b 1781 m Jane Love. Both died in Belmont Co, Ohio, USA.
Thomas Gillespie, s/o James of Fintona, Tyrone to Nebraska, USA via NYC 1886. Married Isa.
Thomas Gillespie m Mary Jane 1829, to Ontario CANAD. Daughter to Erin, Wellington Co, Ontario
William Gillespie of Co Tyrone, m Mary Jane to Ontario, CANADA.
William Gillespie of Co Tyrone m Anne. To Halton County, then Haldimand Co, Southern Ontario, CANADA
William Gillespie 1851-1916 s/o James & Ellen (Sterret) of Clogher, Co Tyrone. Some children to Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
William John Gillespie 1902-1873 m Alice Erickson. Son William to Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
William Gillespie from Co Fermanagh on Tyrone border region to Carleton County, Ontario CANADA m. Eliza Atkinson. 4 children. Died tragically.
William Gillespie & Eliza Carr to Toronto, Ontario Canada.
William Thomas Gillespie to Hamilton, Wentworth Co, Ontario
Total Records: 93