Old Testament Charts of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom

A study through the Books of the Bible in I & II Kings, and I & II Samuel. First a summary chart, then two,  side-by-side columns, showing the leaders of the 10 Northern Tribes vs the Southern two tribes of Judah and Benjamin and called “Judah”.

This period followed the death of King Solomon, and is known as the Divided Kingdom. It covers the time frame from about 931 BC to 586 BC

Cover Charts of the Divided Kingdom

Copyright Page Charts of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom

Summary Page Divided Kingdom
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2023
Page 1 Divided Kingdom
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2023
Page 2 Divided Kingdom
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2023
Page 3 Divided Kingdom
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2023

Page 4 Divided Kingdom

Page 5 Divided Kingdom
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2023
Page 6 Divided Kingdom
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2023
Page 7 Divided Kingdom
Copyright Norma Gillespie, 2023
