In 1869 the Government of Ontario initiated a registration system, but it took many years for people to begin to respond to it. Also, names of boundaries changed over time, so always check records for surrounding counties to the one of your main interest. Location names were also repeated within the Province but were many miles apart, e.g. the Town of Perth in Lanark County in the East, and the County of Perth in Southern Ontario. These maps with townships represents the period of the records provided and are not necessarily the names of some current townships, because areas amalgamated.
These records below are grouped by location where people lived within the Province. Begins in the North, then from the Ottawa Valley in the East, moving towards Toronto, then westward and then down south to the US border, Baptisms may have occurred long after a child was a born.
See records where location is unclear at bottom page
The Archives of Ontario releases another year of Vital Statistics into public domain each spring.
To make any map larger and easier to read, increase Zoom % found by clicking on three little dots top right of Internet page.
Note: Includes Bracebridge, Burks Falls; Lutterworth; Manitoulin Island, Monk; Orillia, and northern areas in the province.
John Harold ARTHURS, birth March 20, 1896 , s/o James Arthurs & Elizabeth Gillespie in Parry Sound.
Margaret Grace ARTHURS, birth May 1, 1882 Commando, Parry Sound, d/o James Arthurs & Elizabeth Gillespie.
Wallace Gordon ARTHURS, birth June 2, 1897 s/o James Arthurs & Elizabeth Gillespie, Commanda, Parry Sound.
Mary Elizabeth BELFRY, birth Feb 2, 1879 d/o Isaac Belfry & Christena Gillespie, Lutterworth Twp, Haliburton
Teeny Teressa BELFREY birth April 20, 1883 in Lutterworth, d/o Isaac Belfrey & Christeena Gilespie, Victoria Co.
Ellen BERMINGHAM birth March 15, 1879 do James Bermingham & Mary Ann Gillespie, Lutterworth
Mary COULTER, birth Dec 27, 1878 d/o Samuel Coulter & Catherine Gillespie, Sault Ste Marie, Algoma
Ethal May FERGUSON birth Aug 26, 1893 in Armour, d/o Lestor Ferguson & Mary Ann Gelaspie, Parry Sound.
Eva Martle FERGUSON, birth April 23, 1887 d/o Jestus Ferguson & Mary Ann Gillespie, Armour Twp, Parry Sound
Margret Louise FERGUSON, birth March 3, 1882 in Armour, d/o Jestus Ferguson & Mary Ann Gillaspie, Parry Sound.
Mary Ann FERGUSON, birth April 26, 1885 d/o Jestus Ferguson & Mary Ann Gillespie, Chetwynd, Parry Sound.
Agnes Isabella Gilaspie birth Minden Twp Oct 15, 1876 ID 021725
Alexander M Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp Aug 16, 1891 ID 016765
Alice May Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp July 29, 1901 ID 016724
Alice Maud Gillespie birth Parry Sound Nov 3, 1901 ID 035583
Alonzo Robert Gillespie, birth June 29, 1881, s/o William Gillespie & Mary Nelles, Thessalon, Algoma ID 901343, Birth also registered in Sault Ste Marie ID 214978
Angus Ernest Gillespie birth Fort William July 23, 1895 ID 001984
Annie Pearl Gillespie, birth Feb 8, 1890 born Sault Ste Marie. Child of William Gillespie and Mary Niles. ID 001287
A son born in Kirkland Lake, father A. D. Gillespie, Marlatic, PQ. Nov 28, 1947
Blance Viola GillIspie birth Sault Ste Marie Dec 10, 1908 ID 0097__
Byran Robert Gillespie, Catholic Baptism 1860-1967 White Fish, Ontario
Catherin P Gillespie birth Sault Ste Marie May 30, 1909 ID 210494
Charles A Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp March 15, 1899 ID 015587
Charlotte Georgenia Gillespie birth Sept 5, 1890 at Parry Sound, d/o Adam Gillespie and Charlotte Rogers (see next record)
Charlotte Georgemia Gillespie birth Sept 5, 1893 in Parry Sound, Child of Adam Gillespie and Charlotte Rogers.
David Henry Gillespie, birth July 28, 1888 s/o James Gillespie & Emma Mcgann, Gordon, Algoma. (see also Grey County) ID 901564
David Martin Gillespie baptism Catholique 1947-1957 Blind River, Ontario at St Jacques le Majeur.
Donald Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp Aug 30, 1901 ID 016725
Doris E Gillespie birth North Bay Nov 20, 1909 ID 031507
Douglas Angus Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp April 29, 1904. ID 018351
Duncan Gillespie birth Lutterworth May 30,1896. ID 013185
Edith Susana Gillespie birth Thessalon Twp July 12, 1906 ID 011266
Edna M C Gillespie birth Armour Twp Sept 14, 1889 ID 023131
Elizabeth Gillespie birth Gordon Twp Sept 23, 1883. ID 901443
Elizabeth Ann Gillespie birth Lutterworth June 19, 1897 ID 016420
Ella G Gillespie birth Thessalon June 25, 1898 ID 005929
Ella May Gillispie birth Feb 8, 1894 in Parry Sound, d/o Edward Gillispie & Mary Jane Anderson.
Elva Gillespie birth Steelton July 19, 1908 ID 0099__
Frank Leslie Gillespie birth Neebing Twp Nov 13, 1901 ID 040829
Franklin R Gillespie birth Thessalon Aug 26, 1899 ID 005762
George Gillespie birth Orillia Jan 29, 1886 ID 032971
George Brownlaw Gillespie birth Monk March 3, 1878 ID 018577
George Edward Gillespie birth Orillia Twp Jan 3, 1906 ID 041768
George Miller Gillespie birth Minden Twp Nov 5, 1878. ID 025633
George W Gillespie birth Thessalon Twp Jan 1905 ID 013491
Gillespie (male) birth Lutterworth May 25, 1899 ID 015588
Gillespie birth Lutterworth T Oct 11, 1900 ID 0103_7
Gillespie (female) birth Sudbury Sept 21, 1905 ID 030642
Gillespie (male) birth Bracebridge Dec 26, 1906 ID 031651
Gordon Scott Gillispie birth Sault Ste Marie Oct 10, 1903 ID 007129
Gray James Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp May 15, 1899 ID 015589
Helen H Gillespie birth Kenyon Twp Dec 19, 1902 ID 2411861
Hildah Gillespie, birth Jan 15, 1897 d/o William Andrew Gillespie & Rosina Kelly, Muskoka, Bracebridge ID 026236
James Gillespie, to attend wife for birth of son May 10, 1906 by Dr Archibald McMurchy, North Bay ,$7.00.
James Gillespie, to attend wife re birth of daughter, Dec 9, 1907 $8.00 by Dr Archibald McMurchy, North Bay
James Eric Ray Gillespie birth Burks Falls May 14, 1897 ID 031709
Jane Gillespie, birth May 28, 1891 d/o James Gillespie & Emma Mcgann, at Gordon, Manitoulin. ID 201390(see also Grey County, Collingwood)
Jean Gillespie birth Parry Sound Sept 25, 1900 ID 902655
J Donald Gillespie birth Lutterworth Oct 17, 1897 ID 016424
John Gilchrist Gillespie birth Marchmont Twp Sept 221, 1908 ID 0455__
John Stevenson Gillespie birth Sault Ste Marie Jan 29, 1906 ID 011036
John Sylvester Gillespie birth Lutterworth June 26, 1895. ID 011487
Julia Marie Gillespie Catholique baptism 1939- 1943 Port Arthur, Ontario.
Katie May Gillespie birth Lutterworth April 21 1894 ID 011072
Lilly May Gillespie birth in Dresden on March 17, 1880 ID 013041
Lillie May Gillespie birth Thessalon Twp Sep 17, 1901 ID 006431
Margaret Findley Gillespie, birth Nov 2, 1892 d/o Angus Gillespie & Essie Valentine, Lutterworth, Haliburton ID 012157
Margaret L Gillespie birth North Bay Dec 12, 1907 ID 232510
Marianne Gillespie birth Oct 28, 1949 in Kirkland Lake, daughter of Scott Gillespie.
Marjorie Gillespie birth Parry Sound Oct 1, 1902 ID 901700
Mary Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Sept 23, 1883 d/o James Gillespie & Emma Mcgann, Gordon, Algoma
Mary Jane Mable Gallespie, birth Feb 15, 1890 d/o William Gallespie & Jane Ann Sloan, Sundridge, Parry Sound, Ontario
Mary Susanna Gillespie, birth Nov 14, 1886 d/o William Gillespie & Mary Ann Nelles, Thessalon, Algoma
M Christena Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp Nov 14, 1908 ID 0212__
M Eliza Gillespie birth Lutterworth Twp Oct 10, 1901 ID 016723
Mildred Adelade Gillespie, birth Jan 21, 1896 d/o George Gillespie & Malvina Durkee, Thessalon, Algoma ID 001442
Minnie Gertrude Betty, birth June 1, 1892 d/o Isaac Betty & Christine Gillespie, Lutterworth, Haliburton
M Jane Gillespie birth Thessalon April 15, 1899 ID 005767
M Jane Mable Gallespie birth Sunridge Feb 15, 1890 ID 021079; 021091
Nellie Gillespie birth Orillia Twp April 30, 1897 ID 039464
Nora Barbara Jone Gillespie, Catholique baptism 1939-1943 Port Arthur, Ontario
Ordril M Gillespie birth Sault Ste Marie Sept 12, 1902 ID 007193
Percy RonaldGillespie birth Monck April 18, 1899 ID 025184
Ralph Edward Gillespie birth Parry Sound July 28 1896 ID 023084
Roy Gillespie birth Armour Twp May 30, 1889 ID 023118
Samuel Gillaspy birth Monk Jan 22, 1877. ID 017838
Samuel James Gillespie birth Gordon Twp Dec 7, 1885 ID 901468
Sarah Gillespy birth in Monk, Muskoka, Jan 1, 1874, d/o Charles Gillespy & Susan McMurray. ( Monk is also listed under Simcoe Co) ID 015177
Sarah Leon Gillespie birth Thessalon Aug 6, 1902 ID 007386
Sheila Mabel Gillespie birth Burks Falls April 23, 1892 ID 019852
Susanna Gillaspie birth Oct 23, 1880 in Monck, d/o Charles S Gillaspie & Susan McMurry, ID 020188. This couple lived in Bracebridge)
Thomas H Gillaspie birth N Himsworth Twp Jan 18 1896 ID 023889 (near North Bay).
Thomas James Gillespie birth unorganized Jan 29, 1899 ID 0299
Thomas Melvin Gillespie birth Fort William Feb 26, 1909 ID 04689. See next two records.
Thomas Melvin Gillespie birth Slate River Feb 25, 1909 ID 901828
Thomas Melvin Gillespie birth Papoonge Feb 25, 1909 ID 047395
Veeda Adelaide Gillespie birth Sudbury May 29, 1907 ID 031208
Wallace E Gillespie birth in ‘unorganized’ Dec 28, 1886 ID 221949
William H Gillespie birth Burks Falls April 16, 1895 ID 019844
William J Gillespie birth Sunridge Aug 18, 1892 ID 020640
Willia Murray Gillespie birth Bracebridge March 28, 1902 ID 026964
Jane HARE birth June 6, 1876 in Morick, d/o Thomas Hare & Agnes Gillespy, Muskoka.
Julia May HART birth Jan 26, 1893 in Parry Sound, child of Maggie Gillespie and Peter Hart.
Alexander Allan Gillespie birth May 26, 1895 in McNab Twp, s/o George Gillespie & Berthea Carswell ID 028391
Cathrine Gillespie, birth Jan 5, 1885 d/o James Gillespie & Jane Hamilton, McNab Twp, Renfrew. ID 031871
Ellen Gillespie, birth Aug 2, 1876 d/o James Gillespie & Jane Hamilton, McNab Twp, Renfrew. ID 027196
A daughter born to M/M George Gillespie at Sand Point on June 16th, 1917 McNab Twp, Renfrew Co, Ontario Canada
A son born July 18, 1919 Smith Falls to M/M George Gillespie.
George Patterson Gillespie, birth Aug 8, 1893 s/o George Gillespie & Bertha Carswell, McNab Twp, Renfrew. ID 029550
Grace Marion Gillespie, birth Feb 19, 1883 d/o James Gillespie & Jane Hamilton, McNab, Renfrew, Ontario ID 030503
James Gillespie birth April 25, 1889, in McNab, s/o George Gillespie & Berthea Carswell ID 010968
Jane Gillespie, birth Feb 18, 1881 d/o James Gillespie & Jane Hamilton, McNab, Renfrew ID 028848
Margaret Gillespie, birth Nov 26, 1877 d/o James Gillespie & Jane Hamilton, McNab, Renfrew ID 026557
Mary Gillespie, birth March 17, 1879 d/o James Gillespie & Jane Hamilton, McNab, Renfrew. ID 027784
Robert Andrew Gillespie birth Nov 30, 1890 in McNab Twp, s/o George Gillespie & Besthea Carswell ID 029574
Thomas Gillespie birth Dec 1, 1896 in Renfrew, so Margaret Gillespie (father’s name not given)
Aussie MATHEWSON, birth Feb 26, 1882 Admeston, Renfrew Co, child of Robert Mathewson & Marsha M Gillespie.
Charlotte MATHIESON birth Nov 23, 1883 Admaston, Renfrew, d/o Robert Mathieson & Martha Gillespie
Jessie MATHIESON, birth July 27, 1885 d/o Robert Mathieson & Martha Gillespie, Admaston, Renfrew Co
Vera Agnes CLOSTIER birth Dec 20, 1895 in Ottawa, d/o J Eugene Clostier & Margaret Gillespie.
Julia Anne DOURLAY, birth Aug 6, 1888 d/o John Dourlay & Margaret Gillespie, Ottawa, Carleton Co.
Alexander Lindsay GIBSON, birth Aug 30, 1881 Osgoode Twp, Carleton Co, s/o Robert Alexander Gibson & Lucinda Gillespie.
John Wesley GIBSON , birth Nov 28, 1874 son of Robert A Gibson and Lucinda Gillespie of Osgoode.
A daughter, born to Mrs. William Gillespie, May 9, 1838 at Fitzroy Harbour on 6th May. (Note: See Margaret in Lanark Co)
Agnes Eva Gillespie, birth Sept 20, 1881 d/o Thomas Gillespie & Emmeline White, Nepean Twp, Ontario ID 003998
Agnes Isabella Gillespie, birth Aug 15, 1893 d/o William Gillespie & Hannah Ann White, Nepean, Carleton, Ontario ID 005520
Amy Gillespie birth Oct 4, 1904 in Gloucester, d/o John Gillespie & Mary Ann Davis.(first name also given as Any) ID 009989
Bradget Ellen Gillispie birth Carleton Sept 3, 1869. ID 219681
Catherine McKay Gillespie birth Feb 17, 1904 in Hintonburg, d/o Thomas Gillespie & Emelia White (also given as Emelin) ID 010107
Chas Kent Gillespie (Eric Gillespie) birth May 3, 1909 Carleton, Ontario. Father James Edwd Gillespie. Mother Ella E Cummings.
Charles Eric Gillespie birth Ottawa May 3, 1909 ID 013280
Clara May Gillespie birth May 27, 1903 in Hintonburgh, do Wm Gillespie & Annie Armstrong.
Dorathy Mildred Gillespie, birth June 13, 1911 Carleton, Ontario. Father William Gillespie. Mother Lena Shore. ID 215556
Douglas Shore Gillespie, birth Dec 26, 1896 in Nepean Twp, s/o William Gillespie & Lena Shore. ID 208806
Elizabeth Mabel Gillespie, birth Sept 25, 1892 d/o William Gillespie & Lily Cooke, Ottawa, Ontario
Eric Gillespie – see Chas Kent Gillespie
Ethel Gillespie birth Aug 25, 1892 in Ottawa, d/o John Gillespie and Lily Cooke.
Ethel Gillespie birth Aug 25, 1893 in Ottawa, d/o John Gillespie & Lily Cooke ID 004774
Geo Bronson Ellwood Gillespie birth Aug 10, 1908 in Ottawa, s/o Geo Gillespie & Martha Shore ID 0143__
“GillIespie“(female) birth July 27, 1898 in Ottawa, child of John Gillespie & Elizabeth Cooke. (2nd record gives mother as Corke). ID 009597
Godfrey Park Gillespie birth Dec 6, 1890 in Nepean, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Emmeline White (middle name also given as Pack in 2nd record). ID 209823
Gordon Gilchrist Gillespie birth Jan 18, 1891 in Nepean, so William Gillespie & Hannah Ann White ID 009860
Gordon Harold Gillespie birth Ottawa Dec 30, 1894. See next records. ID 204988
Greson Haron Gellispie (Gordon Harold Gillespie) birth Dec 30, 1895 Carleton, Ontario Father Wm Gellispie. Mother Lena Shove (Personal note. Mother’s last name is later given as Shore.
Harold Gillespie, baptised 1885, at St Patricks’ Church, Ottawa, father Joseph Gillespie, mother Ida Beach
Hilda Muriel Gillespie birth July 12, 1895 in Ottawa, d/o John Gillespie & Elizabeth Cook ID 005466
Horace Maynord Gillespie birth March 10, 1902 in Nepean, s/o William Gillespie & Lena Shore ID 311748
James Gillespie birth March 27, 1880 in Nepean Twp, s/o William Gillespie & Hannah Ann White ID 004010
James Bruce Gillespie birth April 2, 1887 in Nepean, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Emmeline Wi….. ID 004796
James Coleman Gillespie birth Oct 11, 1897 in Ottawa, s/o Patrick Gillespie & Elizabeth Bambrick. ID 010030
John P Gillispie birth Carleton Aug 6, 1869. ID 001453
Kathleen M Gillespie birth Ottawa July 25, 1910 ID 014862
Kathleen Marian Gillespie birth Nov 19, 1912 in Ottawa, d/o Wm George Gillespie & Naomi Laura Phelps
Kathleen Wilhelmina Gillespie birth July 25, 1910 in Ottawa, d/o Geo Gillespie & Martha Shore.
Kenneth McKay Gillespie, birth Feb 9, 1892 s/o Thomas Gillespie & Emeline White, Nepean, Carleton (2nd record gives year as 1893)
Kenneth Stuart Gillespie birth Nov 25, 1910 in Ottawa, s/o Percy Gillespie & Elsie Pearl Mcfadden ID 015595
M Ann Wiltena Gillespie birth Nepean Twp Aug 27, 1900 ID 009017
Margaret Gillispie birth in Osgoode Twp June 18, 1880, ID 004303
Margaret Gillespie birth Feb 4, 1883 Carleton, Ontario Father John Gillespie. Mother Elizabeth Mulligan. ID 004405
Margaret E Gillespie birth Nepean Twp Jan 9, 1884 ID 004082
Margaret Elenor Gillespie birth Oct 6, 1909 Ottawa, d/o Wm Geo Gillespie & Naomi Laura Phelps ID 014103
Mary Anna Gillespie birth Aug 27, 1900 in Carleton, d/o William Gillespie & Lena Shore
Maybelle Gillespie, birth Feb 4, 1883 d/o John Gillespie & Elizabeth Mulligan, Gloucester, Carleton.
Milton Gilchrist Gillespie birth Nov 13, 1898 in Hintonburg, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Emeline White ID 008426
M Theresa Gillispie birth Carleton Oct 7, 1869. ID 219680
Nelson Gillespie birth Aug 10, 1883 in Nepean, s/o William Gillespie & Hannah Ann White ID 004846
Patrick J Gillespie birth Ottawa May 15, 1889 ID 005317
Percy Gillespie birth Dec 24, 1885 in Nepean Twp, s/o William Gillespie & Hannah Ann White ID 204328
Pat Jose Gillespie, male, birth May 15, 1889 Carleton, Ontario. Father John Gillespie. Mother Bridget Whalen.
Phyllis Graham Gillespie birth July 26, 1904 in Ottawa, d/o James Gillespie & Ella Cummings ID 011431
Samuel Gillespie birth July 10, 1875 at Billings Bridge, Carleton County. Father John Gillespie, farmer, Mother Betsy Ann Mulligan. (click on name to see birth certificate).
Stuart Cummings Gillespie birth April 17, 1907 in Ottawa, s/o James Gillespie & Ella Cummings ID 012516
Thomas Gillespie birth Jan 7, 1878 in Nepean Twp, s/o William, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Emmeline White. ID 003311 (puzzling).
Thomas Charles Gillespie, birth Feb 19, 1885 Carleton, Ontario Father Thomas Gillespie. Mother Emmeline White. ID 006240
Thomas Edgar Gillespie birth Jan 22, 1904 in Ottawa, s/o Patrick Gillespie & Elizabeth Bambrick ID 901766
Ursula Gillispie birth March 12, 1899 Carleton, Ontario. Father Patrick Gillespie. Mother Eliz Bambrick. ID 008836
Whilelmina Bessie Gallaen Gillespie birth April 13, 1896 in Hintonburg, Ontario, d/o Thomas Gillespie and Emeline White. See next record
Wilhelmina Bessie Garland Gillispie, birth April 14, 1896 Carleton, Ontario. Father Thomas Gillispie. Mother Emeline White
William Gillespie birth April 1, 1876 in Nepean, so William Gillespie & Hannah Ann Whyte. ID 203310
Wm Edward Gillespie birth April 26, 1902 in Ottawa, d/o James Gillespie & Eliz. Ella Cummings ID 010827
Alexander LINDSAY, birth Feb 1, 1874 son of James Duncan Lindsay, farmer, and Frances Jane Gillespie, North Gower.
Mary Ann MALONE, birth Oct 4, 1890 in Ottawa, d/o Michael Malone & Catherine Gillespie.
Minnie Eveline BEATTIE, birth March 20, 1880, d/o Robert Beattie & Lavinia Elizabeth Gillespie of Russell, Russell Co (linked to Dundas Co).
Ruby Francois Gillespie, birth Aug 16, 1891 d/o Ezra Emerson Gillespie & Alta Eliza Wyatt, Russell, Russell, Ontario ID 901589
Aileen Vercie Gillespie birth Sept 20, 1910 in Perth, d/o Theo Jeremiah Gillespie & Elizabeth Thompson (2nd record gives her name as Aileen Vercie Gillespie. and father as Thos Jeremiah Gillespie). ID 026810
Eloisa Harriet Gillespie birth Jan 4, 1906 in Perth, child of John J Gillespie & Elizabeth Moulton ID 027248
A daughter born Dec 25, 1914 to M/M George Gillespie, Smith Falls.
A son born July 9, 1919 at Smith Falls, to M/M George Gillespie
Gillespie birth Aug 20, 1900 in Lanark, child of John James Gillespie & Elizabeth Hannah Moulton ID 021894
Gillespie birth March 6, 1903 in Perth, child of Jno Gillespie & Moulton. See next record.
Gillispie, male, birth March 6, 1904 Lanark, Ontario. Father Jno Gillispie. Mother Moulton. ID 023637
Gillespie, male, stillborn, birth Feb 15, 1913 Lanark, Ontario. Father George Gillespie. Mother Agnes May Stewart.
Harriet Lillian Gillespie birth Nov 6, 1909 in Perth, d/o Thos Jeremiah Gillespie & Elizabeth Thompson. ID 025547
Hilda Florence Gillespie, birth June 2, 1913 Lanark, Ontario. Father John Arthur Gillespie. Mother Elizabeth Hannah Moulton.
James Gillespie, birth July 1, 1878 in Lanark Village, s/o William Gillespie & Margaret Coulter ID 014386
John Cecil Gillespie birth Feb 12, 1913 Lanark, Ontario. Father Thos Jeremiah Gillespie. Mother Elizabeth Thampson
Lavinia Gillespie birth May 11, 1911 in Perth, d/o Jno Jas Gillespie & Elizabeth H Moulton ID 028023
Lawrence Gillespie birth Jan 9, 1880 in Lanark, child of Elizabeth Gillespie. Father’s name not given. ID 015143
Margaret Gillespie, birth May 6,1838, daughter of William Gillespie & Catherine McDonald at Fitzoy Harbour, Carleton Co, baptized on 9th in Perth. (considerable distance between these locations, especially travelling in that day).
Ruby Francois Gillespie, birth Aug 16, 1898 Russell, d/o Ezra Emmerson Gillespie & Alta Eliza Wyatt.
Susan Dorothy Gillespie birth Oct 15, 1908 in Perth, s/o Jno James Gillespie & Elizabeth Moulton ID 0345__
Florence May RUSSELL, birth Sept 29, 1881, d/o George Henry Russell & Margary Gillespie, Smith Falls, Lanark Co.
Ida May TORNEY, birth June 20, 1886 d/o Robert G Torney & Nora A Gillespie, Almonte, Lanark Co.
Albert Edward Gillespie birth Cornwall Nov 26, 1903 ID 041583
Alexander Gillespie, baptism Jan 22, 1844, son of William Gillespie & of Jane his wife, residing in the Town of Cornwall. Born on the 23rd day of October. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall:
Alexander Gillespie, baptism June 29, 1845 son of Alexander Gillespie & of Elizabeth, his wife, residing in Cornwall. Born on the 2nd of March 1844. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall.
Alexander Gillespie, birth Dec 1874 s/o Daniel Gillespie & Jane Armstrong of Cornwall Twp, born 1874. Baptized April 22, 1876. (2nd record gives Jan 1875 which may be a christening)
Alexander Gillespie birth Jan, 1875 in Cornwall. ID 230186
Amy Louise Gillespie, birth Sept 6, 1883 d/o Ezra Gillespie & Eliza Alta Whyatt, Osnabruck Twp, Stormont. ID 033563
Annie Maud Gillespie birth Aug 4, 1878 in Osnabruck, d/o Wm Gillespie & Lucy E (see also Morewood, Dundas Co). ID 030104
Arthur Gillespie birth Osnabruck Twp Feb 27, 1891 ID 231502
Bertha Gillespie, birth Nov 30, 1884 d/o Joshua Gillespie & Mary Jane Holland, Osnabruck, Stormont Co.
Catherine Gillespie, baptism Oct 27, 1878 daughter of Daniel Gillespie & of Mary Ward Digman, born 10th September. Sponsors John Kirwan & Elizabeth MacDonald. Chs. Murray. St. Columban’s, Cornwall
Clara Maud Wright, birth Dec 20, 1819 do Wm Y. L. Wright & Eliza A Gellespie, Finch & Stormont.
Clarence Wesley, son of James & E Gilespie, residence Osnabruck Twp, birth September 29, 1876, Osnabruck Twp, baptised April 23, 1876 Wesleyan Methodist, Osnabruck Twp.
Gillespie (male) birth Osnabruck Twp July 5, 1904 ID 043603
James E Gillespie, birth Sept 29, 1876 son of Charles Wesley, Baptized April 23, 1876 Osnabruck.
James Edward Gillespie birth July 5, 1904, child of Joshua Gillespie & Mary Holland, Osnabruck. ID 043666
Johannem Hughem Gillespie birth Jan 15, 1863 in Cornwall, s/o James Gillespie & Elgie Jane Thompson. Christened on Feb 9, 1930 at Holy Rosery, Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho.
Lillian Maude Hurley, birth March 2, 1886 Cornwall, Stormont Co, d/o Robert Hurley & Annie Gillespie
Lydia Gillespie, baptism Jan 24, 1844 daughter of Alexander Gillespie & of Eliza, his wife, residing in Cornwall. Born on the 1st of July 1840. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall.
Lydia Gillespie, birth Jan 4, 1888 d/o Joshua Gillespie & Mary Jane Holland, Osnabruck, Stormont. (date changed) ID 901548
Margaret Gillespie, baptism Jan 27, 1856 daughter of Oliver Gillespie & of Sarah Jane, his wife, residing in Cornwall. Born on the 20th October, St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall.
Martha Gillespie birth April 11, 1906 in Osnbruck d/o Joshua Gillespie & Mary Jane Holland
Mary Gillespie birth Osnabruck Twp July 1, 1895 ID 236694
Mary Edith Wright, birth Sept 21, 1891 Crysler, Stormont Co, d/o William Henry Wright & Eliza Ann Gillespie.
Mary Jane Gillespie, baptism June 29, 1845 daughter of Alexander Gillespie & of Elizabeth, his wife, residing in Cornwall. Born on the 11th of January 1842. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall.
Mary Jane Gillespie, birth Aug 5, 1845 d/o Thomas & Elizabeth Gillespie Baptized Sept 5, 1845 Osnabruck.Amy Louise Gillespie birth Osnbruck Twp Sept 6, 1884. ID 033568?
Minta Gillespie birth Aug 12, 1898 in Osnabruck Twp, d/o Joshua Gillespie & Mary Holland. ID 040319
Olive May Galespie, birth Feb 2, 1888 born Cornwall Twp, Stormont Co, d/o David Galespie & Annie McCourt.
Rachel Gillespie, baptism Sept 3, 1833 daughter of Alexander Gillespie & Eliza, his wife, residing on the Presbyterian Glebe Lot, 2nd Cornwall, born 27th August last. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall:
Rachel Gillespie, baptism Jan 29, 1837 daughter of Alexander Gillespie & Eliza his wife residing in Cornwall, born on 3rd February last. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall:
Rebecca Gillespie, baptism Feb 24, 1838 daughter of Alexander Gillespie & Elizabeth, his wife, born on 25th of August last. Residing in Cornwall. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall:
Sarah Gillespie, baptism Oct 10, 1841 daughter of William Gillespie & Jane, his wife, residing in Cornwall. Born on 28th August. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall.
Sarah Jane Gillespie, baptism Dec 28, 1856 daughter of Dennis Gillespie & Fanny his wife, residing at the 5th Cornwall Lock, born on the 21st October. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Cornwall.
Sarah Jane Bates, birth July 29, 1884 d/o Arthur Bates & Sarah Elizabeth Gillespie, Cornwall, Stormont Co.
Thomas Gellespie birth Sept 15, 1869 Stormont Dundas. ID 005738
William Gillespie birth July 17, 1901 in Osnabruck Twp, s/o Joshua Gillespie & Mary Holland ID 038776
Wilton Wyatt Gillespie birth Oct 17, 1881 in Osnabruck, s/o Ezra E Gillespie & Eliza Alta Wyatt ID 031239
Wynona Beryl Gillespie birth May 10, 1905 in Cornwall Twp, child of David Gillespie & Laura Robertson ID 043812
Ellen Jane or Helen Henrietta Gellespi or Gillespie birth Dec 19,1902 in Glengarry Co, c/o Robert Gellespi & Janet Fraser
James Allan Gillespie birth Aug 1, 1901 in Kenyon Twp, child of Robert Gillespie & Jennie Fraser ID 038257
Margaret Ann Gillespie birth Jan 5, 1900 in Kenyon Twp, Glengarry, d/o Robert Gillespie & Janet Fraser ID 039772
George MCLOGHLIN christening May 19, 1794 of son of William McLoghlin & Margaret Gillespie at St Andrews Presbyterian, Williamsburg, Glengarry Co.
John MCLOGHLIN christening July 3, 1788 son of William McLoghlin & Margaret Gillespie, at St Andrew Presbyterian, Williamsburg, Glengarry
Jane Johnston DILLEN, birth Feb 8,1892 d/o R Johnston Dillen & Sarah Gillespie, Morrisburg, Dundas Co.
Arthur Jerold Gillespie, birth Nov 16, 1879 son of James & Sarah Gillespie, Morrisburg. Baptized March 19, 1880.
Clifford Beach Gillespie birth Oct 31, 1891 in Winchester Twp, s/o William Gillespie & Lucy Beach. ID 038156
Elizabeth, birth Dec 28, 1870 d/o James & Sarah Gillespie, Morrisburg. Baptized Feb 19, 1871.
“Gillespie” birth March 1, 1882 in Morrisburg, child of James Gillespie & Sarah Haliday
Gillespie (male) birth Morrisburg March 1, 1882 ID 033016
James Johnston Gillespie, birth April 7, 1878 son of James & Sarah Gillespie, Morrisburg. Baptized June 22, 1878 ID 030345
John Arthur Gillespie birth Morrisburg Oct 21, 1879. ID 030537
Matilda Chord Gillespie, birth July 17, 1870 d/o James Gillespie & Margaret Cameron, Winchester. Baptized May 24, 1871. ID 009815
Margaret Agnes Gillespie, birth Feb 8, 1892 d/o James J. Gillespie & Sarah Halliday, Morrisburg, Dundas ID 031608
Matthew Gillespie, birth Feb 21, 1872 son of James & Sarah Gillespie. Morrisburg. Baptized April 21, 1872
Minnie Gillespie, birth March 31,1874 Osborne M. ID 004821
Sarah Gillespie, birth July 22, 1888 d/o James J. Gillespie & Sarah Halliday, Morrisburg, Dundas ID 032312
Thomas Gillespie, birth Sept 16, 1869 s/o James Gillespie, a mason, bricklayer in Morrisburg & Sarah Halliday (Microfilm ID 005738-69)
Thomas Irving Gillespie, baptism Feb, 1853 son of Thomas & Eliza Gillespie of Williamsburg, born Nov 1, 1852.
Thomas William Gillespie, birth Feb 20, 1870 son of James & Sarah Gillespie, born Sept 15, 1869 Williamsburgh
Georgina Margaret JOHNSTON, birth May 11, 1887 Winchester Springs, Dundas Co, d/o Wm A Johnston & Isabella Gillespie
Jean Hazel JOHNSTONE birth May 9, 1892 Winchester, Dundas Co, d/o William Arnott Johnstone and Belle Gillespie
Arthur Millar Gillespie birth Aug 27, 1887 in Edwardsburg, s/o James Gillespie & Mary Ferguson
Edward Millar Gillespie birth Edwardsburg Aug 27, 1887. ID 017976
Francis Georgina May Gillespie birth Aug 25, 1892 , d/o Robert Elsworth Gillespie & Louisa Georgiana Robson, Prescott, Grenville. (2nd record gives child’s middle name as Georgiana) ID 016839
George Ferguson Gillespie birth Sept 5, 1883 in Edwardsburg Twp, father James Gillespie, Mother Mary Irvine Ferguson ID 017043
“Gillespie” (male) birth May 18,1907 in Edwardsburg, child of John Gillespie & Elizabeth Dunlop. ID 025559
John, birth Sept 29, 1869 s/o James Gillespie & Caroline Halliday. James a merchant in Ventnor. ID 0061376
Margret Isabella Gillespie, birth May 4, 1895 d/o James Gillespie & Mary I Ferguson, Edwardsburgh, Grenville. ID 016878
M Ida Gillesby birth Wolford Dec 7, 1906 ID 028552
Alice Asenath WATSON birth Oct 23, 1869 in Leeds & Grenville, d/o Henry Watson & Margaret Gellsbie
Susan Louisa DODD birth Dec 17, 1891 in Brockville, d/o William Dodd & Catherine Gillispi, Leeds Co.
Bessie Gillespie, birth March 22, 1889 d/o William Edward Gillespie & Minnie Anderson Brockville, Leeds. ID 904573
Mary Eleanor Gillespie, birth Sept 9, 1877 d/o John S. Gillespie & Jeanette Templeton, Brockville, Leeds ID 013666
Samuel Gillespie birth July 10, 1875 Gananoque, Leeds, so John Gillespie & Betsy Ann Mulligan – note: see Carleton Co.
Edna PERRY, birth Aug 23, 1888 d/o Peter Perry & Jennie Gillespie of Brockville, Leeds Co.
Edith May BATES, birth Jan 22, 1899, christened May 24, 1899, Wolfe Island, d/o Edward Richard Bates and Dora Gillespie, Frontenac Co
Lucinda Gertrude BATES, birth Aug 19, 1902 Wolfe Island, d/o Edward Richard Bates & Dora Gillespie. Baptized May 24, 1903
William George BATES, birth Feb 10, 1907, Wolfe Island, s/o Edward Richard Bates and Dora Gillespie. Baptized March 14, 1907
George Francis BROOKS , birth March 11, 1890 s/o Francis Brooks & Mary Gillespie, Pittsburgh Twp, Frontenac Co.
Amelia Eliza COXALL, birth Aug 27, 1866, d/o William Coxall and Eliza Gillespie, Wolfe Island, Christened Sept 30, 1866
Elizabeth Adeline COXALL birth Aug 3, 1868 , d/o William Coxall and Elizabeth Gillespie, Wolfe Island, Christened Sept 27, 1868
Florence COXALL, birth March 24, 1870 d/o William Coxall, a merchant, and Eliza Gillespie of Wolfe Island
Ada Victoria Gillespie birth May 23, 1889 in Pittsburgh, d/o John Gillespie & Mary Wilmot, Frontenac County
Albert Edward Gillespie, born April 3, 1891, baptism May 10, 1891 on Wolfe Island, son of George & Fanny Coxall ?christening date. Frontenac County ID 013529
Andrew F Gillespie birth Kingston Nov 17, 1893 ID 009641
Annie Amelia Gillespie, born Jan 3, 1869, baptised March 22, 1869 daughter of Robert & Ann Jane (Note: family lived on Howe Island) Frontenac County
Annie Elizabeth Gillespie, born Dec 31, 1888, baptism March 4, 1889 daughter of George & Frances Amelia (Coxall) (date changed) ID 010394
Annie Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Jan 9,1894 d/o John Gillespie & Mary E Wilmot, Pittsburgh Twp, Frontenac Co. ID 008377
Arthur Wellington Gillespie, born Dec 9, 1879, baptised June 21, 1881 daughter of Robert & Ann Jane Gillespie, Frontenac County
Benjamin Gillespie, born Nov 16, 1827, baptised Jan 7, 1828 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Ontario, son of James Gillespie & Jane Montgomery. Note: He moved to Picton, PE County.
Catherine Ellen GillIspie birth Feb 24, 1909 in Olden, Frontenac, d/o James Gillespie & Martha Vinkle ID 017918
Charls Gorge Gillaspie, birth Dec 30, 1883 son of George & Frances A. Baptized May 4, 1884 Wolfe Island (name spelled that way on microfilm) ID 0208283
Charles Gordon Gillespie, born July 22, 1917, baptised Sept 16, 1917 son of Charles George & Estella H.(Boyd), Frontenac Co.
Conway Gillaspie birth in Pittsburgh Twp on March 3, 1875. ID 003933
Clara Lenora Gillespie birth June 22, 1895 on Wolfe Island, d/o William Gillespie & Alvira Woodman, Frontenac Co
David Gillespie birth Kingston Sept 14, 1878 ID 006549
Della Gertrude Gillespie birth Feb 18, 1894 on Wolfe Island, do Wm Gillespie & Alvira Woodman, Frontenac Co ID 008187
Dora Gillespie, born Aug 6, 1876, baptised Feb 14, 1877, daughter of George & Francis Amelia Gillespie, Frontenac County
Edith Vera GillIspie birth Olden Twp Dec 21, 1910 ID 220192
Elizabeth Gillespie, born April 6, 1846, baptised Aug 8, 1852,daughter of Robert & Elizabeth, Frontenac Co
Elizabeth Jane Gillespie, born March 26, 1873, baptised June 21, 1881 daughter of Robert & Ann Jane, Frontenac County
Elizabeth Gellespie Oct 15, 1882 on Howe Island, child of Robert Gillespie and Elizabeth Brakey (mother has many spellings of her last names in records) This is Ann Jane Breakey. Frontenac County. ID 008560
Elizabeth Gertrude Gillespie birth Nov 1, 1896 in Kingston, d/o James Gillespie & Mary Moncrief ID 010662
Eliza Jane Gillaspie, birth March 26, 1872 d/o Robert Gillespie & Ann Jane Brecky, Howe Island, Frontenac Co. ID 004433
Eliza Matilda, born Sept 22, 1882, baptised Sept 22, 1882 daughter of George & Frances A. Gillespie, Frontenac County
Emma Viola Gillespie birth Oct 16, 1904 in Pittsburgh Twp, d/o John Gillespie & Janet Nettie Bennett ID 015801
Ethel Alvira Gillespie, born Dec 7, 1887, baptised March 6, 1888 daughter of Robert & Ann Jane (Breakey) Frontenac County
Ethel May Gillespie, birth May 26, 1881 d/o James Gillespie & Mary Campbell, Portsmouth, Frontenac Co.
Ettie Maria Gillespie birth on Wolfe Island Oct 28, 1880. ID 006812
Euphemia Peat Gillespie, born Sept 6, 1842, baptised Nov 14, 1842 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Ontario, daughter of Thomas Gillespie & Catherine Thomson. Frontenac County
Evelyn Gertrude Gillespie birth Oct 13, 1907 in Kingston, d/o William Henry Gillespie & Ellen May Babcock ID 0166286
Fermantha Elizabeth Gillespie, birth 1872 d/o John Gillespie & Almira Grimshaw, Wolfe Island, Frontenac Co.(see also Simanthe) ID 001541
George Gillespie, born March 7, 1852, baptised March 8, 1852 son of Robert & Eliza, Frontenac Co.
George Albert Gillespie birth March 18, 1879 in Portsmouth. son of James Gillespie & Margaret Campbell. Frontenac County ID 0062280
George Albert Gillespie birth Dec 12, 1893 on Wolfe Island, son of Wm Gillespie & Cynthia Alvira Woodman, Frontenac Co ID 009109
Gertrude Amelia Gillespie, born May 12, 1878, baptised May 14, 1878 daughter of George & Francis Amelia. Frontenac County, (date changed) ID 206849
Gilbert E J Gillespie birth KIngston Nov 17, 1887 ID 901501
Gillespie’ (female) birth Nov 28, 1887 in Kingston, child of James Gillespie & Mary Moncrief, Frontenac County ID 007608
Gillespie (male) birth Pittsburg Dec 11 1887. ID 008090
Gillespie, birth Pittsburgh Twp May 23, 1889 ID 009800
Gwendalyn Dawn Gillespie, born June 20, 1908, baptised Nov 3, 1908 daughter of Percy & Lilian Gillespie
Harold Wilmot Gillespie birth Dec 11, 1887 in Pittsburgh, son of John Gillespie & Mary Elizabeth Wilmot, Frontenac County
Henry Gillespie birth Wolfe Island June 23, 1874. ID 007151
Henry Gillespie baptised Aug 30, 1874 son of John & Almira Gillespie, Frontenac County,
Hugh Thompson Gillaspie birth Pittsburgh Twp April 21, 1876. ID 005602
James Gillespie, born Jan 6, 1825, baptised Jan 26, 1825 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Ontario, son of James Gillispie & Jane Montgomery. Note: He became Sherriff of Picton, Prince Edward County.
Jane Gillespie, birth Dec 7, 1887 d/o Robert Gillespie & Ann Jane Breakey, Howe Island, Frontenac Co. ID 007860
John Herbert Gillespie birth March 5, 1896 in Pittsburgh, s/o John Gillespie & Mary E Wilmot Frontenac Co ID 010046
John Howard Gillespie birth Feb 23, 1901 in Pittsburgh Twp Frontenac, s/o Thomas H Gillespie & Wilhelmima J Brebnor ID 014092
John Sinclair Gillespie, born Jan 28, 1871, baptised Jan 28, 1872 son of Robert & Anne Jane, Frontenac County
Lenora Orletta Gillespie, born Oct 2, 1875, baptised June 21, 1881 daughter of Robert & Ann Jane, Frontenac County ID 004138
Leonora Gillespie birth Oct 2, 1875 Storrington, d/o Robert Gillespie and Jane Breakey ( of Howe Island), Frontenac County
Letitia Gillespie birth Dec 28,1872 in Kingston, d/o James Gillespie & Mayant Campbell. (2nd record gives child’s mother as Margaret Campbell). Frontenac County. ID 204320
Libertha Jane Gillespie, born Aug 1, 1870, baptised July 16, 1871, daughter of John & Almira, Frontenac Co
Mabel Agnes Gillespie birth Dec 31, 1890 in Pittsburgh Twp, d/o John Gillespie & Mary Elizabeth Wilmot
Margaret Gillespie birth Oct 4, 1880 at Pittsburgh Twp, d/o Hugh Gillespie and Margaret Spence. ID 007627
Margaret Gillespie, birth Aug 13, 1892 d/o Hugh Gillespie & Margaret Spence, Pittsburgh, Frontenac
Margaret Edna Gillespie birth Oct 12, 1903 in Pittsburgh Twp, d/o Thomas Gillespie & Margaret Scott ID 015382
Martha Gillespie, born Jan 11, 1847, baptised March 8, 1852 daughter of Robert & Eliza, Frontenac Co
Maude Elizabeth Gillespie birth Nov 11, 1882 on Wolfe Island, d/o William Gillespie & Cynthia Alvira Woodman. Frontenac County ID 008756
Muriel Eliza Gillespie birth Aug 31, 1907 in Pittsburgh, d/o Thomas Gillespie & Margret Scott
Mildred Gillespie birth April 19, 1889 on Wolfe Island, d/o Wm Gillespie & Cynthia A Woodman, Frontenac County ID 213528
M Jane Gillespie birth Portsmouth on May 26, 1881. ID 007788
Muriel Eliza Gillespie birth Pittsburgh Twp Aug 11, 1907 ID 017035
Oliva Matilda Gillaspie birth Jan 8, 1885 on Wolfe Island d/o William Gillaspie & Alviah Woodman , Frontenac Co ID 008950
Robert Gillespie birth Aug 8, 1845 Baptized March 8, 1852, s/o Robert & Eliza, Wolfe Island, Frontenac County
Robert Gillespie, birth July 17, 1878 s/o Hugh Gillespie & Margaret Spence, Pittsburgh Twp, Frontenac Co. ID 006310
Robert Leslie Gillespie birth Wolfe Island Jan 4, 1887. ID 008190
Robert Walter Gillaspie, born Nov 4, 1886, baptised Nov 18, 1886 son of George & Frances Amelia (Coxall). ID 009747
Robert William Gillespie, birth Aug 15, 1871, Frontenac, son of James Gillespie & Margaret Campbell. At Portsmouth. ID 022884
Ruth A Gillespie birth Pittsburgh Twp Aug 31, 1902 ID 015349
Sabina Alberta Gillespie, born Oct 14, 1882, baptism March 6, 1888 daughter of Robert & Ann Jane (Breakey) Frontenac County
Sarah Gillespie, birth Jan 9, 1875 d/o James Gillespie & Margaret Campbell, Portsmouth, Frontenac Co ID 003997
Sarah C Gallespie birth in Pittsburgh T wp on Sept 4, 1880. ID 208637
Sarah Jane Gillespie, birth April 13, 1875 daughter of George & Frances Amelia. Baptized May 30, 1875. Frontenac County
Simanthe Elizabeth Gillespie, born Oct 16, 1872, daughter of John & Elmira. ( 2nd record gives Femantha Elizabeth Gillespie b 1872 child of John Gillespie & Almira Grimshaw. Were there twins?) Wolfe Island. Frontenac County
Thomas Gillespie, born Dec 27, 1867, baptised March 29, 1868, son of John & Almira. Frontenac County
Thomas Andrew Gillespie birth March 18, 1879 n Portsmouth, so Jas Gillespie & Margaret Campbell, ID 006281
Walter Weston Gillespie, born Oct 6, 1922, baptised Dec 5, 1922 son of Charles George & Estella Hooper (Boyd) Frontenac Co.
William Henry Gillespie, born Jan 11, 1860, baptised Feb 16,1860 son of John Gillespie of Kingston & Elmira Grimshaw. Frontenac County
William Henry Gillespie birth Aug 9, 1876 in Portsmouth, child of James Gillespie & Margaret Campbell, Frontenac County ID 005552
William Henry Gillespie birth Kingston April 10, 1886 ID 010031
William Henry Gillespie birth April 10, 1886 in Kingston, son of James Gillespie & Mary Moncrief
William James Gillespie birth Dec 28, 1910 in Kingston, Frontenac Co, d/o Wm Gillespie & Ella Babcock ID 019006
William Percy Gillespie birth on Wolfe Island Feb 8, 1880. ID 006_50
William Thomas Gillespie birth June 30, 1911 in Pittsburgh Twp, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Margaret Scott ID 020305
Wm Victor Gillespie birth Jan 18,1906 in Kingston, s/o James Gillespie & Martha Ann Vindale ID 018989
Mary Jane GILLOW, born Sept 14, 1851, baptised March 8, 1852, d/o Samuel Gillow & Ann (nee Gillespie) Frontenac County
Robert GILLOW, s/o Samuel Gillow and his wife Ann Gillespie, born Feb 19, 1854. Baptised June 18, 1854, Wolfe Island, Frontenac County
William GILLOW birth Wolfe Island April 18, 1899 ID 013362
Eurella HORNE, birth Sept 22, 1869, d/o William J Horne, a yeoman & Mary Jane Gillespie, Frontenac. (2nd record gives Euretta Home)
Martha RANOUS, birth July 13, 1888 d/o George Ranous & Martha Gillespie, Wolfe Island, Frontenac Co.
Luella Margaret SCOTT birth July 12, 1891 in Kingston, Frontenac Co, d/o John Scott & Annie Gillespie
Henrietta SHARPE, born May 9, 1845, baptised Dec 15, 1847 daughter of William Sharpe & Barbara Gillespie, Frontenac County
John SHARPE, born Aug 19, 1847, baptised Dec 25, 1847 /o William Sharpe and Barbara Gillespie. Frontenac County
Edith WELMOT birth May 5, 1896 in Kingston, d/o Henry F Welmot & Annie Gillespie, Frontenac.
Vera Alexander or Victoria May WILMOT birth May 24, 1891 in Kingston, Frontenac Co, d/o Henry F Wilmot & Annie Gillespie
Alice Maud DAWSON birth July 19, 1880 in Belleville, d/o James A Dawson & Jenny Gellespie, Hasting Co.
Benjamin Albert Gillespie birth Oct 20, 1848, baptized Jan 14, 1851. s/o James & Sarah Gillespie of Picton Town.
Cecil Elbern Gillispie birth Thurlow Aug 21, 1899 ID 016609
Clarence John Gillespie birth Sept 15, 1899 in Tyendinaga, Hastings, s/o William E Gillespie & Sarah Jane Coulter.
David Findlay Gillespie birth Nov 14, 1870 in Plainfield, Hastings,s/o John Gillespie & Christina Miles ID 901182
Donald Hall Gillespie birth Dec 16, 1906 in Tweed, Hastings Co, so Adam Gillespie & Mary Ethel Beene. (date changed) ID 220801
Dorothy Eva Gillespie birth June 10, 1904 in Tweed, Hastings Co, d/o Adam Kull Gillespie & Mary Ethel Bonn ID 019612
Ella Maud Gillespie, birth Dec 5, 1888 d/o Wm E Gillespie & Sarah Jane Coulter, Tyendingaga, Hastings ID 2123945
Emma Jane Gillespie birth Nov 9, 1864 in Thurlow, Hastings Co, d/o John Gillespie & Christina Miles
Emerson Gillespie birth Feb 6, 1870 in Thurlow, Hastings Co, s/o John Gillespie & Christie Ann Miles. See next entry. ID 010463
“Gillespie” birth March 6, 1874 Picton, Prince Edward Co, child of Benjamin Gillespie & Ann Gaw. ID 016543
Helen Gillespie, birth Oct 1, 1886 d/o James F. Gillespie & Julie A Vandewat, Picton Town, Prince Edward County ID 031576
James Garfield Gillespie birth Nov 17, 1884 in Picton, Prince Edward Co, s/o James H Gillespie & Julia A Van De Water ID 030867
Jane M Gillespie birth in Campbellford Nov 17, 1881. ID 020987
Kathleen Gillespie, birth July 21, 1883 d/o Jonas H Gillespie & Julie Ann Vanderwator, Prince Edward Co. (date changed) ID 030137
Margaret Olive Gillespie birth Sept 28, 1910 in Tweed, Hasting Co, d/o Adam Gillespie & Mary Ethel Benn
Nora Gillespie birth Cambellford April 9, 1883 ID 028416 (difficult to read microfilm, especially first name)
Olivia Gillispie, birth Feb 1, 1886 d/o John Gillispie & Christina Findlay, Thurlow, Hastings Co ID 013586
Charles SMITH birth Nov 17, 1859 Baptized Jan 14, 1851. S/o James & Sarah Gillespie of Picton
Mary Montgomery WIDDIFIELD, birth Jan 19, 1897 d/o C H Widdifield & Emma M Gillespie, Picton, Prince Edward Co.
Adam Hall Gillespie birth Oct 16, 1877 in Otonabee, s/o John Gillespie & Margaret Christie ID 025012
Alexander Gillespie birth April 18, 1875 Otonabee Twp. ID 017668 See next record.
Alexander Gillespie birth April 15, 1875 in Otonabee, Peterborough Co, s/o Peter Gillespie & Jane Scott
Alexander Craig Gillespie birth May 15, 1885 in Ashburnham, s/o James Brough Gillespie & Margaret June Craig
Alexander G Gillespie birth Ashburnham May 15, 1885 ID 027684
Allan Christie Gillespie birth Aug 3, 1907 in Ashphodel, Peterborough Co, s/o Peter Gillespie & Mabel Humphries ID037297
Andrew James Gillespie birth June 2, 1886 in Peterborough, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwick ID 029728
Bruce Brough Gillespie birth July 9, 1883 in Ashburnham, Peterborough Co, s/o James B Gillespie & Margret Jane Craig ID 028012?
Bruce Brown Gillespie birth May 14, 1887 in Ashburnham, Peterborough Co, s/o James B Gillespie & Margaret Jane Craig ID 027113
Cecil Alex Gillespie birth March 25, 1911 in Stinalue, Peterborough Co, s/o Alex Gillespie & Annie Anderson Baltyute ID 040648 re Otonabee Twp.
Clarence Humphries Gillespie birth Sept 8, 1908 in Asphodel, Peterborough Co, s/o Peter E Gillespie & Mabel Humphries ID 0393__
Edith Gillespie birth Feb 16, 1883 in Peterborough, d/o Thomas G Gillespie & Mary Ann Duncan ID 087993
Edith Mildred Gillespie birth Peterborough on May 8, 1877 ID 024438
Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Dec 14, 1849 in Monaghan. d/o Peter Gillespie & Elizabeth Gillespie. Baptized June 21, 1850 in Monaghan by I.B. Howard.
Ethel Mildred Gillespie, birth May 9, 1877 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Ellen Scott, Peterborough.
George Alexander Gillespie birth Dec 26, 1872 in Otonabee, Peterborough Co, s/o John Gillespie & Margaret Christie ID 218209
George Grant Gillespie, birth Jan 15, 1908 s/o G A Gillespie & Elizabeth Lang (date changed) ID 0398__
Georgia F Gillespie birth Peterborough March 8, 1907 ID 037799
Gillespie (male) birth Peterborough July 16, 1906 ID 036570
Gordon Vernon Gillespie birth Oct30, 1892 in Ashburnham, so Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwick (date changed). ID 026603
Helen Geoffrey Gillespie birth Jan 17, 1911 in Asphodel, Peterborough Co, d/o Peter C Gillespie & Mabel Miler Humphries
Helen Geoffrey Gillespie birth Asphodel Jan 17, 1911. ID 040279
Isabel Gillespie birth Carmon I June 27, 1901 ID 039824
Isabella Gillespie, birth June 27, 1883, d/o Peter Gallespie & Jane Scott, Otonabee Twp, Peterborough ID 028328?
James Gillespie birth June 8, 1848, born Monaghan. Baptized Sept 2 1848 Monaghan. Parents not given. By Geo Goodson.
James Gillespie birth Feb 14, 1881 in Otonabee, s/o Peter Gillespie & Jane Scott ID 026331
James Bertram Gillespie birth Dec 19, 1890 in Peterborough, s/o James Gillespie & Margaret Jane Craig ID 901514
James Earl Gillespie birth Aug 12, 1909 in Peterborough, s/o Geo A Gillespie & Elizebeth Lang ID 038206
James Maxwell Gillaspie birth Aug 23, 1897 in Harvey, Peterborough Co, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwick ID 03416_
Jane Gillespie birth May 20, 1885 in Peterborough, d/o Thomas G. Gillespie & Mary Ann Duncan, Peterborough, Ontario ID 028013
Jane Brough Gillespie, birth Dec 12, 1878 d/o Peter Gillespie & Jane Scott, Otonabee Twp, Peterborough ID 225778
Janet Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Oct 28, 1876 d/o Peter Gillespie & Jane Scott, Otonabee, Peterborough ID 224752
Jean Barkley Gillespie birth Peterborough Nov 17, 1908. ID 0402__
Jean Turnbull Gillespie birth Nov 21, 1888, d/o James Brough Gillespie & Margaret Jane Craig, Peterborough ID 901566
J Francis Gillespie birth Otonabee Jan 2, 1888 ID 028945
John Gillespie birth June 26, 1899 in Cavan Twp, s/o Hugh Gillespie & Rebecca Cathcart.
John L Gillispie birth Sept 26, 1899 in Smith Twp, Peterborough Co, s/o Geo A Gillespie & Elizabeth Lang ID 032770
Joseph Gillespie birth Dec 17, 1883 in Peterborough, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwick ID 228705
Joseph Gillespie birth Feb 16, 1884 in Peterborough, s/o Alexander Gillespie & Ellen Scott (date changed). ID 028724
Joseph Francis Gillespie birth Jan 2, 1888 in Otonabee, Peterborough Co, s/o John L Gillespie & Elezebeth Samuel
Laura Gillespie birth Feb 23, 1903 in Smith Twp, Peterborough, do Wm Gillespie & Annie Montgomery ID 035414
Lilly May Pearl McCrorie, birth Feb 22, 1892 d/o William McCrorie & Sarah Gillespie, Peterborough, Ontario
Lottie Gillespie birth Oct 11, 1907 in Harvey, Peterborough Co, d/o Wm Gillespie & Annie Montgomery ID 017582
Maggie Gillespie, birth Aug 18,1878 d/o Peter Gillespie & Jane Thompson, Otonabee Twp, Peterborough ID 225790
Margaret Gillispie, birth April 21, 1853 born Monagahn d/o John Gillispie and Jane Gillispie. Baptized July 7, 1853 Monaghan by James Hughes.
Margaret Isabel Gillespie, birth Sept 13, 1885 d/o John Lyall Gillespie & Elizabeth Samuel, Otonabee Twp, Ontario ID 027871
Mary Jane, birth Dec 20, 1870 d/o John Gillespie and Margaret Christie. Born Peterborough County.
M Jane Knox Gillespie birth in Otonabee Dec 24, 1870. ID 009366
Peter Gillespie birth Otonabee July 14, 1884 ID 227861
Peter Christie Gillespie, birth Nov 12, 1874 s/o John Gillespie & Margaret Christie, Otonabee Twp, Peterborough Co. ID 017388
Ralph Gillespie birth Cavan Twp Oct 21, 1900 ID 027192
Robert George Cassidy birth July 13, 1881 in Smith, Peterborough, s/o James Cassidy & Sarah Ann Gillespie
Robert George Gillespie birth Cavan Jan 29, 1895 ID 021927
Sarah Elizabeth Gillespie birth March 25, 1889 , d/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwict, Ashburnham, Peterborough Co.(2nd record gives her name as Sarah Isabella Gillespie ID 029409
Stanley George Gillespie birth May 25, 1887 in Peterborough, s/o Thomas George & Mary Ann Duncan ID 501180
Thomas George Gillespie birth Aug 26, 1876 in Otonabee Twp, Peterborough Co, s/o Peter Gillespie & Jane Thompson ID 021819
Walter James Gillespie birth Feb 28, 1906 in Otonabee, Peterborough Co, s/o Alexander Gillespie & Annie Anderson Bathgate ID
036298Walter Scott Gillespie birth Aug 31, 1872 in Peterboro, s/o Alexander Gillespie & Ellen Scott ID 016499
Walter Stanly Gillespie birth Jan 4, 1903 in Ashburnham, Peterborough, s/o Hugh Wm Gillespie & Elizabeth Redpath. ID 034683
William G J Gillespie birth Fenelon Falls Feb l7, 1874. ID 021213
William Harry Gillespie birth Ashburnham Feb 4, 1900 ID 032948
Winnifred M Gillespie birth Scugog May 20, 1903 ID 031376
Edith Letitia KENT birth Feb 19, 1881 in Peterborough, d/o Andrew Mather Kent & Mary Elizabeth Gillespie.
Bella Ida MILLER, birth April 24, 1884 , do Robert Miller & Mary Jane Gillespie of Peterborough
Ellen Seymour MILNE, birth Sept 8, 1878 d/o Alexander Milne & Margaret Gillespie, Kingston Mills, Frontenac
Catherine Esther Eveline ROBINSON birth Nov 2, 1881 in Otonabee Twp, Peterborough, d/o John Wesley Robinson & Sarah Ann Gillespie.
Etty Sophie Jane ROBINSON birth Aug 30,1883 Otonabee, Peterborough Co, d/o John Wesley Robinson & Sarah Ann Gillespie
Margaret Esther STEWART, birth Nov 13, 1885 North Monaghan Twp, Peterborough Co, d/o Joseph Stewart & Eliza Jane Gillespie
Ellen THOMPSON, birth April 16, 1882 Otonabee, Peterborough Co, child of Adam Thompson & Anna Gillespie.
Jane WALKER, birth Oct 5, 1894 d/o John Walker & Alice Gillespie, Otonabee Twp, Peterborough Co
Alexander Gillispie birth Haldimand Twp on Dec16, 1871. ID 212103
Allister C Gillispie birth Mariposa Aug 11, 1886 ID 035124
Annie Elizabeth Gillespie birth Aug 5, 1912 in Cramahe, Northumberland Co, d/o Walter Gillespie & May Phillips
Annie May Gillespie, birth Nov 10, 1879 d/o James Gillespie & Ellen Diviney, Fenella, Northumberland. ID 901362
Benjamin Walter Gillespie birth Feb 1885, in East Neding, Northumberland Co, s/o Charles S Gillespie & Debra Van Glasicum.
Clifford Holland Gillespie birth May 9, 1905 in Haldimand Twp , Northumberland, s/o William Gillespie & Lizzie Arkles ID 032001
Edward Gillespie, birth Dec 7, 1864 at Haldimand. Baptized April 18, 1865 by C Hamilton, s/o James Gillespie, Ellen Gillespie of Haldimand.
Elizabeth Ann Clare Gillespie birth Sept 9, 1977 in Lindsay, d/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwick ID 02971
Elizabeth Debra Gillespie, birth March 22, 1891 d/o Charles Smith Gillespie & Debrah Ann Vanblarrscom, Campbellford, Northumberland ID 027565
Florence Muriel Gillespie birth Oct 7, 1900 in Haldimand Twp, Northumberland, d/o William Gillespie & Elizabeth Arkles ID 027561
Frank Gilbert Gillespie birth July 30, 1874 in Newcastle, Durham Co, s/o John Gillespie & Esther Johnston ID 219137
In Haldimand, on the 6th instant, the Lady of Mr. George Gillespie, born a son, April 13, 1836
George A Gillespie birth in Haldimand Twp on Feb 8, 1872. ID 012106
George Hilton Gillespie birth May 18, 1891 in Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co, s/o William H Gillespie & Elizabeth Sandercock ID 028398
Gillespie (male) birth Aug 15, 1905, in Cobourg, Northumberland, child of Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Anderson ID 031808
Grace Adelle Gillespie, birth Oct 30, 1892 d/o Charles Smith Gillespie & Debra Ann Vanblaricum, Campbellford, Northumberland ID 2222819
Hazel Gillespie birth Jan 29, 1895 in Haldimand Twp, Northumberland Co, d/o William Gillespie & Elizabeth Arkles ID 021858
Henry Ernest Gillespie birth Nov 18, 1902 in Cobourg, s/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Anderson
Hugh Gillispie birth March 7, 1873 in Haldimand Twp, Northumberland Co, s/o James Gillespie & Ellen Deveney ID 014303
James E Gillespie birth Feb 8, 1884 Haldimand. ID 023015
James Thompson Robson, birth June 11, 1874 s/o George Robson & Elizabeth Gillespie, Haldimand Twp, Northumberland Co
Jane Montgomery Gillespie, birth Nov 17, 1881 d/o Charles S. Gillespie & Debra Anne Vanblasicum, Campbellford, Northumberland
Jas Frederick Gillespie, birth Feb 8,1884, Haldimand, s/o James Gillespie & Mary R Mallory, Northumberland Co
Jennie Mabel Bernise Gillespie, birth Nov 19, 1906 in Cobourg, Northumberland Co, d/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Anderson. ID 050370
Johanna Gillespie, birth Dec 2, 1878 d/o William Gillespie & Mary Francis, Port Hope, Durham ID 020166
John Gillespie birth Jan 10, 1871 in Hope, Northumberland Co, s/o John Gillespie & Esther Johnston ID 019151
John Wesley Gillespie, birth July 17, 1866 at Haldimand. Baptized Oct 2, 1868 at Fenella by J. A. Ivison. s/o Jas Gillespie, Ellen Gillespie of Haldimand.
Leonard Gillespie, birth Aug 18, 1863 baptized April 21, 1865 by C Hamilton, s/o Alexander Gillespie, Sarah Gillespie of Haldimand.
Lilly Eleanor Gillespie birth June 23, 1903 in Haldmand Twp, d/o William Gillespie & Jennie Arkles ID 030354
Louisa Jane Gillespie birth July 29, 1866 at Haldimand. Baptized Oct 2, 1868 at Fenella by J. A. Ivison. d/o Edw’d Gillespie, Martha Gilespie of Haldimand.
Lucy Louisa Gillespie, birth Dec 19, 1886 d/o Charles S. Gillespie & Debra Vanblaricom, Campbellford. ID 222981
Lulu Elisabeth Gillespie birth Haldimand Twp Nov 18, 1898 ID 027696
Mabel Gillispie, d/o Wm Gillespie & Lizzie Ackles, Haldimand Twp, Northumberland, birth May 17, 1893 ID 022654
Margaret Gillespie, birth Sept 18, 1863 in Haldimand. Baptized April 18, 1865 by C Hamilton. d/o James Gillespie, Ellen Gillespie of Haldimand.
Margaret Olive Gillespie birth Tweed Sept 28, 1910 ID 022735
Marion Marie Gillespie birth Oct 17, 1912 in Haldimand, Northumberland Co, do William Gillespie & Elizabeth Arkles
Marian Morgan Gillespie, birth Oct 28, 1895 Campbellford, Northumberland Co, d/o Charles Smith Gillespie & Debra Ann Vanblasicum ID 226230
Mary Jane Gillespie, born March 18, 1872, baptized July 9, 1872 daughter of Gilbert & M.A., Beaverton, Thorah. A.C.Wilson – Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Record, Vol 11.
Mary L Gillespie, birth Dec 7, 1864 at Haldimand. Baptized April 18, 1865 by C Hamilton. d/o Edward Gillespie, Martha Gillespie of Haldimand.
Nora Gillespie, birth April 9, 1883 d/o Charles Smith Gillespie & Debra Anne Vanblancom, Campbellford, Northumberland
Oscar Eaton Gillespie birth May 21, 1900 in Hamilton Twp, Northumberland, s/o John A Gillespie & Jennie Grace Eaton ID 027628
Percy Henry Ernest Gillespie birth Cobourg Nov 18, 1902 ID 028618
Ralph Gillespie birth Oct 21, 1900 in Durham, s/o Hugh Gillespie & Rebecca Cathcart.
Robert Henry Gillespie birth Jan 23, 1911 in Cramahe, Northumberland Co, s/o Walter Gillespie & May Phillips ID 035631
Sarah Gillespie, birth July 3, 1867 in Haldimand. Baptized Oct 1, 1868 at Fenella by J. A. Ivison. d/o Jas Gillespie and Ellen Gillespie of Haldimand.
Sarah Jane Gillespie, birth Jan 22, 1862, at Bowmanton. Baptized July 22, 1862 at Haldimand by W.L. Scott. d/o Edward Gillespie, Martha Gillespie of Bowmanton.
Susana L. Gillespie, birth Feb 17, 1890 d/o Charles Gillespie & Susana Henderson, Haldimand, Northumberland.ID 022311
Vera Blanche Gillespie birth April 12, 1908 in Haldimand, d/o William Gillespie & Elizabeth Arkles ID 0345__
William Gillespie birth Feb 17, 1873 in Newcastle, Northumberland Co, s/o John Gillespie & Esther Johnson ID 014446
William Charles Gillespie, birth Aug 25, 1868 at Haldimand. Baptized Oct 2, 1868 at Fenella by J. A Ivison. s/o Alex’r Gillespie and Sarah J Gillespie of Haldimand.
William E Gillespie birth Percy Twp July 4, 1898 ID 028105
William G Gillespie birth Aug 6, 1874 Hamilton Twp. ID 013940
Wm Stanley Gillespie birth Oct 29, 1896 in Haldimand, s/o William Gillespie & Lizzie Arkles (2nd record gives his second name as Standler).
See Northern Ontario for Lutterworth
Alice G Gillespie, birth Aug 26, 1880 d/o John H. Gillespie & Sarah Elizabeth Thompson, Brock, Ontario ID 023838
Alice May Gillespie birth May 4, 1901 in Beaverton, d/o Dugald C Gillespie & Jennie Skinner. ID 029153
Annie Melville Gillespie birth Sept 20, 1894 in Mariposa Twp, d/o Alexander Gillespie & Sarah Campbell, Mariposa Twp, Victoria Co ID 032462
Annie Thompson Gillespie, birth Dec 6, 1881 d/o John Gillespie & Elizabeth Thompson, Brock, Ontario ID 023024
Archibald Gillespie birth April 20, 1894 in Thorah Twp, s/o Archibald Gillespie & Effie Gillespie. ID 223218
Benjamin Hanes Gillespie birth Feb 13, 1888 in Thorah, so Archibald Gillespie & Effie Simpson ID 025298
Cassie Gillespie birth Thorah March 15, 1892 ID 0230079
Christina Margaret Gillespie birth Nov 26, 1887 in Beaverton, d/o Dugald Gillespie & Jennie Skinner ID 024707
Daniel Gillespie birth May 11, 1885 in Mara, s/o Archie Gillespie & Effie Gillespie.ID 225724
David Gillespie, birth Aug 16, 1891 s/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann French, Ontario. ID 222730
Delina Gillespie birth Feb 2, 1896 n Mara, d/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann French. ID 027014
Donald Gillespie birth Feb 25, 1888 in Mara Twp, s/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann French ID 085072
Donald Philibert Gillespie birth Oct 9, 1890 in Mara Twp, child of F. J. Gillespie & Christena Mcdonald ID 228972
Dorothy Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Nov 7, 1905 Thorah Twp d/o Dougald D Gillespie & Hattie Stabback, Ontario ID 033090
Dougald Angus Gillespie, birth Sept 21, 1900 in Thorah Twp s/o Dougald Gillespie & Hattie Stabback, Ontario ID 029612
Dougald Duncan Gillespie birth Feb 18, 1876 in Thorah Twp, s/o Angus Gillespie & Margaret Mcarthur ID 015762
Dugall Gilespie birth Feb 12, 1871 in Eldon Twp, s/o John Gillespie & Nancy Mcdougall ID 021271
Dugald Forster Gillespie birth Jan 16, 1903 in Beaverton, s/o Dugald C Gillespie & Jennie Skinner ID 030827
Duncan Alexander Gillespie birth Feb 10, 1895 in Beaverton, s/o Dougald Gillespie & Jennie Skinner ID 0230199
Effie Gillespie, birth Oct 21, 1886 /o Archibald Gillespie & Effie Gillespie, Thorah Twp
Elizabeth Ann Clare Gillespie, birth Sept 9, 1877 d/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwick, Lindsay, Victoria, Ontario
Ellen Gellespie, birth Aug 28, 1869 d/o John Gellespie & Mary Mcdougald, Victoria, Ontario (Microfilm ID 005658)
Florence Gertrude Hurd birth Jan 2, 1871 in Brock, d/o J. W. Hurd & Margaret Gillispie
Frances Ann Gillespie, birth May 30, 1893 d/o Francis Joseph Gillespie & Christena Ann Mcdonald, Mara Twp, Ontario ID 02381
George Ira Gillaspie birth Manvers, Oct 17, 1887 ID 224772
Gillespie birth May 21, 1886 in Beaverton, child of Dugald Gillespioe & Jennie Skinner (date change) ID 026243
Gillespie birth Nov 22, 1904 in Beaverton, child of Dougald D Gillespie & Jennie Skinner, Ontario ID 030378
Ida Fair Gillespie, birth Oct 10, 1874 d/o George Gillespie & Mcphaden, Brock Twp, Ontario ID 014322
Issabella Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Dec 6, 1870 d/o Donald Gillespie, Medical Doctor and Isabella Coulthard, at Cannington, Brock Twp, Ontario. ID 013004
Isabel Lisle Gillespie, birth Sept 30, 1879 in Lindsay, d/o Joseph Gillespie & Ann Renwick, Lindsay, Victoria, Ontario ID 030776
Janet Helena Gillespie, birth Feb 21, 1881 d/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann French, Thorah Twp, Ontario ID 022542
Janet Miller Gillespie birth Cannington Oct 6, 1890 ID 023505
Jennie Gillespie birth Dec 31, 1890 in Beaverton, d/o Dugald Gillespie & Jennie S Kimmer (Mother’s last name incorrect, see Lorne). ID 228998
Jennie C Gillespie birth Beaverton March 23, 1893 ID 023524
John Gillespie birth May 10, 1873 in Eldon Twp. ID 022002
John Gillespie birth Oct 29, 1871 in Thorah, s/o John Gillespie & Mary Colville, Ontario ID 018738
John Alphonsus Gillespie birth Mara Twp June 7, 1882 ID 223690
John Anderson Gillespie birth Nov 28, 1893 in Cannington, so Malcolm Gillespie & Janet Anderson ID 023526
John James Gillespie birth March 30, 1883 in Mara, s/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann French, Ontario
Lorne Campbell Gillespie birth Dec 19, 1898 in Beaverton, so Dougald C Gillespie & Jennie Skinner ID 228098
Lottie Gillespie birth Oct 11, 1902 in Brock, d/o Wm G J Gillespie & Sarah Ann Montgomery (? see next record)
Lottie Gillespie birth Oct 11, 1907 Brock Twp ID 435153
Malcolm Gillespie birth Sept 21, 1876 in Brock Twp, s/o Wilbert C Curd & Margerett Gillespie, Ontario
Malcolm Gillespie birth March 14, 1879 in Eldon, s/o John Gillespie & Annie Mcdougall, Ontario ID 901393
M Ann Gillespie birth Beaverton May 25, 1889 ID 025660
Margaret Gillespie, birth Feb 1, 1887 d/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann French, Mara Twp, Ontario ID 024132
Margaret Jane Gillespie, birth Jan 23, 1884 Mara Twp, d/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann Gillespie ID 024793
Margaret Jane Gillespie, birth June 22, 1884 d/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann Gillespie, Mara Twp, Ontario (may be a baptism)
Mary Ann Gillespie birth May 25, 1889 in Beaverton, d/o Dugald Gillespie & Jennie Skinner
Mary Evelyn Gillespie birth Nov 7, 1901 in Thorah Twp, d/o Dongald D Gillespie & Hattie Slatback (mother’s last name spelled incorrectly)
Mary Christena Gillespie, birth April 7, 1886 d/o Francis Joseph Gillespie & Christena McDonald, Mara, Ontario ID 225079
Mary Jane Gillespie, birth March 28, 1871 d/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann nee French, of Beaverton, Baptized July 9, 1872 at Thorah by A C Wilson. Wesleyan Methodist Baptism record.(2nd record gives Aug 17, 1871 as birth record, but may be baptism)
May Gillespie birth Sept 25, 1885 d/o Gilbert Gillespee & Mary Ann French, Uxbridge Twp, Ontario (birth listed as Mara) ID 225673
M Evelyn Gillespie birth Thorah Twp Nov 7, 1901 ID 029747
Michael Joseph Gillespie birth Jan 20, 1884 in Mara Twp, s/o Francis J Gillespie & Christina Mcdonald ID 024791
M Jane Gillespie birth at Thorah Aug 17, 1871. ID 018733
Nellie Isabell Gillespie birth Sept 10, 1884 in Brock, d/o John H Gillespie & Sarah C Thompson ID 024976
Norman Albert Gillespie birth June 23, 1909 in Oshawa, child of Donald Alexander Gillespie & Abigail Hughes
Rebecca Ellinore Gillispie birth Nov 21, 1872 in Brock, d/o George Gillispie & Agnes Mcphader. ID 015770
Rowan Samuel Ernest Gillespie, born Friday, December 2, 2011 in Oshawa, son of Patrick and Margaret Gillespie (nee Ewald). Grandparents Robert and Cecile Gillespie of Beamsville and Denis and Wilma Ewald of Kitchener.
Trusdell Haymen Gillespie birth Nov 12, 1890 in Thorah Twp s/o Archibald Gillespie & Effie Gillespie ID 025861
Wilfred Walsh Gilespie birth Sept 3, 1898 in Mara, s/o Frank J Gillespie & Christena Mcdonald ID 011107
William Gillespie birth May 6, 1889 in Mara, s/o Gilbert Gillespie & Mary Ann French. (date changed) ID 025481
William Duncan Gillespie, birth Dec 8, 1870 s/o Duncan Gillespie, farmer, and Mary Ann McDaniel of Laxton, Victoria Co. Date given as June 20, 1870 on ID 011641
William John Gillaspie birth Manvers March 14 1884 ID 023111
William John Gillespie birth Beaverton March 20, 1897 ID 029736
Winnifred Margaret Gilespie, birth May 20, 1903 in Scugog & Thorah Twps, d/o Dougald D Gillespie & Katie Slabback
Wm George Jeffrie Gillespie birth Feb 17, 1875 in Fenelon Falls, Victoria Co, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Wrenwick
Maryan CRONOLONG birth Oct 25, 1882 in Brock, d/o Richard Cronolong & Jeanett Gillespree
Margarita Alice Catherine ELLIS birth April 6, 1884 Cannington, d/o Peter Ellis & Mary Jane Gillespie
Alexander GRAHAM, birth Dec 21, 1891 s/o Archibald Graham & Flora Gillespie, Eldon Twp, Victoria
Flora GRAHAM birth Sept 1, 1890 in Somerville, child of Flora Gillespie and Archibald Graham.
Maggie GRAHAM birth Aug 16, 1882 /o Archibald Graham and Flora Gillespie, Eldon Twp, Victoria Co.
Donald MACDOUGALL, birth Sept 15, 1882 s/o Robert Macdougall & Sarah Gillespie, Thorah, Ontario
Mary Zeeth MCNULTY birth Jan 7, 1894 in Mara Twp, d/o Charles McNulty & Mary Ann Gillespie
Janet Miller Gillespie birth Oct 6, 1890 in Ontario, d/o Malcolm Gillespie Jr and Janet Anderson.
Ada Lola Gillespie birth Toronto July 19, 1904 ID 004458
Agnes G Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 7, 1899 ID 004480
Albert Gilespie baptism Dec 8, 1872 Toronto, Ontario Father James Gilespie. Mother Jane Power.
Albert Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 30, 1894 ID 041700
Albert Daly Gillespie birth Toronto March 3, 1911 ID 003265
Albert William Gllespie birth Toronto Dec 9, 1911 ID 201163
Albert Stanley Gillespie birth Toronto on Nov 10, 1877 ID 037746
Alexander Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 20, 1877 ID 037506
Alice Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 21, 1904 ID 001897
Alce Jean Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 21, 1904 ID 002144
Allan Charles Gillespie, birth Oct 13, 1913 York, Ontario. Father Albert Charles Gillespie. Mother Chrissie May McCool.
Andrew Edgar Gillespie, birth Dec 1, 1972 Toronto, Ontario. Father Ian Gillespie. Mother Edna LeBlanc.
Annie Gillespie birth Toronto March 16, 1887. ID 041841
Annie Gillespie birth Toronto June 16 ,1897 ID 003245
Annie Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 13, 1908 ID 0078__
Archie James Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 9, 1888 . ID 044856
Ardelia Gillespie birth Toronto March 9, 1882 ID 0412208
Audrey Evelyn Gillespie birth Toronto April 25, 1911 ID 004988
Basil Gillespie birth Toronto May 30, 1909 ID 004576
Benjamin W Gillespie birth East Riding Feb, 1885 ID 023229
Beulah Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 19, 1894 ID 041858
Caroline Gilispie, birth Dec 25, 1878, Baptism Feb 23, 1879 Toronto, Ontario. Father James Gillespie, Mother Jane Power.
Caroline Agnes Gillespie, birth April 1, 1894 York, Ontario. Father William Gillespie. Mother Annie Grant. ID 040538
Catherine B Gillespie birth Toronto June 16, 1910 ID 005425
Charles Gillespy, birth May 10, 1874. baptism March 27, 1874 Toronto, Ontario. Father James Gillespy. Mother Jane Power
Clementina W Gillespie birth Toronto May 12, 1881. ID 040111
David A Gillespie birth Toronto on June 13, 1884 ID 044152
Dorothy Ada Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 4, 1901 ID 004597
Duncan A A Gillespie birth Toronto March 8, 1888 ID 042548
Edith Winifred Gillespie birth Toronto March 24, 1894 ID 040117
Edna Gillespie Gillespie birth April 4, 1910 ID 003513
Edrie Alice Gillespie birth Toronto July 9, 1911 ID 007316
Edward Martin Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 28, 1904 ID 00461
Elizabeth Gillespie birth Toronto Jan 9, 1874. ID 026877
Elizabeth M Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 25, 1892 ID 042576
Elizabeth J R Gillespie birth Toronto Nov 8, 1894 ID 042689
Eliza Ann Gillespie birth Yorkville Oct 10, 1882 ID 044442; 901409
Elsie Maud Gillespie birth Toronto July 31, 1909 ID 006386
Emma May Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 11, 1901 ID 003993
Ernest Lorne Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 1, 1907 ID 005191
Essie Armour Gillespie birth Toronto June 3, 1908 ID 0045__
Eva Gertrude Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 23, 1890 ID 042769
Evelyn G Gillespie birth Toronto Dec 18, 1905 ID 2218250
Evelyn Lurinda Gillespie, birth Nov 25, 1907 York, Ontario. Father George Gillespie. Mother Lollie May Hubbard. ID 007361
Florence Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 19, 1883, ID 043523
Florence Annie Gillespie birth Oct 23, 1870 in Toronto. ID 019312
Florence G Gillespie birth Toroto Aug 15, 1906 ID 0079163
Florence J Gillespie birth Toronto April 17, 1876 ID 038344
Francis Joseph Gillespie, birth April 2, 1885 York, Ontario. Father Francis Gillespie. Mother Margaretta Jane Wilson. ID 041858
Francis Shirley Gillespie, female, birth Nov 26, 1911 York, Ontario. Father William Percy Gillespie. Mother Lillian Shirley.
Frederick Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 24, 1885 ID 043559
Frederick E Gillespie birth Toronto Gore Twp Nov 11, 1894 ID 024851
George Gillespie birth Yorkville on April 28, 1881. ID 038563
George Gilespie birth Toronto Jan 28, 1907 ID 001711
George Edward Gillespie birth in Toronto July 28, 1879. ID 038561
George S Gillespie birth Torohto Oct 17, 1911 ID 009848
Gillespie (female) birth Toronto March 30, 1882 ID 040985
Gillespie (female) birth Jan 4, 1888 Toronto. ID 041920
Gillespie birth Toronto 1890 ID 040995
Gillespie (male) birth Toronto Sept 13, 1892 ID 042337
Gillespie birth Toronto (male) April 21, 1894 ID 040124
Gillespie (male) birth Toronto Sept 27, 1898 ID 004171
Gillespie (female) birth Toronto July 14, 1902 ID 003691
Gillespie (male) birth Toronto April 4, 1906 ID 005426
Gillespie (male) birth York Twp Sept 10, 1907 ID 054354
George A B Gillespie birth Toronto April 29, 1902 ID 003056
Gertrude E Gillespie birth Toronto Dec 20, 1902 ID 201197
Gladys Irene Gillespie birth Toronto March 27, 1896. ID 044903
Gordon Gillespie birth Toronto Dec 7, 1906 ID 201049
Gordon Allan Gillespie birth Feb 3, 1903 ID 001732
Grace Gillespie birth Toronto on Jan 9, 1881. ID 039240
Grace Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 25, 1883 ID 041813? (May be Grace B)
Harold Austin Gillespie, birth March 19, 1905 York, Ontario Father Richard Luke Gillespie. Mother Ada Richards. ID 007730
Harold M Gillespie birth Toronto April 11, 1905 ID 008703
Harvey Harold Gillespie birth Toronto April 9, 1905 ID 007988
Hazel C Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 12, 1911 ID 002751
Hazel Lucile Gillespie birth Toronto July 15, 1901 ID 00369
Hazel Margaret Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 29, 1910 ID
Helen M Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 17, 1911 ID 002725
Helen Morgan Gillespie birth Toronto Jan 5, 1908 ID 0022
Henry Colley Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 11, 1907 ID 001969
Henry Howland Gillespie birth in Toronto Oct 28, 1879. ID 039170
Herbert Gillespie birth in Toronto on Sept 18 1881. ID 041032
Herbert B Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 27, 1898 ID 004330
Ida Mabel Gillespie birth Innisfil on Jan 11, 1880 ID 031703
Irene Martha Gillespie birth Aug 11, 1911 ID 007971
J Alexander Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 15, 1909 ID 006346
James Gellespie birth York on Sept 29, 1869. ID 00370
James Gillespie birth Toronto Dec 5, 1893 ID 043943
James Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 8, 1908 ID 0069__
James Howard Gillespie birth Toronto June 13, 1906 ID 007033
James William Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 29, 1905 ID 011638
Jane Gillespie birth Feb 7, 1861 Toronto, Home, Ontario. Baptism Feb 8, 1861 Toronto, Home. Father William Gillespie. Mother Anne. Residence Toronto.
John A G Gillespie birth Toronto Dec 27, 1905 ID 204237
John Forbes Gillespie birth Toronto March 5, 1891 ID 001955
John Forbes Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 3, 1897 ID 003830
Kathleen Gillespie birth Toronto April 16, 1909 ID 005276
Lillian Gillespie birth Toronto July 19, 1900 ID 003845
Mabel E Gillespie birth Toronto May 11, 1905 ID 008382
Madeline Gillespie birth July 11, 1903 Toronto Jct, Ontario. Father George Gillespie. Mother Lily May Hubbard. ID 049198
M Madeline Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 21, 1902 ID 005309
Margaret Gillespie birth Innisfil Twp Oct 4, 1876. ID 028793
Margaret Gillespie birth Toronto March 22, 1906 ID 005423
Margaret Grace Gillespie birth Toronto April 20, 1909 ID 003602
Margaret Isabell Gillespie, birth Aug 15, 1901 York, Ontario. Father James Gillespie, Mother Agnes Atkin ID 004065
Margaret L G Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 19, 1906 ID 005128
Marion Romer Gillespie birth Toronto July 29, 1892 ID 041716
Marjery Array Gillespie, birth Nov 27, 1892 York, Ontario. Father George Gillespie. Mother Sarah Moore. ID 005456
Marjory Eldon Gillespie birth Toronto Jan 2 1895 ID 038822
Martha Gillespie birth Toronto Nov 16, 1883 ID 043783
Mary Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 1, 1888. ID 044708
Mary Gillespie birth Aug 14, 1889 York, Ontario. Father Tobias Gillespie. Mother Mary Thorpe
Maud Gillespie birth in Toronto June 20 1879. ID 038162
May Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 14, 1889 ID 045573
M Eliza Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 14, 1885 ID 042801
M Elizabeth Gillespie birth Toronto July 10, 1911 ID 007328
Milo John Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 2, 1894 ID 041846
Myrtle Adela Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 15, 1897 ID 004640
Nellie May Gillespie birth W Toronto May 25, 1906 ID 048719
Norman G G Gillespie birth Toronto June 3, 1905 ID 008868
Olive Ruth Gillespie birth Toronto Sept 2, 1907 ID 005679
Orville W N Gillespie birth Toronto Nov 16, 1909 ID 005191
Owen Verral Gillespie birth Toronto May 26, 1906. iD 006218
Paul Desbarres Gillespie birth Toronto on March 3, 1884. ID 043343
Rebecca Grace Gillespie, birth July 22, 1886 York, Ontario .Father Francis Gillespie. Mother Margaret Wilson ID 045182
Richard Lerdy Gillespie birth Toronto April 5, 1904 ID 002714
Robert Gillespie, Catholic baptism May 2, 1843 Toronto, Ontario. Father John Gillespie. Mother Mary Gillespie
Robert Gillespie birth Toronto Dec 15, 1910 ID 201136
Robert Albert Gillespie birth Innisfil March 10, 1883 ID 031754
Robert Edgar Gillespie birth Toronto June 30, 1890 ID 201643
Robert O H Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 3, 1907 ID 006150
Robert Stanley (Stnaley) Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 21, 1896 ID 044657
Ross Roy Gillespie birth Toronto Aug 8, 1896 ID 046330
Samuel John Gillespie, birth May 12, 1889 York, Ontario. Father Thomas Henry Gillespie. Mother Ella Mears. ID 901594
Sarah Gillespie birth Toronto April 9, 1909 ID 055191
Sylva May Gillespie birth Toronto July 2, 1900 ID 003638
Thomas Gillespie, birth July 20, 1878 York, Ontario Father William Gillespie. Mother Hannah Nichols. ID 039811
Thomas Gillespie birth Toronto May 18, 1899 ID 002485
Thomas Francis Gillespie birth Weston March 13, 1887. ID 901451
Thomasena Gillespie birth Toronto Oct 4, 1885 ID 043544
Walter Edmund Gillespie, birth Feb 10, 1901 York, Ontario. Father Walter Gillespie. Mother Constance Marion Wrage. ID 001775
William Gillespie birth Toronto June 21, 1878. ID 039955
William Gillespie birth Toronto Feb 8, 1902 ID 001872
William C Gillespie birth Toronto Seot 18, 1902 ID 004906
William F Gillespie birth Toronto June 30, 1899 ID 003369
William George Gillespie birth at Toronto on Dec 31, 1872. ID 227365
William G A Gillespie birth Toronto Dec 11, 1911 ID 011071
William H Gillespie birth Toronto June 5, 1886 ID 044835
William J Gillespie birth Toronto June 8, 1911 ID 005971
William John Gillespie birth Toronto May 31, 1888 ID 043628
Wilmot Pearl Gillespie birth Toronto April 21, 1900 ID 002693
Alexander M Gillespie birth Caledon Aug 13, 1890 ID 025839
Annie Gillespie birth Dec 5, 1870 born to Anne Gillespie, Esquesing, Halton Co. ID 225096
Benjamin Gillespie baptized 1853 . Son of Jas & Sarah, Mission of Chincuacosy, Gore of Toronto.
Eliza Jane, birth Oct 7, 1846, daughter of James and Eliza Gillespie of Trafalgar Twp, Gore, Baptized May 17, 1846.
Frederick Ernest Gillespie, birth Nov 11, 1894 s/o Samuel Gillespie & Mary Ann Wilson, Toronto, Peel, Ontario
Jane Gillespie, baptism 1850 d/o Jas and Sarah Gillespie, Mission of Chincuacousy, Gore of Toronto
Jane Almira Gertrude Gillespie, birth Sept 2, 1881 d/o Hugh Gilespie & Martha Anderson, Nassagaweyn, Halton, Ontario ID 010086
John Simpson Gillespie, birth July 26, 1886 s/o John Gillespie & Hannah Hillis, Caledon, Peel, Ontario ID 029033
Minnie Osborne, birth March 31, 1874, d/o Mary Jane Gillespie and John Osborne, farmer. Residence Acton
William Henry Gillespie, s/o birth March 20, 1885 John Gillespie & Hannah Hillas, Chinquacousy, Peel, Ontario ID 027204
Caroline L STUBBS, birth May 8, 1889 d/o William Stubbs & Annie Gillespie, Caledon, Peel Co.
(See Northern Ontario for location Monk)
Elizabeth Campbell DALLAS birth July 16, 1872 in Nottawasaga, d/o Peter Dallas & Ann Gillispie, Simcoe Co
Martha Ann DAY, birth Oct 3, 1882 child of Henry Day and Margaret Gillespie of Oro Twp, Simcoe Co.
Albert Daniel Gillespie, birth Dec 11, 1894 s/o Daniel T Gillespie & Sarah N Cole, Tay Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 230202
Alexander Gillespie, birth March 24, 1895 s/o Alex Gillespie & Sarah Mcdonald, Creemore, Simcoe, Ontario ID 030140
Alexander Gillespie birth Tay Twp May 18? 1900 ID 058701
Angus Gillespie, birth Nov 17, 1878 s/o Alexander Gillespie & Sarah Mcdonald, Nottawasaga, Simcoe, Ontario ID 028923
Ann Gillespie, birth April 28, 1883 Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe Co, d/o Alexr Gillespie & Sarah McDonald.
Annie Gillespie birth Nov 29, 1883 in Orillia, d/o George Gillespie & Priscilla Fountain. Simcoe Co. ID 901422
Ann Jane Gillespie, birth July 27, 1893 d/o Henry Gillespie & Jane Hopskins, Flos, Simcoe Co, Ontario ID 031865
Archibald Gillespie, birth Aug 5, 1878 s/o Duncan Gillespie & Elizabeth Johnson, Stayner, Simcoe ID 029613
Archibald Gillespie, birth Aug 28, 1889 s/o Peter Gillespie & Jessie Smith, Oro Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 033230
Barbara Gillespie, birth Aug 5, 1878 d/o Duncan Gillespie & Elizabeth Johnson, Stayner, Simcoe Co. ID 029614
Caroline Gillespie, birth March 4, 1896 Tay, d/o Daniel F Gillespie & Sarah N Cole, Tay Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 034431
Catherine Gillespie, birth July 5, 1888 d/o John Gillespie & Catherine Brown, Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe Co. ID 034581
Catharine Jane Gillespie, birth March 6, 1878 d/o John Gillespie & Catherine Leon, Adjala, Simcoe Co. ID 029020
Christena Gillespie, birth March 17, 1897 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Annie Gillespie, Tay Twp, Simcoe Co ID 039704
Clarence George Francis Gillespie, birth Dec 1, 1889 s/o Angus Gillespie & Carrie Armstrong, Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 033819
Donald Gillespie, birth Feb 17, 1877 s/o John Gillespie & Catherine Brown, Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 027761
Donald Alexr Gillespie, birth June 15, 1873 s/o Samuel Gillespie & Flora Isabella Shaw, Sunnidale, Simcoe, Ontario ID 021035
Donald Oliver Gillespie, birth Aug 12, 1897 s/o Peter Gillespie & Jessie R Smith, Oro Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 039295
Effie Gillespie birth Nottawasaga Twp Oct 21, 1886 ID 026285
Elizabeth Gillespie birth Feb 22, 1889 at Flos Twp, d/o Henry Gillespie & Elizabeth Jane Hopkins. Simcoe Co ID 033837
Elizabeth Lulu Gillespie, birth Feb 28, 1892 d/o James Gillespie & Elizabeth Martin, Adjala, Simcoe, Ontario ID 029668
Florence May Gillespie, birth Nov 11, 1894 d/o Peter Gillespie & Janet Smith, Oro Twp, Simcoe, Ontario
George Gillespie birth Jan 29, 1886, s/o George Gillespie & Priscilla Fountain, Orillia, Simcoe Ontario
Gillespie, birth Sept 9, 1878 (female) child of Annie Gillespie, Oro, Simcoe, Ontario ID 028992 ID 030114
Gillespie, birth June 8, 1894 child of William R Gillespie & Alberta Campbell, Penetanguishene, Simcoe, Ontario
Harold Garnet Gillespie, birth Jan 1, 1912 s/o George Gillespie & Stella Coombs, Orillia, Simcoe, Ontario
Hazel Isabel Gillespie, birth June 27, 1901 d/o Mary Gillespie, Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe, Ontario
Henry Gillespie, birth May 1, 1891 s/o Henry Gillespie & Elizabeth Jane Hopkins, Flos Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 035924
Horace A Gillespie birth Medone Twp March 26, 1906 ID 041370
Ida Mable Gillespie, birth Oct 11, 1880 Innisfil, d/o Hugh Gillespie & Mary Ann Meredith, Simcoe Co
Isabel Marie Anderson Gillespie, birth Nov 24, 1895 d/o Wm Edward Gillespie & Minnie Anderson, Penetanguishene, Simcoe, Ontario ID 235488
Isabella Gillespie, birth Oct 26,1870 Sunnidale, d/o Samuel Gillespie & Flora Isabella Shaw, Simcoe, Ontario ID 207529
Isabella Gillespie, birth May 4, 1900 in Tay Twp d/o Daniel Gillespie & Sarah Cole, Simcoe, Ontario ID 038702
Islay M Gillespie birth Oro Twp Jan 24, 1909 ID 043545
Jack Gillespie birth Adjala Twp on Nov 3, 1881. ID 029817
Janet Gillespie, birth Sept 6, 1874 Stayner, Simcoe Co, d/o Duncan Gillespie & Elizabeth Johnson. ID 021043
John Gillespie, birth March 8, 1887 s/o John Gillespie & Catherine Brown, Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 031748
John Eldon Gillespie birth Victoria Harbour Sept 22, 1910 ID 047156
John Hopkins Gillespie, birth March 29, 1887 s/o Henry Gillespie & Jane Elizabeth Hopkins, Flos Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 031348
John Mcdonald Gillespie, birth Creemore March 29, 1890 s/o Alexander Gillespie & Sarah Mcdonald, Creemore, Simcoe, Ontario (date & location changed) ID 031052
Kenneth Lloyd Gillespie birth Oro Twp Aug 10, 1907 ID 043376
Laura Jane Gillespie, birth Aug 19, 1884 Adjala, Simcoe. D/o James Gillespie & Elizabeth Martin. (date changed) ID 901390
Maggie Gillespie, birth Nov 22, 1885, Nottawasaga Twp, d/o Alexander Gillespie & Sarah McDonald. Simcoe Co ID 032893
Malcolm Gillespie, birth June 1, 1877 s/o Samuel Gillespie & Flora Isabella Shaw, Sunnidale, Simcoe, Ontario (date changed). ID 02645
Margaret Gillespie, birth Oct 4, 1876 d/o Margaret Gillespie, Innisfil, Simcoe Co
Margaret Gillespie, birth Feb 22, 1883, Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe Co, d/o John Gillespie & Catherine Brown. ID 031090
Margaret Janie Gillespie, birth Nov 21, 1882 Oro, Simcoe Co, d/o Elisabeth Jane Hopkins & Henry Gillespie. ID 031083
Mark Gillespie, birth Nov 3, 1881s/o John Gillespie & Cath Cox, Adjala, Simcoe Ontario
Mary Gillespie, birth Aug 12, 1873 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Euphemia Mcneal, Nottawasaga, Simcoe, Ontario IF 021420
Mary Gellespie, birth Aug 25, 1876 Stayner, d/o Duncan Gellespie & Elizabeth Johnson. ID 028837
Mary Euphemia Gillespie birth March 9, 1881 in Nottawasaga, Simcoe Co, d/o Alexander Gillespie & Sarah McDonald.
M Florence Gillespie birth Penetanguishene Feb 28, 1892 ID 029686
Mary Florence Gillespie, birth Feb 25, 1892 d/o William Edward Gillespie & Minnie Andereson, Oro Twp, Simcoe, Ontario
Matilda Jane Gillespie, birth Dec 20, 1901 d/o Daniel Gillespie & Sarah Mina Cole, Tay, Simcoe, Ontario ID 240184
Memmie C Gillespie birth Oro Twp Sept 4, 1908 ID 0866__
M Euphemia Gillespie birth in Nottawasaga March 9, 1881 ID 030426
Milicent L Gillespie birth Collingwood April 17, 1890 ID 010218
Nellie Gillespie, birth April 30, 1897 d/o Geo Gillespie & Priscilla Fountain, Orillia, Simcoe, Ontario
Peter Gillespie, birth Feb 8 1879 s/o John Gillespie & Catherine Brown, Nottawasaga Twp, Simcoe, Ontario ID 028345
Peter Lorne Gillespie, birth April 20, 1893 s/o Peter Gillespie & Jessie Smith, Oro, Simcoe, Ontario ID 031148
Peter Love Gillespie birth Barrie July 28, 1909 ID 042423
Robert Albert Gillespie,birth March 11, 1883 so Hugh Gillespie & Mary Ann Meredith, Innisfil Twp, Simcoe, Ontario
Ruth Gillespie, birth Jan 17, 1894 d/o William David Gillespie & Minnie Anderson, Penetanguishene, Simcoe, Ontario
Sadie May Gillespie birth Barrie July 8,1907 ID 042153
Sarah Gillespie birth March 24, 1889, in Orillia Twp, d/o George Gillespie & Priscilla Fountain. Simcoe Co ID 033107
Sarah Ellen Gillespie, birth April 20, 1875 Sunnidale Twp, d/o Samuel Gillespie & Flora Isabella Shaw. ID 228124
Victoria May Gillespie, birth April 6, 1895 d/o Alex Gillespie & Ann Puterbaugth, Flesserton, Simcoe, Ontario
Violet M Gillespie birth Barrie March 11, 1908 ID 0445__
Wellington Gillespie, birth Feb 27, 1898 Tay, Simcoe Co, s/o Daniel Francis Gillespie & Sarah Nina Cole. ID 03873
William John Gillespie, birth June 10, 1889 s/o James Gillespie & Elizabeth Martin, Adjala, Simcoe, Ontario (date changed) ID 901537
Annie Elizabeth GRANT, birth Jan 25, 1880 /o Robert Grant & Annie Gillespie, Oro Twp, Simcoe Co.
Archibald GRANT, birth Aug 2, 1874, s/o Robert Grant & Annie Gillespie, Oro Twp, Simcoe Co.
Essie Irene GRANT, birth June 13, 1896 d/o Robert Grant & Annie Gillespie, Oro Twp, Simcoe Co.
Bertha Donalda KELLY birth Aug 27, 1879 do John Jacob Kelly & Sarah Ann Gillespie, Mono, Simcoe Co
Mary Flora MCEACHERN birth Sept 7, 1875 in Stayner, d/o Peter Mceachern & Rachel Gillespie, Simcoe Co.
Sarah Anne MCEACHERN, birth June 23, 1872 in Nottawasaga, d/o Peter Mceachern & Rachel Gillespie, Simcoe Co. Note: Family moved to Peel Twp, Welllington Co)
Ellen PARASOL birth Aug 13, 1879, Orillia, Simcoe Co, d/o Mansor Parasol and Ellen Gillespie
WRIGHT/GILLESPIE Jay and Sue are proud to announce the arrival of their third, a son, Matthew Robert Wright (Matt, born 8 pounds 7 ounces at 4:58 pm, at Riverside Hospital, Columbus, Ohio on March 30,1999. Matt is welcomed warmly by brother Sam, 7, and sister Sophia 5. Matt is grandchild of Roberta Ashforth Wright of Bradford, John Wright of Montreal, and Bob and Irene Gillespie of Mississauga.
Esther Adna May BRAIDEN birth Dec 29, 1886, d/o C Braiden & Susannah Gillespie, Amaranth, Dufferin Co.
Sarah Catherine S. M. DIDISS , birth Aug 23, 1882 in Mono, do William Fiddis & Mary Jane Gillispie, Dufferin Co.
Eva EDAM birth March 1, 1874 Melancthon, d/o Ebenezer Edam & Eliza Gillespie
Albert Gillispie birth E Garafraxa Twp Aug 4, 1877. ID 0329…
Albert George Gillespie, birth April 13, 1895 s/o Matthew Gillespie & Elizabeth Croft, Shelburne, Dufferin, Ontario (date changed) ID 006185
Andrew Fred Wilson Gillespie, birth Feb 25, 1895 s/o Andrew Gillespie & Eva Howes, East Garafraxa Twp, Dufferin, Ontario ID 005964
Andrew Wilson Gillespie, birth Jan 30, 1909 s/o Robert Gillespie & Sarah Brown, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario
Arthur Wilbert Gillespie, birth June 19, 1885, s/o Thomas Gillespie & White, Melanthon, Dufferin, Ontario ID 004187
Arthur William Gillespie, birth July 21, 1908, s/o William Henry Gillespie & Jessie Adele Simpson, Amaranth, Dufferin
Baird Gillespie, birth June 19, 1879 child of David Hind Gillespie & Isabella Jane Gale, East Garafraxa,
Beatrice Caroline Gillespie, birth April 8, 1892, Amaranth Twp, d/o Joseph Gillespie & Sarah Ann Buchanan. Dufferin Co. ID 005885
Bessie Victoria Gillespie, birth Dec 27, 1902, d/o Charles E Gillespie & Alice Colley, Shelburne, Dufferin, Ontario ID 012267
Carl Albert Gillespie, birth Jan 22, 1887, s/o William Gillespie & Jane Ann Sloan, Dufferin, Ontario
Carl Albert Gillespie, birth March 20, 1904, s/o Charles Gillespie & Catharine White, Dufferin, Ontario ID 012578
Charles Buchanan Gillespie, birth Sept 28,1887, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Sarah A Buchanan, Amaranth, Dufferin. ID 206883
Charles E Gillespie birth Feb 16, 1885 ID 004075 See next record
Charles Ephrai Gillespie, birth Feb 18, 1885, s/o Andrew Gillespie & Evan Idora, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario
Charles Harland Gillespie, birth Sept 18, 1906, s/o Charles E Gillespie & Alice Colley, Shelburne, Dufferin, Ontario ID 016310
Clara Margaret Gillespie, birth Aug 19, 1903, d/o W H Gillespie & Jessie Simpson, Amaranth Twp, Dufferin, Ontario
Dalton Veahl Gillespie, birth March 18, 1896 s/o Joseph Gillespie & Sarah Ann Buchanan, Amaranth, Dufferin, Ontario ID 006896
David Gillespie birth in E Garafraxa Twp on June 19, 1879. ID 033921
David Eral Gillespie birth E Garafraxa Twp Sept 10, 1892 ID 005502 s/o Andrew W Gillespie & Eva J Howes, Dufferin Co
David Winslow Gillespie, birth Aug 16, 1888s/o David Hind Gillespie & Isabella Jane Gale, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario ID 007052
Dorthy Elisabeth Gillespie birth Aug 31, 1886, East Garafraxa Twp, d/o George Gillespie & Elisabeth Ann Daley. ID 004085
Elena Ethel May Gillespie, birth May 20, 1902 d/o George Gillespie & Lillie May Hullan, Orangeville, Dufferin, Ontario ID 012218
Elizabeth Jane Gillespie, birth June 12, 1887 Shelburne, d/o Robert Gillespie & Catherine Parks, Dufferin Co. ID 004254
Ellenor Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Sept 17, 1886, East Garafraxa Twp, d/o Andrew Gillespie & Eva Howes.ID 004087
Eva Ida Dora Gillespie, birth March 24, 1910 d/o Robert John Gillespie & Sarah Brown, East Garafraxa, Dufferin
Frederick Gillespie, birth Aug 22, 1894, s/o George Gillespie & Elizabeth A Daly, Shelburne, Dufferin ID 005711
Birth of daughter of George Gillespie & Maid A Paxman, April 17, 1884, Dufferin, Ontario
George Charles Gillespie, birth June 22, 1911, s/o William H Gillespie & Jessie Simpson, Amaranth, Dufferin ID 216065
Georgina Gillespie, birth Dec 12, 1879, d/o George Gillespie & Marie Adelia Perman, Orangeville, [ 2nd record lists mother as Mary Adelia Papman] ID 236968
Gillespie, birth March 28, 1881, male child of George Gillespie & Maria Adelaide Paxman, Shelburne, Dufferin. ID 004916
Gillespie (female) birth in Orangeville Nov 26, 1884. ID 203987
James Clifford GillIspie, birth July 19, 190q6 Grand Valley, s/o Robert Gillespie & Sarah Brown, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario ID 015991; 213817
Jane Gillispie, birth May 21, 1891, do George Gillispie & Elizabeth Ann Daly, Shelburne, Dufferin Co ID 010487
Jane Victoria Gillespie, birth May 24, 1889, d/o Charles Gillespie & Catherine White, Shelburne, Dufferin ID 006679
John Gillespie, birth April 30, 1882, s/o Joseph Gillespie, Jr & Sarah Ann Buchanan, Amaranth, Dufferin ID 005635
John Alymer Gillespie birth April 30, 1889 in Corbiton, Dufferin Co, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Susan White. ID 501067
Laura Edyth Gillespie, birth July 7, 1904 d/o W H Gillespie & Jessie Simpson, Amaranth, Dufferin, Ontario ID 012194
Lollie Lulu Gillespie, birth May 18, 1891, Melancthon Twp, d/o Thomas Gillespie & Susan White. (2nd record gives her name as Lottie Luilla Gillespie ID 010808
Louis Emerson Gillespie, birth Jul 29, 1906, s/o Robert Emerson Gillespie & Mary Edith Morrison, Orangevlle, Dufferin ID 016272
Margaret Gillespie birth Melanthon Twp June 28, 1886 ID 004134
Margaret Gillespie, birth Jan 19, 1908, d/o R Emerson Gillespie & Mary Edythe Morrison, Orangeville, Dufferin ID 0302
Margaret Ann Gillespie, birth June 2, 1886, Melancthon Twp, d/o Charles Gillespie & Catherine White.
Margaret Jean Gillespie, Dec 13, 1911 d/o Elmer John Gillespie & Eva Bailey, Shelburne, Dufferin ID 017137
Mary Christine Gillespie, Nov 1, 1911, d/o Robert Gillespie & Sarah Brown, East Garafraxa, Dufferin
Mary Elizabeth Gillespie birth Sept 28, 1884, in Melancthon, d/o Charles Gillespie & Catherine White
M Eliabeth Gillespie birth Melancthon Sept 28, 1884. ID 005468
Minnie Gillespie birth E Garafraxa March 7, 1882 ID 005656
Pearl May Gillespie birth Shelburne April 30, 1898. ID 010595
Robert George Gillespie birth in Melancthon July 17, 1881. ID 004973
Robert George Gillespie, birth July 21, 1885, s/o Robert Gillespie & Catherine Parks, Melancthon, Dufferin, Ontario ID 004189
Robert John Gillespie, birth June 30, 1883 s/o Andrew Gillespie & Eva Idora Hawes, East Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario ID 003568?
Robert John Gillespie birth Shelburne Jan 22, 1887. ID 004263
Ruben George Gillespie birth Sept 10, 1892, , s/o Andrew Gillespie & Eva J Howes East Garafraxa Twp, Dufferin. & Susan White, Melancthon, Dufferin 005501
Sarah Gillespie birth Shelburne Feb 15, 1889 ID 006674
Sarah Luenda Gillespie birth Oct 26, 1884, in Melancthon, d/o William Gillespie & Jane Ann Sloane, Dufferin Co ID 005482
Sylvia Jane Gillespie birth Dec 11, 1883, in Melancthon, d/o David Hind Gillespie & Isabella Jane Gale ID 205544
Thomas Edward Gillespie, birth Jan 16, 1887, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Susan White, Melancthon, Dufferin, Ontario ID 003899
Thomas John Lloyd Gillespie, March 19, 1912 s/o Thomas Edward Gillespie & Georgina Speers, Shelburne, Dufferin
William Gillespie birth Shelburne Feb 26, 1889 ID 006675
William George Gillespie, birth March 26, 1878, s/o George Gillespie, Jr & Maria Adelade Paxman, Melanchon Twp, Dufferin, Ontario ID 007773
William J Gillespie birth Amaranth Twp Aug 20, 1886 ID 204089
William James Gillespie, birth June 2, 1888, s/o Andrew Gillespie & Eva Adora Haws, East Garafraxa Twp, Dufferin, Ontario ID 007040
William Joseph Gillespie, birth Aug 30, 1886, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Sarah A Buchanan, Amaranth, Dufferin, Ontario
Winnifred M Gillespie birth Shelburne April 17, 1884 ID 005880
Zilphy Ann Mey JOHNSTON birth Nov 18, 1872 in East Garafraxa, d/o John Johnston & Margaret Gillespie
Hazel Anne Brown MARSHALL birth July 2, 1888 d/o Frederick John Marshall & Caroline Olive Gillespie, East Garafraxa Twp,
Ruple Ellen May TATE birth April 15, 1890, d/o Crawford Tate & Mary Jane Gillespie, East Garafraxa Twp, Dufferin Co.
Eley WALLACE d/o Thomas Wallace & Rebecca Gillespie, birth March 15, 1878, Melancthon Twp, Dufferin Co.
Mary Jane WILLIAMSON birth Dec 15, 1888 in Melancthon Twp, d/o John Williamson & Mary Gillsepie, Dufferin Co
Adam Scot Gillespie birth E Zorra Twp Nov 15 ,1874. ID 019150
Agnes Gillispie birth April 24, 1972, d/o Duncan Gillespie & Mary Bell, Minto, Wellington ID 022291
Andew Wilson Gillespie birth E Garafraxa Twp Jan 30, 1909 ID 014441
Charles Edmon Gillespie, birth Dec 24, 1869 /o Joseph Gillespie & Sarah J Corbot, Wellington, Ontario ID 211911
Christina Catherin Mceachern in Peel Twp, May 2, 1883 d/o Peter McEachren & Rachel Gillespie, Wellington Co.
Duncan Gillespie, birth May 13, 1876 s/o John Gillespie & Sarah Ferguson, Minto, Wellington, Ontario ID 034334
Elizabeth Margaret Lanig, Sept 1, 1883 d/o James Lanig and Elizabeth Gillespie at West Garafraxa, Wellington Co.
Ellen Laura Gillespie, birth Aug 28, 1907 d/o John Gillespie & Lillie A Tinkam, Nichol, Wellington Ontario
Eva Ida Dora Gillespie birth E Garafraxa Twp March 24, 1910 ID 015729
Ida Irene Gillespie, birth March 4, 1910 d/o John Gillespie & Lillie Amelia Tinkham, Nichol Twp, Wellington, Ontario ID 052621
Isabella Neir Gillespie birth June 18, 1889 in Erin Twp, do Robert Gillespie & Ann Lavania Reed.
James Henry Gillespie, birth June 11, 1893 s/o Robert Gillespie & Ann L Gillespie, Erin Twp, Wellington, Ontario ID 036407
James R Gillspie birth Minto June 25, 1886 ID 038640
Jonathan M Gillespie birth East Zorra Twp Feb 22, 1898 ID 03
9810981John Edgar Gillespie, birth March 22, 1883 s/o Samuel Gillespie & Maggie Reid, Maryborough, Wellington, Ontario
Loveria Reid Gillespie, birth Dec 19, 1885 d/o Robt Gillespie & Ann Lovina Reid, at Erin, Wellington. ID 239123
Maggie May Gillespie, birth June 10, 1891 d/o Robert Gillespie & Ann L. Gillespie, Erin Twp, Wellington, Ontario ID 041621
Margaret Gillispie birth Feb 27, 1872 Minto Twp. ID 022271
Margaret Gillespie, birth May 25, 1872 s/o Angus Gillespie & Sarah McClellan, Minto Twp, Wellington Co.
Mary Gillespie birth Proton Twp Sept 22, 1886 ID 010869
M Christine Gillespie birth E Garafraxa Twp Nov 1, 1911 ID 016864
Priscilla Craig Gillespie, birth Aug 20, 1887 d/o Robert Gillespie & Ann L. Gillespie, Erin Twp, Wellington ID 036133
Robert Gillespie, birth Sept 10, 1875 at Rothsay. No further information.
Robert Gillespie, birth June 25, 1886 s/o John Gillespie & Sarah Ferguson, Wellington, Ontario (date changed) ID 901445; 038639 for spelling of Gillspie
William Edward Gillespie birth Wallace Twp Sept 20, 1877 ID 023736
William H Gillespie, birth Dec 26, 1869 s/o John Gillespie & Silvah Ann May, Wellington, Ontario ID 211915
William M Gillespie birth Proton Twp June 3, 1902 ID 016583
Sarah Ann JOHNSTON birth Sept 8, 1880 d/o Alexander Johnston & Jane Gillespie, Arthur, Wellington Co.
Elizabeth H Black LAING, Sept 26, 1888 d/o James Laing & Elizabeth Gillespie, West Garafraxa, Wellington Co.
Flora MCEACHERN, birth Aug 31, 1877 d/o Donald M cEachern & Rachel Gillespie of Arthur Twp, Wellington Co.
Rachel Gillespie MCEACHERN birth Feb 20, 1888 d/o Peter Mceachern & Rachel Gillespie, Peel Twp, Wellington Co.
Ann MCMILLAN birth Dec 7, 1880 in Arthur, Wellington Co, d/o Donald McMillan & Sarah Gillespie
Edith Caroline MOAR , birth Marvh 29, 1888 d/o Matthew Moar & Margaret Gillespie, West Garafraxa Twp, Wellington Co.
Robert James ANDERSON, birth Dec 10, 1893, Holland Twp, Grey Co, Ontario, s/o Robert Anderson & Sarah Gillespie
Agnes Lillian Gillespie, birth July 11, 1890 d/o Alex Gillespie & Janet Young Scott, Egremont Twp, Grey ID 010713
Albert Bear Gillespie, birth Nov 23, 1891 son Andrew Allespie, Elizabeth Wright, Holland Centre, Grey. (?spelling error on father’s last name) 2nd record for this date give Albert O Gillespie ID 209880
Albert Edward Gillesby birth Sydenham Nov 12, 1902 ID 016912
Amelia Violet Gillespie, birth Oct 10, 1889 d/o Andrew Gillespie & Elizabeth Wright, Holland Twp, Grey ID 210252 St Matthias Anglican Church record
Catherine Gillespie birth May 20, 1893 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Janet Young Scott, Proton, Grey, Ontario ID 010508
Della Jane Ritchie, birth March 20, 1897 d/o Andrew Ritchie & Letitia Gillespie, Holland, Grey Co.
Elisabeth Gillespie, birth July 8, 1879 d/o James Gillespie & Isabella Boyde, Holland Twp, Grey. ID 007411
Ellen Laura Gillespie birth Nichol Twp Aug 28, 1907 ID 049987
Emma May Gillespie, birth Oct 30, 1899 d/o James Gillespie & Emma Mcgann, Collingwood, Grey, Ontario (Collingwood is a town in Simcoe County while Collingwood Twp, is today part of The Town of Blue Mountains, which is in Grey County) (date changed – ID 010968. see next record.
Emma May Gillespie birth Collingwood Twp June 23, 1899 ID 901559
Georgina Gillespie, birth May 9, 1899 child of Alex Gillespie & Janet B Scott, St Vincent, Proton, Grey, Ontario ID 014418
Gillesby (male) birth Sydenham June 11, 1897 ID 015394
Gladys Grace Gillesby birth Sydenham Twp Nov 17, 1904 ID 017430
017Harold Andrew Gillespie, birth July 9, 1901 s/o Andrew Gillespie & Elizabeth Wright, Holland, Grey, Ontario ID 014908
Isabella Jane Gillespie, birth Feb 26, 1878 d/o James Gillespie & Isabella Boyde, Holland Centre, Grey Co, Ontario ID 007151
James Albert Gillespie, birth March 15, 1885 s/o James Gillespie & Isabella Boyde, Holland, Grey, Ontario ID 211295
Jaes Andrew Gillesby birth Sydenham Twp April 27, 1896 ID 011062
Janet Gillespie, birth Sept 26, 1895 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Janet G Scott, Proton Twp, Grey, Ontario ID 009728
John Gillespie birth April 19, 1882 Grey Co, Ontario Father Matthew Gillespie. Mother Elizabeth Croft.
John Gillespie, birth Aug 3, 1888 s/o Alexander Gillespie & Janet Young Scott, Egremont, Grey, Ontario ID 011758
John Gillespie, birth May 28, 1889 s/o William Gillespie & Mary Jane Gamble, Proton Twp, Grey Co, Ontario ID 011973
John Gillespie birth Sydenham Dec 6, 1892 ID 009823
John Alex M Gillespie birth Holland Twp on Nov 19, 1880 ID 009189
John Herbert Gillespie, birth May 14, 1883 s/o James Gillespie & Isabella Boyde, Holland, Grey Co, Ontario (date changed). ID 21_284
John Milton Gillespie, birth Jan 1, 1897 s/o Andrew Gillespie & Elizabeth Wright, Holland, Grey, Ontario ID 014585
Louis Andian Gillespie, birth May 28, 1884 child of John Gillespie & Ann Jan Deems, Holland, Grey, Ontario ID 009661
Mabel Blanche Jackson, birth Oct 30, 1896 d/o David Jackson & Jane Gillespie in Holland, Grey Co.
Mabel Eleanor Gillespie, birth Oct 10, 1907 d/o John Gillespie & Ethel Scott, Euphrasia, Grey, Ontario
Mabel Ellen Gillespie, birth March 11, 1886 d/o John Gillespie & Ann Jane Deaves, Holland, Grey. ID 210369
Margaret Rebecca Gillespie, birth Dec 28, 1894 d/o James Gillespie & Emma Mcgann, Collingwood Twp, Grey ID 901632
Martha Elisabeth Walker, birth Oct 12, 1885 d/o Andrew Walker & Mary Gillespie, Holland Twp, Grey Co.
Mary Gillespie, birth April 24, 1873 d/o Robert Gillespie & Christena Gillespie, Proton Twp, Grey ID 004754
Mary Gillespie birth Sept 22, 1886 in Proton Twp, d/o Alexander Gillespie and Jane Young Scott.
May Ethel Gillespie birth Holland, Feb 12 1881 ID 009164
Mary MacKenzie Gillespie, birth Oct 3, 1898 d/o Wm Gillespie & Mary Jane Gamble, Proton, Grey, Ontario ID 015020
Matilda Gillespie birth Proton Twp Aug 2, 1894 ID 009623
May Ethel Gillispie birth Feb 19, 1881 in Holland, d/o James Gillispie & Isabella Boyde, Grey Co
Milicent Levina Gillespie, birth April 17, 1890 d/o Charles P. Gillespie & Margaret A.Reid, Collingwood Twp, Grey
Rachell Gillespie, birth May 7, 1870 d/o Robert Gillespie & Christena Gillespie, Grey, Ontario ID 020168
Robert Elmer Gillesby birth Sydenham Twp Sept 28, 1899 ID 014701
Ruth Gillespie, birth Dec 8, 1906 d/o Alex Gillespie & Jane Young Scott, Euphrasia, Grey, Ontario ID 020761
Samuel Gillespie, birth Dec 19, 1890 s/o William Gillespie & Mary Jane Gamble, Proton, Grey, Ontario ID 215528
Samuel James Gillespie, birth Feb 11, 1878 in Desboro, s/o James Gillespie & Catherine Travers, Sullivan, Grey, Ontario ID 901351
Violet Isabel Gillespie, birth June 5, 1891 d/o Joseph Gillespie & Charlotte Ann Olmsted, Meaford, Grey. ID 014815
Willard Scott Gillespie, birth Feb 21, 1911 s/o John Gillespie & Ethel B Scott, St Vincent, Grey, Ontario ID 021708
William Alexander Gillespie, birth Aug 7, 1892 s/o William Gillespie & Mary Jane Gamble, Proton, Grey, Ontario ID 009221
William Charles Gillespie, birth June 28, 1884 /o Matthew Gillespie & Elizbeth Croft, Osprey Twp, Grey Co, Ontario
William G Gillespie birth Osprey Twp June 28, 1884 ID 009555
William James Gillespie birth Holland Twp June 11, 1882 ID 0092963
William Marcus Gillespie, birth May 12, 1901 s/o Charles Gillespie & Catherine Gillespie, Osprey, Grey Co ID 015208
William McKenzie Gillespie, birth June 3, 1902 s/o Alexander Gillespie & Janet Young Scott, Proton, Grey, Ontario
William T Gillespie birth at E Zorra Twp on Nov 2, 1872. ID 012843
Wm James Gillespie, birth June 11, 1882 s/o John Gillespie & Ann Jane Deaver, Holland, Grey Co, Ontario
Elizabeth Eveline Esther JACKSON birth Aug 2, 1889 d/o David Jackson & Jane Gillespie, Holland Twp, Grey Co
William Stanley JACKSON birth Jan 4, 1893 s/o David Jackson & Jane Gillespie, Holland Twp, Grey Co
Mary Millicent MERLATT birth Feb 17, ? in Osprey, d/o John E Merlatt & Annie Gillaspie, Grey Co
Emma May RITCHIE birth Oct 30, 1891 d/o Andrew Ritchie & Laetilia Gillespie, Holland Centre, Grey Co.
Annie Elizabeth ROLLINS birth May 11, 1877 d/o Mark Rollins & Martha Gillespie, Melancthon, Grey Co.
Margaret WIGGINS birth Sept 4, 1889 d/o Thomas Wiggins & Margarwt Gillespie, Glenelg, Grey Co.
Mary Ann ALLISTER, birth May 30, 1876 Arran, Bruce Co, d/o Duncan Alister & Catherine Gillespie (see also McAllister)
1841, March 6 Born to Mr & Mrs. Herman Gillespie, a son (no place given).
Annie Gillespie, birth Jan 6, 1882 d/o Robt Henry Conn & Janet Urquhart, Paisley, Bruce Co
Bertha May Gillespie, birth March 15, 1892 d/o James Gillespie & Eliza Shewfelt, Kincardine, Bruce Co ID 003609
Charles Gillespie baptized April 7, 1859 at Kinloss by E Sallows. Born July 11, 1857. S/o John Gillespie and Jane Gillespie of Kinloss.
David Gray Gillespie, birth June 21, 1879 s/o David H Gillespie & Stewart Gray, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario ID 202852
George Donald Gillespie, birth July 27, 1907 s/o Charles Gillespie & Florence Lumley, Walkerton, Bruce, Ontario ID 013746
John Gillespie birth April 24, 1859 baptized by E Salows at Kinloss. Born Feb 24, 1856 at Kinloss. so John Gillespie and Jane Gillespie.
John Franklin Gilespie birth Kinloss July 16, 1894 ID 003927
Mable Clair Gillespie, birth Nov 9, 1876 d/o Wm E.Gillespie & Emma Inglisby, Kincardine, Bruce Co ID 201988
William Edward Hussey Gillespie, birth Dec 15, 1875 s/o Thos E Gillespie & Harriet Ester Barns, Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario (? ID 001638 (cannot read name on microfilm but date same).
William I Gillespie birth Kincardine on Feb 17, 1878. ID 003047
Sarah HESLIP birth Aug 30, 1873 d/o John Heslip & Elizabeth Galespie in Elderslie, Bruce Co
Ann MCALLISTER birth Jan 4 1881 d/o Duncan McAllister & Catherine Gillespie, Bruce, Bruce Co.

Catharine Gillespie, birth Aug 9, 1879 d/o William Gillespie & Agnes Hill, Seaforth, Huron. ID 012667
Charles Lloyd Gillespie, birth Oct 25, 1897 s/o John Gillespie & Agnes Bailey, East Wawanosh, Huron, Ontario ID 218696
Delia Maud Gillespie, birth Nov 2, 1886 d/o William Gillespie & Agnes Hill, Seaforth, Huron. ID 016286
Ellen Florence Gillespie, birth Feb 4, 1891 d/o James Gillespie & Mary McMillan, Seaforth, Huron. ID 018242
Elsie Stewart Gillespie, birth March 25, 1896 d/o Charles Gillespie & Maggie Inabella Pau, Wingham, Huron, Ontario ID 014846
Evelyn Annie Gillespie, birth Oct 25, 1888 d/o William Gillespie & Aggie Hill, Seaforth, Huron Co ID 015260
Fred Sayles Gillespie, birth Jan 31, 1879 s/o John Andrew Gillespie & Rachel Agnes Barker, Exeter, Huron, Ontario (middle name corrected) ID 011201
Gillespie (female) birth Wigham July 11, 1887 ID 215336
Hattie Gillespie birth Exeter on Sept 19, 1884. ID 013047
Ida Gillespie, birth Nov 20, 1863 d/o Jas and Catherine of Hullett. Baptized Sept 24, 1864. Wesleyan Methodist record (2nd record says birth was Nov 30th)
Ida Bell Gillespie, birth Sept 28, 1872 d/o John A. Gillespie & Rachel Ann Barker, Seaforth, Huron. ID 207540
Isabella Murray Gillespie, birth Aug 24, 1874 d/o Hugh Gillespie & Martha Mcallister, Tuckersmith, Huron ID 010269
Jemima Elizabeth Gipsie, birth Dec 2, 1886 d/o Thomas Gillpsie & Jemima E Maqurie, Howick, Huron Co
Jessie Maud Gillespie, birth Jan 30, 1883 d/o John A Gillespie & Rachel A Barker, Exeter, Huron Co. ID 012_63
John James Gillespie birth Dec 1, 1868 in Huron, s/o John A Gillespie & Rachel Agnes Barker ID 007536
Lauretta Gillespie, birth Oct 20, 1880 d/o John Alexr Gillespie & Rachel Agness Barker, Exeter, Huron, Ontario ID 011793
Lillie Precila Gillespie, birth May 16, 1881 /o David Gillespie and Mary Frances Carter, Hullett, Huron ID 011357
Lizzie Ann Gillespie, birth July 4, 1877 d/o John Andrew Gillespie & Rachel Agnes Barker, Exeter, Huron. ID 010291
Margory Page Gillespie, birth Aug 4, 1871 d/o John Gillespie & Mary Reid Barn, Seaforth, Huron. ID 009969; 010005
Mary Agnes Gillespie, birth Oct 10, 1888 d/o James Gillespie & Mary McMillan, Seaforth, Huron ID 015263
Minnie Rintoul Gillespie, birth Feb 22, 1911 d/o John Gibson Gillespie & Minnie Rintoul, East Wawanosh, Huron, Ontario ID 025106
Olive Gillespie, birth April 19, 1890 d/o John Gillespie & Harriet Pogson, Wingham, Huron ID 013198
Paul Gillespie, birth April 9, 1899 s/o Charles Gillespie & Maggie Isabella Paul, Wingham, Huron, Ontario. See also Military Record, World War I Canada for his war record. ID 018047
Robert Abraham Gillespie birth March 14, 1870 in Huron, s/o John A Gillespie & Rachel Agnes Barker (2nd record gives date as March 17, 1870 in Seaforth) ID 307537
Robert Arthur Gillespie, birth July 18, 1894 s/o James Gillespie & Mary Mcmillan, Seaforth, Huron, Ontario ID 012478
William Gillespie, birth Sept 4, 1877 s/o Wm Gillespie & Agnes Hill, ID 009980
William Gillespie, birth July 22, 1880 s/o Geroge Monk & Agnes Gillespie, Tuckersmith, Huron, Ontario
William Gillespie, birth Oct 20, 1881 s/o John Gillespie & Mary Barn, Seaforth, Huron, Ontario ID 012008
William Gillespie, birth Sept 16, 1882 son of James Gillespie & Mary Mcmillan, Seaforth, Huron, Ontario (see next record)
William Gillespie birth Nov 16, 1882 Seaforth. ID 013201
William Douglas Gillespie, birth Aug 22, 1905 s/o Joseph Gillespie & Mary Reid, at Seaforth, Huron, Ontario ID 021028
William Thomas Gillespie, birth Oct 24, 1875 s/o John Andrew Gillespie & Rachel Agnus Barker, Exeter, Huron, Ontario ID 006916
Elizabeth LOVELL birth Nov 23, 1872 Turnberry, Huron Co, d/o Lawrence Lovell & Mary Ann Gillespie.
Lillie May SHEFFIELD , birth Jan 15, 1889 d/o William John Sheffield & Eliza Jane Gillespie, Wingham, Huron Co.
Some records for North Dumfries Twp are found in Brant County.
Aletha Jane Gillespie, birth Jan 19, 1878 d/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, at Wellesley, Waterloo ID 032256
Alvin Spence Gillespie, birth Sept 22, 1883 s/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley, Waterloo, Ontario ID 034602
David Gillespie, birth Oct 2, 1874 s/o Joseph Gillespie & Marion Wallace, North Dunford, Waterloo, Ontario
Edward Stanley Gillespie, birth March 25, 1909 s/o Edward Gillespie & Olive Smith, Wilmot, Waterloo, Ontario ID 049316
Ernn Harper Gillespie, birth May 18, 1885 s/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley Twp, Waterloo, Ontario (first name changed) ID 035680
Georgena A Gilhespie birth Ayr, July 24, 1905 id 046085
Hazel Emma May Gillespie, birth June 15, 1905 d/o Edward Gillespie & Olive May Smith, Wilmot, Waterloo, Ontario ID 047202
Ida Beatrice Gillespie, birth Dec 8 1879 d/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley, Waterloo. ID
James Scott Gillespie, birth Aug 29, 1902 s/o John Gillespie & Janet Taylor, North Dumfries, Waterloo, Ontario ID 043316
John Gillespie birth N Dumfries Twp March 5, 1877 ID 031174
John Albert Gillespie, birth April 28, 1882 s/o John Gillespie & Jennie Taylor, North Dumfries, Waterloo, Ontario ID 035255
Joseph Geillespie birth Nov 13, 1869 born Waterloo Co. Son of Joseph Gillespie, printer, and Marion Wallace. Informant Dr William Bell, Ayr. (Microfilm ID 005611)
Joseph Wallace Gillespie, birth June 23, 1911 s/o George Murray Gillespie & Mary Ethel Holdaway, Ayr, Waterloo, Ontario ID 050689
Lillie May Gillespie, birth March 9, 1887 d/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley Twp, Waterloo, Ontario (date changed) ID 034760
Lillian Smith Gillespie, birth Aug 17, 1899 d/o John Gillespie & Jennie Taylor, North Dumfires, Waterloo, Ontario ID 040397
Mabel Gillespie, birth Sept 22, 1884 d/o John Gillespie & Hanna Pogson, Wellesley, Waterloo ID 036096
Margaret Ellen Gillespie birth in Wallace April 10, 1879, Waterloo Co. ID 024463
Margaret Ellen Gillespri birth Sept 10, 1892 in Ayr, d/o Joseph Gillespri , Jr & Margaret Ellen Nichol. Waterloo Co
Margaret Marie Gillespie, birth March 8 ,1880 d/o John Gillespie & Jennie Taylor, North Dumfries Two, Waterloo ID 034678
Mary Jennie Gillespie, birth July 13, 1890 d/o John Gillespie & Jennie Taylor, North Dumfries Twp, Waterloo. ID 034019
Melvan Edgar Gillispie, birth July 7 1881 s/o Edward Gillispie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley, Waterloo Co ID 033041
Pansy Alexandria Gillespie, birth Nov 21, 1902 d/o Edward Gillespie & Olive May Smith, Wilmot Twp , Waterloo, Ontario ID 04404
Pearl Luette Gillispie, birth Nov 22, 1900 d/o Edward Gillespie & Olive May Smith, Wilmot, Waterloo, Ontario ID 04236_
Richard Leslie Gillespie, birth July 26, 1890 s/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley, Waterloo, Ontario. ID 034368
Saidee E Gillespie birth N Dumfries Twp Oct 1, 1898 ID 041839
Sadie Ellenor Gillespie, birth Oct 16, 1888 d/o Eward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley, Waterloo, Ontario ID 036618
Sarah Evelin Gillespie, birth July 13, 1912 d/o George Murray Gillespie & Mary Ethel Holdaway, Ayr, Waterloo, Ontario
Thomas Stewart Gillespie, birth July 13, 1896 s/o John Gillespie & Jeannie Taylor, North Dumfries, Waterloo, Ontario ID 039212
William H Gillespie birth N Dumfries July 24, 1886 ID 235075
William Wesley Gillespie, birth July 26, 1890 s/o Edward Gillespie & Mary Jane Harper, Wellesley, Waterloo, Ontario.ID 034169
Wm Gillespie baptized October 1834 at Waterloo. S/o Dr Slade Robinson and Mary, his wife. Falls of Niagara
Ethel Pearson SUTHERLAND birth June 11, 1881 in Harriston, d/o William Warren Sutherland & Barbara Thompson Gellespie, Wellington Co.
Catherine Gillespie born Dec 16, 1881 , d/o John Gillespie and J. G. Miller in Hibbert Twp, Perth Co. ID 227197 (date changed)
Charles E Gillespie birth Stratford JulY 10, 1882 ID 027499
Duncan Gillespie birth Jan 1, 1887 in HIbbert Twp, Perth Co, s/o John Gillespie & Janet E Miller ID 02925
Edward Percival Gillespie birth Aug 5, 1886 in Stratford, Perth Co, s/o Wiliam Gillespie & Mary Ann Payson ID 028527
Frances Emeline Gillespie, birth June 6, 1885 Mornington, d/o Samuel Gillespie & Margaret Reid. ID 227693
George Russell Gillespie birth June 5, 1892 in Fullarton, Perth Co, s/o John Gillespie & Janet E Miller ID 025146
Gillespie” in Stratford, Perth Co, birth Sept 29, 1893 child of W Gillespie & Elizabeth Ann Puckham ID 025833
Isabella Gillespie, birth June 3, 1883 d/o John Gillespie & Janet E Mller, Hibbert, Perth Co. ID 027163
James Gillespie birth Sept 10, 1895 in Hibbert Twp, Perth Co, s/o Neil Gillespie & Elizabeth Laing ID 025076
James Girdwood Gillespie birth Oct 24, 1880 in Hibbert, Perth Co, s/o Donald Gillespie & Mary McKay. ID 026405 (date changed)
Margaret Ellen Gillespie, birth April 10, 1879 d/o Samuel Gillespie & Margaret Reid, at Wallace, Perth
Margaret Jane Gillespie, birth Aug 15, 1890 d/o John Gillespie & Janet Elizabeth Miller, Hibbert Twp, Perth (date changed) ID 026892
Mary Gillespie, birth July 28, 1885 d/o John Gillespie & Janet E. Miller, Hibbert, Perth. (date changed) ID 028576
Maud Hellan Gillespie, birth April 1, 1891 d/o William Gillespie & Ellen Reid, Mornington Twp, Perth
Thomas Laing Gillespie birth Jan 12 ,1900 in Perth Co, s/o Neil Gillespie & Elizabeth Laing ID 0322083
William Edward Gillespie birth Sept 20, 1877 in Wallace, Perth Co, s/o Samuel Gillespie & Margaret Reid
William George GillIspie birth Oct 1, 1879 in Stratford, Perth Co, s/o William Gillespie & Mary Ann Pogson ID 023989
Albert Charles Gillespie birth Oct 16, 1884 in Brantford, s/o Luke Gillespie & Mary Ann Abbott ID 001964
Alexander John Gillespie birth Aug 28, 1911 in Brantford, s/o Alexander Gillespie & Mary Scott ID 012425
Benjamin Taylor Gillespie birth May 16, 2009 Brant Co record
Charles Henry Gillespie birth Nov 29, 1879 in Brantford, s/o Robert Gillespie & Mary Jessie Hendries ID 001743
David Michael Gillespie birth March 29, 1980 Brant Co record
Elizabeth Sarah Gillespie, birth Oct 29, 1878 Brantford Twp, d/o Joseph Gillespie & Georgiana Woods. Brant Co ID 001671
Emma Margaret Gillespie, birth July 24, 1890 d/o Luke Gillespie & Mary Ann Ab, Brantford, Brant ID 002331
Ernest William Gillespie birth Sept 19, 1910 in Brantford, s/o John Gillespie & Annie Scott ID 011321
Ettie Jean Gillespie birth April 1, 1912 in Brantford, d/o John Gillespie & Annie Scott ( wonder if Annie and Mary Scott were sisters?
Eugene Henry Gillespie, birth Aug 12, 1900 s/o William Gillespie & Emily Franel, Brant, Ontario ID 006648
Eugenie Emily Gillespie, birth June 24, 1882 d/o Luke Gillespie & Mary Ann Abbott, Brantford, Brant. (see also Kent County) ID 001885
Eva Bullock Gillespie birth Feb 15, 1874 in South Dumfries, d/o Joseph Bullock & Margaret Gellespie
Florence Gillespie, birth Oct 10, 1893 d/o William Gillespie & Annie Brant, Brantford, Brant. 2nd record gives a different mother as Amelia Frauel, ID 002474
George James Gillespie, birth March 24, 1873 s/o Robert Gillespie & Jessie Hendrick, Brant, Ontario ID 001091; 028596
Gillespie, birth March 27, 1897 child of Joseph Gillespie & Demarius Garlent, Brantford, Brant (child’s name partially given as” .llron”
Gillespie birth Oct 12, 1932, d/o Alexander J & Betty Armstrong. Brant Co record
Gladys Ayleen Gillespie birth Brantford Sept 11, 1896 ID 003263
Harriet Esther Swarfield Gillespie, birth April 3, 1878 d/o Thomas Edward Gillespie & Harriet Esther Barrus, Brantford Twp, Brant ID 001511
Harry Franklin Gillespie birth Dec 7, 1902 in Brantford, s/o John Gillespie & Annie Scott ID 007850
Henry Gillespie birth Sept 10, 1874 at Brantford. Child of Robert A Gilespie, brick layer, and Mary Jessie ?Archie (unable to read). Brantford. Dr Cole.
Isabella Gellespie birth May 25, 1872 d/o James Gellespie & Mary L Mellan, South Dumfries, Brant Co ID 001518
Jack Stephenson Gillespie birth July 7, 2007 Brant County record
James, born May 21, 1849, baptized at Grace Anglican Church in Brantford. Child of Joseph and Mary Gillespie.
Janice Marie Gillespie birth May 20, 1950 Brant Co record
John Gillespie birth March 5, 1877 in North Dumfries Twp, Brant Co, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Marion Wallace. Note records for North Dumfries Twp is usually found in Waterloo Co).
John Sturgeon Gillespie, baptism 1855 age 8 months, child of Joseph and Mary Gillespie, baptized at Grace Anglican Church, Brantford
Kirsten Mary Gillespie birth April 21, 1978 Brant Co record
Lillian Gillespie birth May 7, 1895 in Brantford, d/o William Gillespie & Amelia Frauel, ID 002676
Mabel Gertrude Gillespie, birth Jan 4, 1877 d/o Joseph Gillespie & Georgiann Woods, Brantford, Brant, Ontario ID 001290
Maggie Gillespie birth May 20, 1904 in Brantford, d/o John Gillespie & Annie Scott ID 007987
Maggie Pearl Gillespie Dunlop, birth May 4, 1894 Brantford, Brant Co, d/o James S Dunlop and Margaret Ann Gillespie
Major Gordon Gillespie birth March 23, 1887 in Brantford, s/o Luke Gillespie & Mary Ann Abbott (see Peterborough burial) ID 002104
Mark Andrew Gillespie birth Set 14, 1977 Brant Co record
Matthew John Stephenson Gillespie birth Jan 20, 1976 Brant Co record
Milton Gillespie birth March 27, 1897 in Brantford, so Joseph Gillespie & Demarius Garlent ID 006106 (first name changed)
Mina Scott Gillespie birth Brantford April 6, 1909 ID 009800
Paul Smith Gillespie birth Nov 22, 1903 in Paris, Brant Co, [s/o Geo Henry Gillespie & Letitia Smith. Paul died in Colorado 1970 says a researcher). ID 008249
Reginald George Gillespie birth June 8, 1885 in Brantford, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Gerogann W Lute ID 001766
Rhea Beatrice Gillespie, birth July 24, 1900 d/o Joseph Gillespie & Demarius Garland, Brant, Ontario id 006620
Robert A Gillespie birth Brantford Jan 14 1878 ID 001455
Robert Alexander Gillespie birth Jan 19, 1878 in Brantford Twp, s/o Robert Alexander Gillespie & Mary Jessie Henderson ID 001169 – day changed.
Roy S Gillespie birth Blandford Oct 11, 1887 ID 026090
Sara Blanche Gillspie birth Sept 7, 1890 in Blantford, d/o Joseph H Gilispie & Jane Lee Stevenson
William, baptism May 20, 1852 age 8 months, child of Joseph and Mary Gillespie at Grace Anglican Church, Brantford.
William Burns Gillespie birth Dec 20, 1921 Brant Co record
William Henry Gillespie birth Brantford Twp Sep t0, 1874. ID 003768
William Howard Gillespie birth July 24, 1886 in North Dumfries Twp, Brant Co s/o John Gillespie & Jennie Saylor (See also Waterloo Co for this township records)
William John Gillespie birth Dec 9, 1947 Brant Co record
William Stuart Gillespie birth Blandford June 17, 1908 ID 0360__
Alice BUCAN birth Nov 15, 1869 d/o George Buchan and Elizabeth Gillespie, Oxford.
Fanny BUCAN, birth Oct 1, 1874 d/o George Buchan & Elizabeth Gillespie, Blantford, Oxford Co
Bertha May CROSS, birth March 29, 1889 d/o Joseph Cross & Fannie H Gillespie of Woodstock, Oxford Co.
George William CROSS, birth March 14, 1874 s/o Joseph Cross & Fanny Gillespie, Woodstock, Oxford Co.
Harriet Jane CROSS, birth Aug 31, 1876 d/o Joseph Cross & Fanny A Gillespie, Woodstock, Oxford Co.
Annie Josephine CROSS, birth March 20, 1880 d/o Joseph Cross & Fanny Gillespie, Woodstock, Oxford Co.
Adam Scot Gillespie birth Nov 15, 1874 born East Zorra, s/o Adam Scott Gillespie & Mary Elisabeth Corbett Clement
Andrew Bell Gillespie birth July 11, 1879 in East Zorra Twp, Oxford Co s/o Andrew Gillespie & Ruth Mathieson ID 022794
Gillespie” born Nov 7, 1910 in East Zorra, Oxford Co, child of James Gillespie & Margaret Sutherland ID 037071
James Hall Scott Gillespie birth June 29, 1882 in Blandford, s/o James Gillespie & Sarah Cowing ID 025289
Jas Sutherland Gillespie birth April 28, 1912 in East Zorra, s/o Jas Mathieson Gillespie & Margaret E Sutherland
Jonathan McCuaig Gillespie birth Feb 22, 1898 in East Zorra, Oxford Co, s/o Jonathan M Gillespie & Mary Nichol
Joseph B Gillespie, birth Jan 1, 1870 s/o James Gillespie & Ann Brown, labourer of Norwich, Attended by Ephraim Cook, MD. Oxford Co, Ontario, Canada (Microfilm ID 007848)
Margaret Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Oct 25, 1881 d/o Andrew Gillespie & Ruth Matheson, Innerkip, Oxford, Ontario Canada ID 901356
Mary Isabella Gillespie, birth April 20, 1882 d/o Robert A. Gillespie & Mary Jessie Hendrie, East Oxford, Oxford. ID 025613
Roy McLeod Gillespie birth May 14, 1886 in Blandford, s/o Andrew Gillespie & Ruth Mathieson ID 027272
Sara Blanche Gillespie, birth Sept 7, 1890 d/o Joseph H Gillspie & Jane Lee Stevenon, Blantford Twp, Oxford Co ID 024884
Vera Thurold Gillespie, birth June 12, 1891 d/o Fred Gillespie & Annie Crane, Woodstock, Oxford. ID 030565
Warden Lawsen Clement Gillespie birth Aug 4, 1883 in East Zorra, s/o Andrew Gillespie & Ruth Mathieson (Date changed). ID 025404
William Gilespie birth June 17, 1908 in Blandford, s/o Wm Thompson Gillespie & Charlotte May Blackmore
William Andrew Gillespie birth July 1, 1871 in Blandford, s/o James Gillespie & Sarah Cowing ID 017648
William Thompson Gillespie birth Nov 2 1872 in East Zorra, s/o Andrew Gillespie & Ruth Matheson
Jennie Stephens MCLEAN birth Feb 13, 1871 daughter of Robert McLean & Margaret Gillespie, Blantford Twp, Oxford Co.
Elizabeth Gillespie SIM, birth Dec 10, 1879 in West Oxford. D/o Wm Sim & Margaret Gillespie
Elizabeth Gillespie ADDISON, birth Feb 3, 1876 d/o William Addison & Elizabeth Gillespie, Hamilton, Wentworth Co.
Maud Harriett ARMITAGE birth Dec 8, 1879 in Hamilton ,d/o Thomas Armitage & Emma Gillesby, Wentworth Co
Edth Elizabeth FRASER, birth April 22, 1880 d/o James Fraser & Annie Gillespie, Hamilton, Wentworth Co.
Sarah FRASER, birth Oct 18 1874 Hamilton, d/o James Fraser & Annie Gillespie.
Agnes GARVIN birth Nov 20, 1881 d/o William Garvin & Emily Gillespie, Hamilton, Wentworth Co.
Mary Florence GARVIN birth July 15, 1883 in Hamilton, d/o William Garvin & Emily Gillespie.
Albert Gillespie birth April 15, 1888 in Hamilton, s/o Wm Gillespie & Mary Hamilton ID 039090
Alexander Hamilton Gillespie birth June 5, 1898 in Hamilton, s/o Alexander Gillespie & Grace Gertrude Glassco ID 045576
Anne Gillespie birth Nov 18, 1877 in Hamilton, d/o Hugh Gillespie & Martha Mcallister ID 235970
Arthur Gregory Gillespie birth April 30, 1901 in Hamilton, s/o Arthur Gillespie & Annie Bird ID 045189
Arthur Patrick Gillespie birth Sept 30, 1873 in Hamilton, s/o John Gillespie & Ann Quin ID 025225
Clifford Gillespie birth July 11, 1889 in Hamilton, s/o Samuel Gillespie & Elizabeth Blake ID 040949
Clifford Stanley Gillespie birth Aug 11, 1903 in Hamilton, s/o William Thomas Gillespie & Minnie Han…….ID 047929
Earl Franklin Gillespie birth Oct 23, 1896 in Hamilton, s/o Richard Gillespie & Edith Williams (date changed) ID 042170
Earl Victor Gillespie birth Hamilton Aug 21, 1906 ID 046953
Elenor Gillespie, birth Nov 19, 1879 d/o Wm. Thomas Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton, Hamilton, Wentworth ID 035875
Eleanor Viola Gillespie birth Hamilton March 1, 1911 ID 055148
Ernest James Gillespie birth May 3, 1891 of Hamilton, s/o William T Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton ID 043378
Eugene Gillesby birth Hamilton Nov 12, 1885 ID 210956
George Gillespie birth April 28, 1894 in Hamilton Twp, s/o William Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton ID 036694
George Hillyer Gillespie birth Hamilton Aug 23, 1898 ID 045865
George Kenneth Gillespie birth Oct 19, 1881 in Hamilton, s/o George Gillespie & Florence Hebden ID 037484
Gladys Annie Gillesby birth Hamilton May 29, 1895. ID 036796
Gordon Hillyer Gillespie birth Aug 23, 1898 in Hamilton, s/o William Chas Gillespie & Mary Adeline Jones
Giuliana Rose Gillespie – see Raymond Peter Gillespie
Harry George Gillespie birth Oct 16, 1885 in Hamilton, Wentworth Co,, s/o William Thomas Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton ID 040119
Hugh Gillespie birth Dec 8, 1870 in Hamilton s/o Hugh Gillespie & Martha Mcallister 2nd record gives date as Dec 18th. ID 2020
James Edmund Gillespie birth Nov 26, 1896 in Hamilton, s/o Samuel Gillespie Jr & Mary Ann Wilson ID 042237
John Duncan Gillespie birth Oct 13, 1912 in Hamilton s/o Robert Gillespie & Marion Bradwood
John William Gillespie birth July 15, 1889 in Hamilton, s/o Alex Gillespie & Grace Gertrude Glassco ID 044092
Margery A Gillespie birth Feb 8, 1898 in Barton, Wentworth Co, d/o Richard Gillespie & Edith S Williams ID 044778
Marie Lillian Gillespie, birth March 17, 1897 d/o John Gillespie & Marg/t Ann Ford, Hamilton, Wentworth Co.
Mary Gillespie birth Oct 3 1869 d/o William Gillesby, Editor, and Christina Blythmann at Wentworth. Informant William Gilesby of 22 Margaret St, Hamilton. ID 003987
Matilda Gillespie, birth Aug 27, 1882 d/o William Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton, in Hamilton, Wentworth ID 040073
Muriel LIllian Gillespie birth Hamilton March 17, 1897 ID 046071
Ottie Louise Gillespie birth June 25, 1896 in Hamilton, Wentworth Co, child of William Gillespie & Adeline Jones ID 041819
Pearl Irena Gillespie birth Oct 6, 1896 in Hamilton, d/o William Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton ID 042144
Peter Love Gillespie birth Nov 6, 1911 in Hamilton, s/o Alexander Gillespie & Elizabeth Donaldson ID 056638
Raymond Peter & Giuliana Rose Gillespie, twins, born Sept 20, 2012, children of Aaron & Laura Gillespie, nee Polidoro. Welcomed by family members including Grampa John Gillespie.
Robert John Gillespie birth Nov 9, 1881 in Hamilton, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Annie Renwick ID 037387
Roy Arthur Leslie Gillespie birth April 28, 1894 in Hamilton Twp, s/o William Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton ID 036693
Ruby Violet Gillespie birth Nov 6, 1899 in Hamilton, d/o William Thos Gillespie & Minnie Hamilton ID 044237
Samuel Barnes Gillespie birth March 15, 1893 in Hamilton, s/o Samuel Gillespie & Mary Ann Wilson ID 036957
Stella May Gillespie birth Sept 14, 1904 in Hamilton, d/o William Chas Gillespie & Mary Adeline Jones ID 049414
Virginia Maude Gillesby, birth June 2, 1888 Hamilton, d/o William Frankin Gillesby & Emma Virginia Bogart Wilde. ID 039186
Walter Gillespie birth Aug 25, 1872 in Barton, Wentworth Co, s/o George Hamilton Gillespie & Elizabeth Agnes Gillespie ID 901266pE
William Gillespie, birth Nov 3, 1870 born at Barton s/o George Gillespie, grocer, and Elizabeth Agnes
William Gillespie birth Dec 23, 1884 in Hamilton, s/o David Gillespie & Jane Mcquaid (My note: the couple had been in Kingston, and later moved to the States). ID 040401
William Francis Gillespie birth Dec 16, 1893 in Hamilton, s/o William Francis Gillespie & Wm Francis Gillespie ID 037810
William Fred Gillespie birth Sept 29, 1900 in Hamilton, s/o William Chas Gillespie & Mary Adeline Jones ID 045419
William George Gillespie birth Oct 24, 1870 in Hamilton, s/o William Gillespie & Sarah Makins Gillespie ID 014663
William J Gillespie birth in Barton Nov 3, 1970 ID 014305
William Lee Gillespie birth Hamilton Dec 11, 1890 ID 242954
Margaret Elsie Whitehead MCCOY birth Dec 23, 1884 d/o Jeremiah McCoy & Sarah Gillespie, Hamilton Wentworth Co.
Mary MCNIVER, born Sept 27, 1843, baptized Dec 19, 1843 Knox Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, daughter of Don’d McNiver & Nancy Gillespy of Hamilton.
Mary Elsie MEEGHAN birth April 23, 1888 in Hamilton, d/o Thomas Meeghan & Maria Gillesby, Wentworth Co
Susanna PHILIPS birth June 14, 1876 in Hamilton, d/o James Phillips & Elizabeth Gillesby, Wentworth Co
Maud Oxinda ALBAUGH, birth Jan 24, 1883 d/o Lewis Albaugh & Hattie Gillespie of St Catharines, Lincoln Co
Thomas BRICK birth May 24 1890 in Merriton, s/o Mary Gillespie. Lincoln Co.
Albert Marshall FITZSIMMONS, birth Oct 15, 1881 St Catherines, s/o Thomas Henry & Mary Gillespie.
Charles A Gillespie Dec 2, 1886 in St Catharines, s/o Gabrariel Gillespie & Eliza Smithwaite ID 020050
Charles Henry Gillespie, born Oct 22, 1865 at St Catharines . Baptized Sept 27, 1866 by Rev J. B. Howard. s/o William & Hannah Gillespie, residence St Catherines. Wesleyan Methodist.
Florence Gertrude Gillespie, birth April 1, 1894 d/o Thomas Hugh Gillespie & Florence Blanche Wilson, St Catharines, Lincoln ID 901566
George Thomas Gillespie birth Nov 20, 1871 in Lincoln, s/o Thomas Gillespie & Sarah F…Ilbert
Gillespie (f) birth St Catharines April 1, 1894 ID 017808
Lawrence May Gillespie birth Aug 3, 1884 in St Catharines, s/o Gabriel Gillespie & Eliza A Smithorait ID 019113
Robert Renos Gillespie birth Sept 2, 1882 in St Catharines, s/o Gabrial Gillespie & Eliza Ann Smithwait ID 018283
William G Gillespie birth Sept 2, 1882 in St Catharines, s/o Gabrial Gillespie & Eliza Ann Smithwait ID 018282
Beatrice I HUTTON birth July 20, 1896 , d/o Thomas Hutton & Annie Gillespie, Port Dalhousie, Lincoln Co
Rose Dell PACKHAM, birth Aug 5, 1884 d/o George Thos Packham & Sarah Jane Gillespie
Elle E SPRINGSTED birth Sept 30, 1889 in Caistor, d/o D. D. Springsted & Mary Gillespie. Lincoln Co.
Frederick William, birth July 25, 1862 Grantham Twp, Niagara, Baptized July 8, 1864. Child of James and Rebecca Gillespie.
Gertrude Audrey Barkwell, birth Oct 1, 1887 do Charles A Barkwell & Louisa Gillespie, at Niagara Falls Village, Welland Co.
William Henry birth March 22, 1881 in Walsingham, s/o William Henry & Jane Gillesby, Norfolk Co.
Edward, birth Dec 7, 1864 son of James and Ellen Gillespie of Haldimand Twp. Baptized April 18, 1865. Rev C Hamilton.
Emily May A Glasby birth Seneca Sept 29, 1902 ID 217213
Leonard Gillespie, birth Aug 21, 1863 s/o Alexander Gillespie & Sarah Gillespie of Haldimand. Baptized April 18, 1865 Haldimand. Rev C Hamilton.
Margret J Gillespie, birth Sept 18, 1863 d/o James & Ellen Gillespie of Haldimand. Baptized April 18, 1865. Rev C Hamilton.
Mary J Gillespie, birth Dec 7, 1864 bd/o Edward Gillespie & Martha Gillespie of Haldimand, Baptized April 18, 1865. Rev C Hamilton.
Richard Gillespie birth Sept 24, 1869, baptized Dec 12, 1870. s/o E and M of Haldimand.
Richard Gillespie, baptised Dec 12, 1870 son of E & M, of Haldimand. Born Sept 24, 1869.
William Gillespie birth March 27, 1876, baptized June 25, 1876. S/o Luke and Mary A, Bosanquet
Ethel May WHITELAW birth Feb 11, 1890 in Seneca Twp d/o James Whitelaw & Rebecca Gillaspie, Haldimand Co
Mina Annetta BROWN birth Oct 23, 1893 d/o John W Brown & Annie M Gillespie, St Thomas, Elgin
Annie Elliot Gillespie, birth Aug 28, 1880 d/o Thomas E. Gillespie & Harriet Ester Barnes, Yarmouth Twp, Elgin ID 004785
Carl Alfred Gillespie birth Aug 25, 1900 in St Thomas, Elgin, s/o Frederick W Gillespie & Annie Crane ID 011598
Wilfred Frederick Gillespie birth Feb 10, 1898 in St Thomas, s/o Frederick William Gillespie & Annie Maria Crane ID 011107
Anna May Lang SABISTON birth May 6, 1877 d/o James Sabiston & Sarah Gillespie, St Thomas, Elgin Co.
Sarah SABISTON birth Sept 30, 1874 St Thomas, Elgin, d/o James Sabiston and Sarah Gillespie.
Andrew Alexander Gillespie birth Sept 24, 1905 in London, s/o George Hamilton Gillespie & Kate Alexander ID 028360
Annie Maud Gillespie, birth Sept 5, 1881, d/o Charles Albert Gillespie & Jane Hogg, London West, Middlesex ID 018667
Dorothy Ermine Gillespie birth Aug 10, 1901 in London, d/o James Gillespie & Annie Mcnaughton ID 025080
Emily Blanche Gillespie, birth Jan 21, 1883 d/o Charles A Gillespie & Jane Hogg, London West, Middlesex Co. (date changed) ID 019339
Geo Hamilton Gillespie birth July 3, 1902 Middlesex, Ontario. Father Geo Hamilton Gillespie, Mother Kate Alexander (link to Hamilton, Wentworth Co). ID 026224
H Hamilton Gillespie birth London Sept 1, 1908 ID 0302__
Helen Isabella Gillespie birth April 16, 1897 in London, d/o Wm B Gillespie & Lillie G Mcguffin ID 025130
James Alfred Fonger birth March 13, 1880 in Ilderton, s/o Alfred Fonger & Gillispie mother (name not given). Middlesex Co.
Jessie Newell Gillespie birth March 24, 1899 in London, d/o George Hamilton Gillespie & Kate Alexander ID 023794
Kate Menzies Gillespie birth Nov 13, 1900 in London, d/o George Hamilton Gillespie & Kate Alexander ID 023120
Mary Hamilton Gillespie birth Sept 1, 1908 in London, d/o George Hamilton Gillespie & Kate Alexander. (Link to Hamilton, Wentworth Co)
Nita Maud Kelly birth Feb 8, 1896 in London, d/o James Clarence Kelly & Sarah Gillispie, Middlesex Co.
Stella Barbara Sutherland, birth Oct 2, 1889 do William W Sutherland & Barbara T Gillespie, London, Middlesex Co
William Hayward Gillespie birth Sept 1, 1908 Middlesex Co, Ontario. Father George Hamilton Gillespie. Mother Kate Alexander ID 0302__
Cathrine Gillespie birth Thedford on Jan 29, 1878. ID 0129002
Edith Isabella Gillespie, birth Aug 29, 1879 d/o Joseph Gillespie & Ellen Duncan, at Petrolia, Lampton ID 013077
Elizabeth Gillespie, birth Feb 9, 1876 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Isabel Karr, Petrolia, Lampton ID 012889
Elizabeth Jane Gillespie birth Petrolia July 17, 1882 ID 015657
George Richard Gillespie birth Petrolia Feb 21, 1900 ID 020741
Henry Gillespie birth Petrolia on May 28, 1884. ID 015571
Isabella Gillespie, birth March 20, 1886 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Isabella Karr, Petrolia, Lampton
James Gillespie birth Petrolia April 16, 1888 ID 016966
John A Gillespie birth Petrolia on Aug 14, 1880. ID 013999
Joseph Gillespie birth Petrolia May 4, 1892 ID 015035
Joseph Stanley Gillespie, birth Feb 14, 1876 s/o Joseph Gillespie & Ellen Duncan, Petrolia, Lampton Co. ID 012890
Mabel Agnes Gillespie, birth Aug 5, 1888 d/o Malcolm Gillespie & Sarah Anderson, Alvinston, Lampton
M Edith Gillespie birth Petrolia May 12, 1872. ID 009351
Oliver Gillespie birth Petrolia April 26, 1890 ID 015468
Rebecca Gillespie birth Petrolia on July 16, 1878. ID 013124
William Gillespie, birth March 24, 1876 s/o Luke Gillespie & Mary Ann Abbot, Petrolia, Lampton Co. See next entry.
William Gillespie birth Bosanquet March 27, 1876, ID 012990
William Gillespie,birth May 8, 1877 s/o Alexander Gillespie & Isabella Karr, Petrolia, Lampton Co. ID 019254 (date changed)
William Oliver Gillespie birth Petrolia Feb 15, 1878. ID 013217
Archibald Everitt Gillespie, birth Dec 1, 1891 s/o Archibald Gillespie & Eliza Ann Everitt, Dover Twp, Kent ID 501051
A Son birth Nov 5, 1908 of Selton. Born to Angus Gillespie
Camby Carman Gillespie birth Nov 1, 1908 in Howard, s/o Angus Gillespie & E. A. Newell. ID 2236__
Carman Gillespie birth Nov 10, 1908 of Howard Twp, Kent Co, s/o Angus Gillespie & E . A. Newell. ID 2236_
Catherine Gillespie, birth Jan 29 ,1878 d/o Luke Gillespie & Mary Ann Abbott, Thedford, Kent. (see also Brant County)
Catherine Gillespie birth Jan 29, 1898 in Thedford, Kent Co., d/o Luke Gillespie & Mary Ann Abbot.
Christina May Gillespie, birth April 14, 1875 d/o Malcolm Gillespie & Sarah Anderson, Howard Twp, Kent ID 212165
Donald Arthur Gillispie birth Howard June 10, 1891 ID 020432
Elizabeth Jane Gillespie, birth July 17, 1882 d/o Alexander Gllespie and Isabella Kerr at Petrolia, Kent.
Gillespie‘ (female) birth Oct 11, 1900 in Howard Twp, Kent Co, child of A Gillespie & L Everitt ID 19568
Hugh Currie Gillespie birth Howard Twp Oct 23, 1906 ID 024993
James Gillespie, birth May 2, 1882 in Camden, Kent Co, s/o James Gillespie & Mary Windom
Jennie Christena Winnareta Gillespie, birth June 19, 1887 d/o Dugald Gillespie & Jennie Elizabeth Anderson, Merlin, Kent
Mabel Agnes Gillespie birth April 5, 1888 in Alvinston, Kent Co. ID 017793
Malcolm F Giillespie birth April 18, 1903 in Howard Twp, Kent Co s/o Angus Gillespie & Edith Newelln ID 020942
Matilda May Gillespie birth June 10, 1883 in Howard, d/o Archibald Gillespie & E. A. Everett. (month changed). ID 014542
Maud Helen Gillespie birth Mornington Twp April 1, 1891 ID 031857
Newell Criel Gillespie birth Oct 17, 1897 in Howard ,Kent Co. child of Angus Gillespie & Edith A Newel ID 019880
Rebecca Gillespie, birth July 10, 1878 d/o Alexander Gillespie & Isabella Karr, Petrolia, Kent. (see next record)
Rebecca Gillespie birth July 10, 1879 In Petrolia, d/o Alexander Gillespie and Isabella Kerr.
Violet Agnes Gillespie birth April 19, 1901 in Petrolia, Howard Twp, Kent Co, d/o Alexander Gillespie & Isabella Kerr ID 019732
William James Howard Gillespie birth June 12 1885 in Raleigh, Kent Co, s/o Dugald Gillespie. ID 015099
William Oliver Gillespie birth Feb 15, 1878 in Petrolia, Kent Co, s/o Joseph Gillespie & Helen Duncan
Winfred Gillespie birth April 21, 1896 in Wallaceburg, Kent Co. d/o John Gillespie & Maggie A Todd ID 016144
Geta Pentland SHAVER baptized Aug 22, 1890 by E.H. Yakes. Parents Alexander and Caroline. Residence Blenheim. Parents Mary Gillespie
Angus, birth July 18, 1870 s/o Hugh Gillespie of Ruthven , blacksmith, and Sarah Ann Fox, Gosfield, Essex Co, Ontario MS 929, Reel 2, Copy 2 ID 006302
Charles Dew Gillespie birth Feb 7, 1900 in Windsor, s/o R Adelaide E Gillespie ID 016916
Ernest James Gillespie, birth July 28, 1875 child of Hugh and Sarah of Gosfield Twp, Kingsville. Baptized Nov 21, 1875. ID 003854
Ernest Laurence Nicholas Gillespie birth Sept 6, 1910 in Windsor, s/o Ernest Gillespie & Anna Mccormick ID 01042
Florence McDonald, birth Feb 10, 1891 Kingsville, Essex Co, d/o Ezra Mcdonald & Nellie Gillespi
Issac Ellis Gillespie, birth May 20, 1878 Colchester, Essex, Ontario. Father Malcolm Gillespie. Mother Emily Williams. ID 005142
Sarah Edith DILLON birth Nov 19, 1883 R. J. Dillon & Sarah Gillespie, Ontario.
Annie Maud Gillespie, birth Aug 4, 1878 d/o Wm Gillespie & Lucy E, Ontario (I am fairly sure this is for Dundas Co, Morewood, and mother is Lucy Beach)
Annie May Gillespie birth Nov 30, 1873 in Ontario, d/o James Gillespie & Amelia Friedlander
Cassie Gillespie, birth March 15, 1892, d/o Andrew Gillespie and Effie Gillespie, Ontario
Charlotte G Gillespie birth Perry Sept 5, 1893 ID 020918
Ernest James Gillespie, birth July 28, 1875 s/o Hugh Gillespie & Sarah Ann Fox – see Hastings Co
Georgia Frances Gillespie, birth March 8, 1907, d/o Thomas George Gillespie & Cassie Georgina Robertson
Gillespie” child birth Nov 26, 1884 of Ino E Gillespie & Corbit, in Ontario
Gillespie” in Ontario, birth July 16, 1906 child of Mary Gillespie Sheridan. Father not listed.
Hattie Gillespie, birth Sept 19, 1884 d/o John Andrew Gillespie & Rachel Agnes Barker, Ontario“
Hugh Curry Gillespie birth Oct 23, 1906 in Ontario, s/o Peter Gillespie & Mary Houst (see Kent County for name Curry).
Janet Miller Gillespie, Jr. birth Oct 6, 1890 in Ontario, d/o Malcolm Gillespie Jr & Janet Anderson (?Victoria Co).
Jean Barklely Gillespie birth Nov 17, 1908 in Ontario, d/o Thomas Geo Gillespie & Cassie Georgenia Robertson
John Edgar Gillespie birth Maryborough March 22, 1884 ID 23809
Margaret Isabel Gillespie, birth Sept 13, 1885 d/o John Lyall Gillespie & Elizabeth Samuel, in Ontario
Mary Gillespie birth July 28, 1885 in Ontario, d/o John Gillespie & Janet G Miller
Pat Jos Gillespie, birth May 15, 1889 s/o John Gillespie & Bridget Whalen.
Walter Gillespie birth Aug 25, 1872 in Ontario, s/o George Hamilton Gillespie and Elizabeth Agnes Gillespie. (?Hamilton, Wentworth Co)
William Charles Gillespie birth April 8, 1896, in Ontario, s/o William Charles Gillespie & Adalena Brittou
William George Gillespie, birth Nov 30, 1873 s/o James Gillespie & Amelia Friedlander, Ontario
Mary Ann GRAHAM birth Aug 9, 1886 child of Archibald Graham and Flora Gillespie, Ontario.
Ella May JOHNTON, birth Dec 4, 1895 d/o Robert George Johnston & Jessie Gillespie, in Ontario
Emma Elizabeth LAING, birth Aug 2, 1878 d/o Thomas Laing & Mary Jane Gillespie, “Ontario.”
Thomas George Goodson Gillespie RELEYA, birth March 25, 1871 s/o William Henry Relyea & Margaret Isabella Gillespie (?Prescott/Leeds/Grenville Co)
Mabel Thompson SUTHERLAND, birth Aug 16, 1878 do William Sutherland & Barbara Thompson Gillespie, “Ontario”
No Year of Birth Provided
Sarah Gillespie, d/o W Gillespie & Sarah Gillentyne, April 9___ York, York, Ontario
NOTE: When more than one record is found and dates conflict, the statement (date changed) means I have made it the one registered with the Ontario Archives of Ontario microfilmed record.
Location not indicated
Alison J Gillespie birth 1825, daughter of George & Isabella. Upper Canada
Archibald Gillespie, birth 1854, son of Robert & Isabella
Charles Gillespie, birth 1834, son of Thomas & Agnes, Upper Canada
Dugald Gillespie birth 1854, son of Robert & Isabella, Upper Canada
Eliza Gillespie, birth 1861, daughter of Robert & Elizabeth, Upper Canada
Frederick Gillespie, birth 1867, son of Thomas & Phoebe, Upper Canada
Gilbert Gillespie, birth 1855, son of John & Janet, Upper Canada
Henry Gillespie, birth 1827, son of Hugh & Mary, Upper Canada
Henry Gillespie, birth 1868, son of Thomas & Phoebe, Upper Canada
Hugh Gillespie birth 1825, son of Hugh & Mary, Upper Canada
Margaret Gillespie, birth 1853, daughter of John & Jane, Upper Canada
Record Count: 1,432
Source of Records: Mormon website,, Ontario Archives of index of Gillespie records on microfilm; Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Records. Niagara Falls Review. Hamilton Spectator.