SCOTLAND: Asylum Patients

These records cover the period 1858 to 1918 of patients admitted to asylums in Scotland, but death dates added later may extend to the early 1960s. There were 4,000 patients in asylums in January 1858 in Scotland. There may have been more than one admission for an individual. This is the simple index. More information  at bottom of page.


Agnes Gillespie,house servant, born about 1816, single, previous residence Edinburgh Asylum. Chargeable parish: St Andrews. death Sept 6, 1871. A patient 1854-1866. Scotland

Agnes Gillespie, Midlothian Asylum 1881. Scotland

Agnes Gillespie or Wood, death Aug 19, 1893. Glasgow District (Bothwell) Glasgow P A; Glasgow Par. 1882-1885. Scotland

Agnes Wilson Gillespie, humble, born about 1882, single. Previous residence 76 Dewar St. Dunfermline. Chargeable parish Dunfermline.  Death Aug 2, 1939. Fife District Asylum Lanark District 1908. Scotland

Alexander Gillespie death Sept 1, 1867, Gartnaver Asylum 1864-1865. Scotland

Alexander Gillespie, Ayr District Asylum Riccartsbar 1898. Scotland

Alexander Gillespie death Sept 2, 1904. Woodilee Asylum 1904. Scotland

Alexander Lockart Gillespie death Dec 25, 1904, Saughtonhall Asylum 1904. Scotland

Alexander Reid Gillespie death April 16, 1912. Gartloch Asylum 1910. Scotland

Alice Gillespie or Clapperton, death Dec 2, 1916. Midlothian District Asylum 1915-1916. Also known as Ann or Alison Gillespie or Clapperton. Scotland

Allan Gillespie Barony Asylum 1878. Scotland

Andrew Gillespie Barony Asylum 1896 Scotland

Andrew Gillespie or Godfrey, death March 14, 1889. Glasgow Royal Aslum 1888. Scotland

Ann Gillespie death March 19, 1860. Londale House Asylum 1855.

Ann Gillespie Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1860. Scotland

Ann Gillespie death Aug 30, 1887. Barony Asylum 1887, Scotland

Ann Gillespie or McGowan, death Aug 11, 1900. Govan District Asylum 1883-1898 Scotland

Ann Gillespie or McMillan, death Nov 14, 1892. Ayr District Asylum 1891. Scotland

Ann Gillespie or O’Donnell, Greenock Asylum 1899 Scotland

Ann or Alison Gillespie or Clapperton. Death Dec 2, 1916. Midlothian District Asylum 1915-1916 Scotland

Annie Gillespie or Ewing death May 7, 1914. Stirling District Asylum 1911 Scotland

Annie Gillespie or Whitford death Sept 7, 1921  Gartlock Asylum 1917. ‘Scotland

Annie Margaret Gillespie Aberdeen Royal Asylum 1909. Scotland

Archibald Gillespie  Arygll District Asylum ; Glasgow Royal Asylum 1859-1863 Scotland


Bernard Gillespie, death May 26, 1900. Govan District Asylum 1900

Bessie Gillespie, death March 22, 1910. Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1910 Scotland

Bridget Gillespie, barony 1882. Scotland

Bridget Gillespie or Freel, death Sept 17, 1877. Gartnavel Asylum 1876. Scotland

Bridget Gillespie or Mulherran, Stilrling Asylum 1882. Scotland

Bridget Gillespie or “Rourke, Glasgow City Poorhouse 1866.


Catherine Gillespie, Woodlee Asylum 1904 – 1909, Scotland

Catherine Gillespie or Darroch, death August 20, 1892. Barony Glasgow P A, 1885

Catherine Gillespie or Mutter or Wren or Aird, death Oct 4, 1888. ‘
Govan Paisely 1887

Catherine Gillespie or Philips, death July 22, 1893. Govan, P. A.  1893. Scotland

Charles Gillespie, Dundee Asylum 1877, Scotland

Charlotte Gillespie or Mellis, Stirling Asylum 1873. Scotland

Christina Gillespie or Hogg, death Feb 5, 1910. Glasgow Royal Asylum 1909. Scotland

Clementina Gillespie or Smith, death Jan 18, 1893. Aberdeen Royal Asylum 1889. Scotland

Constantine Gillespie, death Aug 9, 1870. Abbey Asylum 1870. Scotland


Daniel Gillespie, Gartloch Woodilee Asylums, 1902- 1904, Scotland

David Gillespie, death Jan 13, 1897, Barony, P A 1891, Scotland

David Gillespie, death April 26, 1915 Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1915, Scotland.

Dennis Gillespie, death Oct 24, 1851, Glasgow City Poorhouse, Linlithgow Poorhouse, 1859. Scotland.

Divina Agnes Gillespie, Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1901, Scotland


Elizabeth Gillespie, Dumfries 1888, Scotland

Elizabeth Gillespie, death July 29, 1903, Crichton Institution 1902-1903, Scotland

Elizabeth Gillespie, death April 26, 1924, Dumfries Royal Asylum 1917, Scotland

Elizabeth Gillespie or Ferguson, Lanark District 1898-1914, Scotland

Elizabeth Gillespie or Hamilton or Heaney, Dumfries Govan District 1888 – 1895, Scotland

Elizabeth Gillespie or Logie, death Oct 13, 1907, Lanark District 1897, Scotland

Elizabeth Gillespie or McNaught, Argyll  District Asylum 1901, Scotland.

Elizabeth Gillespie or McNaught, death Oct 27, 1905, Murray’s Royal 1905, Scotland.

Elizabeth Gillespie or Muir, death Nov 15, 1905, Ayr District 1905, Scotland.

Elizabeth Hamilton Gillespie or Harvey or Heaney. Also Elizth.  Dumfries Govan, Govan District 1888-1895, Scotland.

Elizth Gillespie or Carruthers, death June 29, 1872, Roxburgh 1872, Scotland.

Emily Gillespie or Page, death June 16, 1909, Gartloch 1906, Scotland


Felix Gillespie, Gartnavel Asylum 1864. Scotland

Francis Gillespie, Glasgow P A  1876, Scotland


George Gillespie, linen salesman, born about 1884, single, Previous residence 26 Brucefield Avenue, Dunermline, Chargeable parish Dunfermline. Fife District Asylum 1911.

George Gillespie Ewer  death May 4, 1906. Crichton Institution 1905, Scotland

George Rae Gillespie, Stirling District  1903, Scotland


Helen Gillespie, Edinburgh District Asylum, Edinburgh Royal Asylum, Govan Distric,  Montrose Royal Asylum   1913-1915. Scotland

Helen Gillespie or Davidson, death Dec 2, 1904. Woodilee Asylum 1904, Scotland

Helen Gillespie or Webster, housewife, born about 1872, married. Previous residence Chapel. Chargeable Parish Abbotshall, Also known as Helen Mitchell Gillespie or Websiter. death Oct 31, 1923. Fife District Asylum 1895-1897, Scotland

Hugh Gillespie, Perth District Asylum 1916, Scotland

Hugh John Gillespie, death Dec 5, 1892. Perth Royal Asylum 1876, Scotland.


Isab Gillespie or Blackhall, Aberdeen Royal Asylum 1870, Scotland.

Isaba Gillespie or Brogan, death June 19, 1888. Abbey 1879, Scotland.

Isabella Gillespie, Glasgow Royal Asylum 1860, Scotland.

Isabella Gillespie or Clyne, death Feb 1, 1913, Montrose Royal Asylum 1903. Scotland


James Gillespie, Barnhill 1861, Scotland

James Gillespie, death July 1, 1881, Glasgow City Poorhouse, Longdale House, Stirling D A  1862-1869, Scotland

James Gillespie, Morningside Asylum  1873, Scotland.

James Gillespie, death Nov 10, 1886. Argyll Aslyum 1875, Scotland

James Gillespie, Govan Asylum 1880, Scotland

James Gillespie, Edinburgh Royal Asylum, Midlothian District Asylum 1884 – 1890

James Gillespie, Dumfries Greenock P A  1888-1890, Scotland

James Gillespie, death March 15, 1894. Crichton Institution. Govan P  A  1892.

James Gillespie, Montrose Royal Asylum 1897, Scotland

James Gillespie, death March 29, 1902, Stirling District Asylum 1897. Scotland

James Gillespie, death Aug 16, 1902. Crichton Institution 1898, Scotland.

James Gillespie, Crichton Institution 1900, Scotland

James Gillespie, Inverness District Asylum 1900, Scotland.

James Gillespie, death Sept 14, 1929, Dumfries Royal Asylum, Glasgow Royal Asylum 1913, Scotland

James Gillespie, Lanark District 1917.

James Gillespie, death Sept 15, 1917 Lanark District 1917.

James Gillespie, Glasgow Royal Asylum Woodilee 1917 – 1918. Scotland

James Forrest Gillespie, Glasgow District Royal Asylum 1888 – 1898, Scotland.

James Seton Gillespie, death March 21, 1914. Edinburgh District Asylum 1907 – 1909, Scotland

James Shanks Gillespie, death Dec 19, 1900, Barony 1898.

Jane Gillespie, Morningside 1877, Scotland.

Jane Gillespie, death Dec 24, 1957, Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1913, Scotland.

Jane Gillespie or Paul,  Stirling District 1916.

Jane Gillespie or Skeldoch, death July 29, 1901, Stirling District 1900. Scotland

Janet Gillespie death Jan 7, 1875. Ayr 1973.

Janet Gillespie, death April 17, 1907 Murray’s Royal 1907, Scotland.

Janet Gillespie or Bennett, death Oct 4, 1913. Ayr District, Glasgow Royal Asylum, Paisley PA Craw Road  Riccartsbar  Westermains 1885 – 1906

Janet Gillespie or Clark, death April 18, 1871, Gartnavel 1864, Scotland.

Janet Gillespie or Cuthbertson, Ayr District 1905, Scotland

Janet Gillespie or Sanderson, Morningside 1879, Scotland

Janet Gillespie or Shade, Gartnavel Perth District Asylum 1868, Scotland

Janet Gillespie or Hunter, death March 19, 1875, Barnhill 1864, Scotland

Jean Gillespie death August 5, 1858 Edinburgh Royal Asylum, Scotland.

Jeanie Gillespie Perth Royal Asylum 1917, Scotland.

Jessie Gillespie or Clark, death April 18, 1871, Gatnavel 1864, Scotland

Jessie Gillespie or Muir or Jessie Gillespie Muir, death Dec 7, 1902, Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1895 – 1902. Scotland

Jessie Gillespie or Wardrop, Stirling 1876, Scotland

John Gillespie, death Jan 15, 1900, Edinburgh Royal Asyluym 1852, Scotland.

John Gillespie death Nov 22, 1862, Longdale House 1862, Scotland.

John Gillespie death Oct 31, 1881 Dumfries 1881, Scotland.

John Gillespie, Abbey P A Glasgow District (Bothwell), Greenock P A 1888-1894, Scotland

John Gillespie, Crichton Institution 1894, Scotland

John Gillespie death June 13, 1895, Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1895, Scotland.

John Gillespie death Dec 13, 1904 Perth Royal Asylum 1896, Scotland.

John Gillespie Govan District Kirklands Stilring District 1902-1908.

John Gillespie death March 10, 1905 Gartloch 1903

John Gillespie death March 13, 1908 Crichton Institution 1905.

John Gillespie Gartloch 1910, Scotland.

Joseph Gillespie death Sept 11, 1915, Stirling District 1901, Scotland.

Joseph Gillespie Banff District 1907, Scotland


Lilias Cooper Gillespie death Oct 1, 1917 Fife District Asylum 1916. Scotland

Lydia Gillespie or Jones, Lanark District 1898, Scotland.


Margaret Gillespie death June 15, 1864 Barnhill 1851 Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie, death Nov 2, 1884 Dumfries 1872, Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie death Oct 7, 1903 Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1901, Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie or Barber, death Oct 1, 1892 Stirling District Asylum 1892, Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie or Dalgeish or Graham, or Margaret Dalgleish Graham or Gillespie, Edinburgh Royal Asylum, Glasgow Royal Asylum, Montrose Royal Asylum, Murray’s Royal, New Saughtonhall Roxburgh District Asylum 1906 – 1909, Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie or Learmonth or Margaret Shanks, Mavisbank New Saughtonhall 1902 – 1912, Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie or Martin daeth Aug 4, 1917 Fife District Asylum 1917.

Margaret Gillespie or Orr, death May 12, 1922 Lanark District 1910, Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie or Stirling, death Dec 7, 1929 Glasgow Royal Asylum 1904.

Margaret Gillespie or Tollerton death Jan 23, 1904, Ayr District 1903, Scotland.

Margaret Gillespie or McRoss, or Margaret Ann, death Aug 21, 1914 Aberdeen Royal Asylum 1914, Scotland

Margaret Dalgleish Gillespie or McRoss, Aberdeen Royal Asylum 1914. Edinburgh Royal Asylum, Glasgow Royal Asylum, Montrose Royal Asylum, Murray’s Royal, New Saughtonhall Roxburgh District Asylum 1906 – 1909, Scotland.

Margaret Moor Gillespie or McArthur or known as Margaret More Gillespie, death May 29, 1917 Argyll District Asylum 1895  – 1908

Margaret Wilson Gillespie, Stirling District 1905, Scotland

Margaret Young Gillespie or Hardie, Montrose Royal Asylum 1914. Scotland.

Margt Gillespie or Willocks, Montrose 1878.

Martha Gillespie or Mcatameny Govan District Woodilee 1915, Scotland\

Mary Gillespie or Bell, death April 15, 1912 Argyll District Asylum 1887 – 1905, Scotland

Mary Gillespie or Edgar, Glasgow District Greenock P A  1895 – 1897.

Mary Gillespie or Flemington, Stirling District Asylum 1898.

Mary Gillespie or Fullarton, death Oct 22, 1907, Ayr District 1907, Scotland.

Mary Gillespie or King, death May 23, 1912 Gartnavel 1910.

Mary Gillespie or Lafferty, Gartloch 1906.

Mary Gillespie or Murray death April 22, 1909 Aberdeen District Asylum 1909.

Mary Gillespie or O’Brien, domestic, born about 1871, married. Previous residence 23 Grainger Street, Lochgelly, .Chargeable Parish Auchterderran, Fife District Asylum 1907, Scotland.

Mary Ann  Gillespie or O’Shaughnesay, Barony P A 1894-1898, Scotland.

Mary Ann Gillespie, death Jan 19, 1892 Barony 1884 – 1886.

Mary Christina Gillespie or Peacock, Barony 1884-1886.

Mary Christina Gillespie or Loyon, Gartloch 1900, Scotland.

Mary Clark Gillespie or McQuilken, death July 30, 1954, Govan District 1911.

Matilda Gillespie or Wallace, Argyll 1888, Scotland.


Patrick Gillespie, Stirling District 1902, Scotland.

Peter Gillespie, death Jan 15, 1865. Morningside 1864, Scotland.

Peter Gillespie, Dundee Royal Asylum 1869.

Peter Gillespie, Roxburgh District Asylum, Stirling District 1915, Scotland.

Peter Sorrie Gillespie, Aberdeen Royal Asylum 1912.


Robert Gillespie death March 12, 1906. Greenock P A 1905.

Rose Ann Gillespie or Brown, death Nov 16, 1911, Paisley P A Craw Road 1901, Scotland


Samuel Gillespie death May 18, 1910, Govan District 1910.

Susan Gillespie Glasgow City Poorhouse, Glasgow District (Bothwell, Midlothian 1858-1881.

Susan Gillespie or Snadden, housekeeper, born about 1860, married, Previous residence North Street, Leslie. Chargeable Parish Leslie, death Nov 1, 1908. Fife District Asylum 1907.


Thomas Gillespie, death August 24, 1892. Woodilee 1876.

Thomas Gillespie death March 15, 1886, Barony 1885.

Thomas Gillespie, death Dec 5, 1928, Crichton Institution Gartloch Stirling District 1899 – 1904.

Thomas Gillespie death Oct 9, 1906 Govan District !902.


Violet Hay Gillespie, death June 20, 1910. Midlothian District Asylum 1910.


William Gillespie Barnhill Gartnave 1851-1874.

William Gillespie death Dec 3, 1870, Perth Royal Asylum 1864.

William Gillespie death March 19, 1875, Gatnavel 1875.

William Gillespie death Sept 6, 1882. Glasgow District (Bothwell) 1882.

William Gillespie death July 19, 1902. Stirling 1885.

William Gillespie death Dec 9, 1902, Argyll 1885.

William Gillespie Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1892.

William Gillespie, soldier and labourer, born about 1862, married, Previous residence 260 Rosslyn Street, Gallatown and Police Office Kircaldy, Chargeable Parish: Dysart. Fife District Asylum 1901.

William Gillespie Edinburgh Royal Asylum 1905.

William Gillespie, death June 27, 1907 Gatloch Glasgow Royal Asylum 1907.

William Gillespie Stirling District 1907, Scotland.


Index of Father’s Found  at Old Scottish Genealogy

Ann Gillespie birth July 19, 1867, Mother Janet Gillespie, Carnwath, Lanark.  (Father found)

Catharine Gillespie, birth Sept 26, 1867, mother Isabella Gillespie, East Kilbride, Lanark  (Father found)

Helen Gillespie, birth March 29, 1871, mother Helen Gillespie, Auchterderran, Fife  (Father found)

Isabella Gillespie, birth Aug 11, 1873, Mother Ann Gillespie, Clackmannan    (Father found)

James Dunlop Gillespie birth Nov 22, 1869, Mother Margaret Gillespie, Dalry, Ayr, Scotland    (Father found)

John Gillespie, birth Dec 3, 1860, Mother Margaret Gillespie, Calton,  Glasgow, Lanark.  (Father found)

John Gillespie, birth Nov 25, 1864, Mother Elizabeth Harper. Sorn, Ayr.    (Father found)

John Gillespie, birth Dec 17, 1866, Mother Catherine Gillespie. Saint Ninians, Stirling    (Father found)

Robert Gillespie, birth Jan 8, 1862, Mother Janet Gillespie, Auchtertool, Fife    (Father found)

William Gillespie, birth Dec 19, 1864, Mother Janet Gillespie. Torthorwald, Dumfries.  (Father found)

William Gillespie, birth Jan 22, 1873, Mother Catherine Gillespie, Dalziel, Lanark  (Father found)

Total Records:  190

Source: Old Scottish Genealogy – more information available on that website such as father’s found, index provided = $ involved.
