This is a partial listing of census records for the state.
1860 Napa, Hot Springs Township (link for Napa research)
H Gillispie age 21, born New York,
1910, May 4, Butte Twp, California
Samuel A Calhoun, head, age 34
- Stella J Calhoun, wife, age 30, married, 4 children
- Gifford Gillespie, stepson, age 9, father born Missouri; mother born California
- Cecilia Calhoun, daughter, 5
- Marjorie Calhoun, daughter, age 4
- Lola Calhoun, age 2
1910 Oroville City, Butte County, California
William E Gillespie, brother-in-law, age 52, b Missouri, father b Indiana; mother b Missouri. Living with John O McAtee and family.