Alfred C Gillespie birth June 21, 1918, s/o Alfred C & Marie, Providence, Rhode Island
Andrew Gillispie birth Sept 15, 1907, son of Catherine, Providence, Rhode Island.
Edward Gillispie birth Nov 5, 1928, of Marion, Rhode Island
Gillespie, birth June 5, 1905, sonof Catherine, Providence, Rhode Island
Gladys L Gillespie of Lillian, birth March 1, 1898, Providence, Rhode Island
Isabella Gillespie of William J & Mary E, birth Aug 9, 1892 Providence, Rhode Island
John K Gillespie birth Dec 12, 1919, s/o Alfred C & Marie, Providence, Rhode Island
Joyce Gillespie birth May 3, 1928, d/o Robert A & Hope E, Providence, Rhode Island
Robert A Gillespie birth Sept 26, 1925, s/o Robert A & Hope E, Providence, Rhode Island
Records: 9
Source: Alphabetical Index of Births, Marriages, Deaths Recorded in Providence, Rhode Island, Vol XX Births by Charles V Chapin, M.D.