These deaths records do not record place of death in Australia.
Ada Gillespie death Jan 10, 1971 at Mowll Village. Castle Hill, formerly of Cremorne, Australia
Ada Ann Gillespie death July 23, 1961 age 82, Sydney news, Australia
Adam C Gillespie death May 12, 1923 age 78, late of Springsure, Qld.
Adam Carruthers Gillespie funeral May 26, 1945 late of Stroud Road, Australia
Adam Forsyth Gillespie death Aug 10, 2005 late of Brookstown, Australia
Agnes Gillespie, born BALL, died 1866, age 2. Mother Grace. Father Alexander. Australia
Agnes Gillespie, born COGH, died 1874, age 20. Mother Ann. Father James. Australia
Agnes Gillespie funeral Oct 14, 1902 late of Brookstown, Australia
Agnes Dryburgh Gillespie funeral June 29, 1995 late of Naria Village, formerly Belmont North (Newcastle news), Australia
A Laing Gillespie obit Aug 11, 1932 at Dirrandbandi, formerly of Goulburn and Mungindi, Australia
Alexander Gillespie, born AVE, died 1859, age 2. Mother Elizabeth. Father John. Australia
Allan John Gillespie funeral Jan 20, 1997 late of Oakley, Australia
A M Gillespie “Ray” death May 11, 1969 Sydney news, Australia
A M Lillian Gillespie death Oct 20, 1973 Sydney news.
Andrew Gillispie, died April 25, 1852, age 82 late of Newry, north of Ireland.
Archibald Gillespie born GLASGOW, died 1880, age 53, Australia
Barbara Elaine Gillespie funeral Dec 31, 2013 late of Aspley, Australia
Sister Betty Agnes Gillespie funeral Oct 1, 1997 (Sydney news)
Charles Gilhespy death May 16, 1939 at Sydney Hospital, Australia. Cremation.
Charles Maurice Gilhespy death Oct 17, 1974 late of Thornleigh, Australia
David McConnell Gillespie, born Ireland, died 1860, age 34 yrs. Father Robert.
Dora Maud Gilhespy death Sept 5, 2001 age 84, late of Strathfield, Australia
Euphemia Gillespie, born EDIN. died 1867, age 38. Mother’s name at birth Dorothy Ward.
Fanny Gillespie, born Ireland, died 1867, age 28 Australia
Findlayter Gillespie born LEIT, died 1872, age 22. Australia
George Frederick Gilhespy funeral Dec 29, 1997 late of Coorparoo (Brisbane news).
Hannah Gillespie, died born at NOR, died 1860, age 37. Mother’ family name at birth Hopkins. Mother’s Name Mary. Father John Hawes.
Harriet Gellespie funeral Sept 1, 1903 at hospice Darlinghurst, Australia
Heather Gilespie death Nov 18, 2014 age 94 at Byron Aged Care, Australia
Henry Gillespie born DOWN, died 1879, age 27. Mother Mary Leeds, Father Robert. Australia.
Isabella Gillespie, born MEL, died 1859, age 2. Mother Julia Ryan. Father John. Australia
J Gillespie obit June 19, 1922 death at Toowoomba, formerly of Springvale, Australia
James Gillespie, died 1861, age 56, Australia
James Gillespie, born MURCHISON, died 1877 at 3 months. Mother Annie Monroe. Father Alexander. Australia
Jane Gillespie, born FALK, died 1861, age 70, Australia. Mother Elizabeth. Father Thomas Gibson.
Jane Gillespie, died 1864 at 6 months. Australia. Mother’s name, Jane. Father Adam.
Jane Gillespie, born MONT, died 1867, age 44. Mother’s name Jane. Australia
Jane Gillespie died 1873, age 78, Australia
Jane Gillespie, born GLAS, died 1874 age 16. Mother Margaret Stephenson. Father Alexander. Australia
John Gillespie, born BAL, died 1860, age 1. Mother Margaret. Father Archibald. Australia
John Gillespie, born MORD, died 1869, 14 days. Father Thomas. Mother Mary Ann Dunlop. Australia
Julia Ann Gillespie, born MELB, died 1862 at 8 months. Mother’s name at birth Ryan. Australia. Mother’s name Julia Ann. Father John
Majella Gillespie (Mother) obit Aug 7, 1973 late of Cooamundra (Goulbourn news).
Marion Gillespie, born EDIN, died 1874, age 49, Mother Agnes Jane Mitchell. Father James Gillespie. Australia
Mary Gilhespy death Nov 10, 1952 age 74, at St George Hospital, late of Arncliffe, Australia
Mary Ann Gillespie, born EAGLE, died 1855, one day. Mother Hanorah. Father William. Australia
Mary Ann Gillespie, died 1859, age 27. Australia.
Mary Lindsay Gillespie born Buninyon, died 1877, age 3. Mother Isabella McLauglan. Father John. Australia
Maureen Gilespie April 21, 2010, Melbourne news, Australia
Myra Stanford Gilespie death June 8, 1961, Melbourne news, Australia
Robert Gillespie, born BAL died 1859 age 6 months. Mother’s name Maryann. Father James.
Sarah Jane Gillespie, born Sydney, died 1857 at 10 months. Mother’s family name at birth Graham. Mother’s name Eliza. Father Hugh.
Susannah Maude Gillespie, born MORD. Died 1873, age 8. Mother Mary Ann Dunlop. Father Thomas. Australia
Vardon Kerr Gillespie, born Nudawading, died 1877, age 10. Mother’s name at birth Ralston. Mother’s name Alice. Father Thomas Clark.
William Charles Brown Gillespie, died 1873, age 2. Father John. Australia
William Thomas Gillespie, born MORD, died 1864 at 3 months. Mother’s name Mary Ann. Australia. Mother’s name Mary Ann.
Record Count: 56
Source of Records: The Ryerson Index; Australia BMD