CANADA: Newfoundland & Labrador Marriages

Alexander Gillaspie married Jane King  Nov 15, 1808 Harbour Grace, Newfoundland

Ann G Gillaspie married John Jillett Nov 9, 1870 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Ann Maria Gillespie married George Mccarthy Jan 27, 1888 Carbonear, Newfoundland, Canada

Anne Gillespie married Samuel Pincent Sept 4, 1843 Greenspond, Bonavista, Newfoundland, Canada

Edward Gillaspie age 24, birth 1894 married Maria Glavine age 25, birth 1893 on May 20, 1918 Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Canada

Elizb A Gillaspie age 29, birth 1888 married Michael Croak, age 33, birth 1883  on Nov 19, 1917 Fortune Harbour, Newfoundland

Esau Gillespie married Louisa Clark May 17, 1883 Carbonear, Newfoundland

George C  Gillespie, age 27, birth 1871 married Sophia Stevens, age 20, birth 1878, on February 26, 1898 Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, Canada

Jacob Gillespie married Susannah Squibb Nov 10, 1892 Carbonear, Newfoundland, Canada

Janet Gillespie, age 24, b 1872 married William Thomas Pike, age 26, birth 1870, on Jan 13, 1896 Carbonear, Newfoundland

John Gillispie married Louisa Moores Nov 27, 1869 Blackhead, Bay de Verde, Newfoundland, Canada

John Gillaspie age 29, birth 1892, married Elizabeth Byrne, age 19, birth 1902 on June 7, 1921 Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Canada

John Gillespie age 28, b 1865, married Mary Byrne, age 23, b 1870, on June 15, 1893 Fortune Hunter, Newfoundland, Canada

Joseph Gillespie married Maria Ann Pye June 11, 1881 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Julia Gilespy married Andrew Northcott Nov 22, 1888 Harbour Grace, Newfoundland

Leah Gillespie married William Henry Thomas Dec 11, 1880 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Margaret Gillespie, age 31, b 1867 married Lawrence Brien, age 25, birth 1873, on January 11, 1898 Fortune Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada

Mary Gillispie, age 23, birth 1870, married Peter Byrne age 30, birth 1863 on Jan 7, 1893 Fortune Harbour, Newfoundland

Mary Gillespie, age 25, birth 1885, married Thomas Glavine, age 27, birth 1883, on June 7, 1910 Fortune Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada

Mary J Gillispie married Elias Cole May 24, 1859 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Moses Gillispie married Elizabeth Clarke May 29, 1867 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Rose Anne Gillespie married George Priestley Sept 15, 1850 St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

Rowena Gillispie married Paleman Clarke June 9, 1871 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Samuel Gillespy married Joanna Covenot July 26, 1789 Harbour Grace, Newfoundland

Samuel Gillispie married Elizabeth Thomas Nov 21, 1871 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Sarah Gillespie married Noah Clark Jan 3, 1884  Carbonear, Newfoundland, Canada

Stewart Gillespie  – witness to the marriage of Silas Clark & Sophia May 11, 1904, Crocker’s Cove, Victoria Village, Carbonear, Newfoundland.

Susan Gillespie married Stephen Snow Dec 9, 1856 Carbonear, Newfoundland

Susanna Gillespie, age 23, birth 1874, married Gilbert Winsor, age 23, birth 1874, on Feb 9, 1897 at Carbonear, Newfoundland, Canada

Susannah Gillespie, age 21, birth 1894 married Thomas Howell, age 25, birth 1890, on  Nov 29, 1915 Newfoundland, Canada.

William Gillispie married Mary Ash Nov 24, 1825 Harbour Grace, Newfoundland

William Gillaspie married Susannah Clarke Nov 18, 1840 Carbonear, Newfoundland

William Gillespie married Patience Oats Dec 17, 1856 Carbonear, Newfoundland

William Gillaspy married Mary Ann Butt Dec 11, 1869 Carbonear, Newfoundland

William Gillespie, age 30, b 1861, married Mary Sweeney age 25, birth 1865, on June 9, 1891 Fortune Harbour, Newfoundland

Total Records: 36

Source of Records: Mormon website:  Newfoundland Vital Records, 1840-1949 ; Newfoundland Vital Records, 1753-1893; Newfoundland Grand Banks website.
