IRELAND: Co Leitrim Births & Baptisms

Bernard CLANCY, birth Jan 4, 1870 Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Byran Clancy. Mother Mary Gilaspey.

Edward CLANCEY, birth Dec 23, 1864 Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Peeter Clancey. Mother Bridget Gillaspie.

Winefred CLANCEY, birth Oct 26, 1864 Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Bryan Clancey. Mother Mary Gillaspey

Eliza Jane CURRY, birth April 16, 1871. Drumkeeran, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Nathaniel Curry, Mother Catherine Gillespie.

Anetecia GALLAGHER, birth Nov 9, 1875. Leitrim, Ireland. Father Charles Gallagher. Mother Mary Gillespie. See Next record

Annesticia GALLAGHER, birth Nov 9, 1875 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Charles Gallagher. Mother Mary Gillespie.

Charles GALLAGHER, birth Oct 9, 1867 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Charles Gallagher, Mother Mary Gillespie

Elizabeth GALLAGHER, birth May 22, 1870. Lurganboy, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Charles Gallagher. Mother Mary Gillespie

Francis GALLAGHER, (male), birth March 7, 1865, Lurganboy, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Charles Gallagher. Mother Mary Gillespie.

Joseph GALLAGHER, birth Nov 11, 1877 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Charles Gallagher. Mother Mary Gallagher Gillespy

Matilda GALLAGHER, birth Nov 11, 1872 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Charles Gallagher, Mother Mary Gillespie.


Alice Gillaspie, birth July 8,1875 Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland. Father James Gillaspie. Mother Anne Rooney.


Bridget Gillespie, birth July 9, 1865 Luganboy, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Owen Gillespie. Mother Mary Fowly.

Bridget Gillaspey, birth Sept 22, 1869 Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Henry Gillaspey. Mother Bridget Mortimor.


Eliza Maria Gillespie, birth June 26, 1872. Drumshanbo, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Hubert Thompson Gillespie. Mother Frances Dowler.

Ellen Gillaspy, birth March 12, 1876, Leitrim, Ireland. Father John Gillaspy. Mother Rose Gillaspy Flynne


Frances Ellen Gillespie, birth Nov 15, 1870. Leitrim, Ireland. Father Hubert Thompson Gillespie. Mother Frances Dowler.

Francis Gillaspey, birth Nov 14, 1867 Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Henry Gillaspey. Mother Bridget Mortemor.


John Gillespie, birth April 25, 1868 Leitrim, Ireland,  Father William Gillespie, Mother Susan Gillespie.

John Gillaspe, birth Feb 19, 1877 Leitrim, Ireland. Father James Gillaspe. Mother Anne Gillaespe Rooney.

Joseph Gillespy, birth March 9, 1879. Cloonclare, Leitrim, Ireland. Father John Gillespy. Mother Margaret Ward Gillespie


Margaret Catherine Gillespie, birth Dec 26, 1868 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Hubert Gillespie, Mother Francis Dowler.

Mary Gillespie birth Feb 11, 1872 Leitrim, Ireland. Father John Gillespie. Mother Rose Flynne.

Mary Gillespie, birth November 11, 1880, Drumlease, Leitrim, Ireland. Father John Gillespie, mother Rose Hayne Gillespie.


Patrick Gillaspie, birth Feb 20, 1874 Lurganboy, Leitrim, Ireland. Father John Gillaspie, Mother Rose Flynn.

Patt Gillaspey, birth Jan 24, 1865. Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland.  Father Henry Gillaspey, Mother Bridget Mortimor.


Rose Ann Gillaspy, birth  Dec 4, 1878 Glenague, Leitrim, Ireland. Father John Gillaspy, Mother Rose Flynn Gillaspy.


Susana Gillaspey, birth Sept 22, 1869 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Henry Gillaspey. Mother Bridget Mortimer.


Thomas Gilaspey, birth July 8, 1872. Kinlough, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Henry Gilaspey, Mother Bridget Mortimer.

Catherine Emily HODGINS, birth June 11, 1867 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Richard Hodgins. Mother Margaret Gillespie 

Francis Nettie HODGINS, birth Aug 29, 1869 Jamestown, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Richard Hodgins. Mother Margaret Galespie

Richard John HODGINS, birth Oct 17, 1871 Jamestown, Leitrim, Ireland.  Father Richard Hodkins, Mother Margaret Gillespie.

John MCNULTY, birth Jan 28, 1878 Tawley, Leitrim, Ireland. Father John Mcnulty. Mother Bridget Gillaspey Mcnulty.

Mary Kate ROONEY, birth Aug 22, 1879. Killisnet, Leitrim, Ireland, Father Mathew Rooney. Mother Ann Rooney (formerly Gillespie).

Michael ROONEY, birth July 1, 1867, Manorhamilton, Leitrim, Ireland. Father Mathew Rooney. Mother Anne Gillespie

Patrick ROONEY, birth Sept 2, 1870 Leitrim, Ireland. Father Mathew Rooney. Mother Anne Gilespie

Record Count: 36

Source of Records: Mormon website, Ireland Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881

