ISRAEL celebrates 75 years as a nation

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Death Records

J Gillespie died Nov 25, 1917 at Jerusalem, , Yerushalayim (Jerusalem District), Israel. Buried  British Military Cemetery, Jerusalem, Israel

Private J W Gillespie, death Dec 20, 1918. Burial British Military Cemetery, Jerusalem, Israel.

Joseph William Gillespie, died Dec 20, 1918 at Jerusalem,  Yerushalayim (Jerusalem District), Israel. Buried Jerusalem British War Cemetery


UK Military Campaign Medals

A Gillespie service 1945-1948 Palestine. Regiment Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Corpos. Reg No 14792491

D Gillespie service 1936-1939 Palestine. 1st Battalion The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. Regimental No 2928080

D I Gillespie service 1945-1948 in Palestine. Regiment AAC. Regimental No. 6985847

R Gillespie service 1945-1948 Palestine. Regiment Royal Signals. Regimental No. 14086732.

R B Gillespie, service 1945-1948 Palestine. Regiment Royal  Engineers. Regimental No 19018934

W Gillespie, service date 1945-1948 in Palestine. Regiment 4th 7th Royal Dragoon Guards, Regimental No 19012424

Record Count: 9

Source of Records:  Find A Grave Index; Billion Graves Index; Ancestry.com; CNN  news report

Note:  Such a little nation surrounded by enemies, fighting for its survival. Israel will take centre stage in the world in the end times, says the Bible. Jews are returning to their homeland from across the world. The nation is flourishing.

