USA: Colorado



Vital Statistics:  Births       Marriages       Deaths


BRAMBLETT:  John N, George W and John W Gillespie, proprietors, office Rockville. Claim 150 x 1,500 ft, discovered 1878 located in Gray Eagle Gulch, 2 miles from Gold Hill, and 12 miles from Boulder. Course of vein east and west, average width 5 ft, pitch 10 degrees south, pay vein 2 feet, nature of ore: tellarium, average value $30 per ton. 1 shaft 25 ftt deep, 1 drift 263 feet in length.

CIRCASSIAN GIRL: James G Gillespie and A. C. Pickens, proprieters, office Leadville, claim 300 x 1,500 ft, discovered 1878; located on Long’s Hill, California mining district; 5 miles from Leadville, course of vein northeast and southwest, width 18 inches, pay vein 6 inches, pitch 30 degrees east; nature of ore: carebonate of lead; average value, 27 bounces silver per ton. 1 shaft 25 ft deep.

GILLESPIE GULCH, central mining district, 2 1/4 miles from Jamestown, 18 miles from Boulder, course of vein northeast and southweste, average width 4 feet, pay vein, 1 foot nature of ore: tellurium and free gold; main shaft 50 ft deep. Discovered 1878.

GILLESPIE HOUSE in Greenly, Colorado – linked to family history of Alejandro Murray Gillespie (1911-1991) & Mary Southard from Argentina, South America.

GILLASPIE GOLD AND SILVER MINING AND MILLING CO,  Incorporated Oct 1 ,1875; capital stock $125,000 in 12, 500 shares, $10 each. Office Denver. Organized by James H Ralston, D F Brown and H H Gillespie

GRAY EAGLE. S F Huddleston and John N Gillespie, proprietors, office Rockville, claim 50 x 2,800 ft, patented. Discovered 1868. located on Gray Eagle Gulch, Left Hand Creek, 2 miles from Gold Hill and 12 miles from Boulder; course of vein northeast and southwest, average width 5 ft, pitch 5 degrees south, pay vein 2 ftt, nature of ore, telluriaum, galena, zinc blende, iron pyrites and free gold; average value $40 per ton, main shaft 80 ft deep, 2 tunnels 120 ft and 200 ft in length respectively; 1 level 50 ft in length.

LAUREL. Owned by James G Gillespie, James Donaldson and F Hayden. Office Leadville. Claim 1878, located in Stray Horse Gulch, 2 miles from Leadville; course of vein north and south; width 6 ft, pitch east; nature of ore carbonate of lead; average value 35 ounces of silver per ton; 1 shaft 80 feet deep.

SMOKY HILL. James G Gillespie and James Donaldson, proprietors, office Leadville; claim 300 by 1500 ft, discovered 1878. Located on Long’s Hill, California mining district; 5 miles from Leadville; course of vein northeast and southwest. width 2 feet, pay vein 5 inches; pitch 30 degrees east. nature of ore: carbonate of lead; average value 250 ounces silver per ton; 1 shaft 45 ft deep


1920 Teller (Hay Creek)

H .E. Gillespie, head, age 18, born Virginia

  • Clara M Gillespie, age 46, born Illinois

1930 Pueblo City

Joseph B Gillespie, head, residence Quincy St, salesman, age 35, maried, born Texas. Parents born USA

  • Pocohontes Gillespie, wife, age 28, born Texas, father born Tennessee, mother Kentucky
  • Sarah Gillespie, age 7, daughter, born Texas, both parents born Texas

Homer H Gillespie, head, barber, age 37, b West Virginia.. Father and other born W Virginia

  • Ruth Gillespie, wife, age 20, born Iowa, father born Pennyslvania, mother born Iowa.
  • Gwendlyn Gillespie, daughter, age 7, born Minnesota, father born WV, mother born Iowa.
  • Ludwig Gillespie, son, age 5, born Minnesota, father born WV, mother born Iowa.


Alex Gillespie, b 1842 Virginia. Parents born VA. On 1880 census for Lake Leadville, Colorado

Andrew A Gillespie, b 1840 VA, parents born Ireland, Silver miner. 1880 census for  Summit, Eagle River, Colorado

Annie Gillespie, b 1862 Iowa. d/o James, Parent born Ireland. On 1880 census for Gilpin, Nevadeville, Colorado

Clare C Gillespie, b 1866 MO, Father born TN, mother b MO, s/o S. D. On 1880 census for Huerfano, Francions, Colorado.

Clifton Gillespie b 1866 North Carolina, herder, On 1880 census for Weld, Precinct 1, Colorado.

E. A. Gillespie (Mrs) b 1834 in Missouri wife of S. D Gillespie, On 1880 census for Huerfano, Fracions, Colorado.

Elizabeth Gillespie, born 1834 in New Jersey, widow, Father born Ireland, mother b Scotland.  On 1880 census for Araphoe, Denver, Colorado

Eva Gillespie (George Wickizer), Douglas County, Colorado

G.W.Gillespie born 1837 in Kentucky. parents born KY, miner, On 1880 census for Gunnison, Aspen, Colorado.

George Gillespie, 1832-1914 From Glasgow, Scotland to Bruce Co, Ontario, s/o John & Agnes, (photo in archives) Denver, Colorado

H. B Gillespie Oct 1, 1875  organized the Gillespie Gold and Silver Mining Company, Colarado

H E Gillespie b 1875. Illinois. Wife Clara.  Hay Creek, Colorado

Harry Edward Gillespie died 1912 in San Jose.  Residence San Leadville, Colorado.

Henry D Gillespie b 1868 in NE. s/o S. D. father born TN, mother born MO.  Huefona, Francions , Colorado.

Henry Bramlett Gillespie named the city of Aspen, Colorado

Homer H Gillespie,  b 1893 in West Virginia. Wife Ruth born Iowa. Children born Minnesota. On 1930 census for Pueblo City, Colorado

Jack Gillespie, 1982 with wife Penny, 2 children, Fort Collins, Colorado

James Gillespie b 1803 Ireland. parents born Ireland. widower. On 1880 census for Gilpin, Nevadaville, Colorado

James G Gillespie, 1878. Owner of several mines in Colorado

John Gillespie b 1843 New York, parents born NY, engineer, married, On 1880 census for Boulder, Colorado

John C Gillespie, b 1876 in CO, s/o S. D.  father born TN, mother born MO. On 1880 census for Huerfano, Francions, Colorado

John N Gillespie, owner of  Grey Eagle Mine, Rockville, Colorado

John Richard Gillespie 1930-1994 Korean Air Force, from Yuma Co, Colorado.

Joseph B Gillespie b 1895, b Texas, wife Pocahontas, On 1930 census for Pueblo City, Colorado

K. J Gillespie 2005. Linked to Madison, Connecticut

Mary Gillespie born 1909 had 15 pairs of twins. From England.  Buried Potters Field, Colorado

Michael Gillespie b 1859 Missouri, s/o S.D., father b TN, mother born Missouri clerk. On 1880 census for Park, Alma, Colorado

Robert C Gillespie b 1859 Missoui, s/o S. D. father born TN, mother b MO., clerk. On 1880 census for Huerfano, Francions, Colorado

Robert E Gillespie b 1855 Virginia. His parents b VA, engineer, On 1880 census for Lake, Colorado

S. D Gillespie, b 1830 in Tennessee.  Wife E.A. On 1880 census for Huerfano, Francions, Colorado

Sederick Gillespie died 1999 Denver, Colorado

Viola V Gillespie 1920-2006, Denver, Colorado

William Gillespie, wife Sarah, 4 sons, On 1870 census for Boulder, Colorado

Wm Gillespie b 1849 in New York. Parents born Ireland. Married. On 1880 census for Araphohoe, Denver, Colorado

Breen Directory 1911:

  • Frank Gillespie, rancher
  • R H Gillespie, rancher (Phoebe)

Durango City Directory 1911: C O D LAUNDRY – Isgar & Gillespie, Proprietors 1177 Main Avenue. Tel Plata 92

Kline Directory 1911:

  • Frank D Gillespie, rancher
  • Frank L Gillespie,(Blanche) rancher


Total Records: 56

Source of Records: Mormon website. USA Census records; online obits





