Alice R Gillespie birth Jan 31, 1918 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Andrew J Gillespie birth Feb 18, 1902 Garfield County, Oklahoma
Ann M Gillespie birth March 30 (withheld), Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Arlie Alvin Gillespie death Jan 20, 1926 Caddo Co, Oklahoma
Bertha Gillespie birth Sept 22, 1915 Caddo Co, Oklahoma
Betty C Gillespie birth Feb 2, 1929 Carter Co, Oklahoma
Betty Jean Gillespie birth Nov 12, 1922 Carter Co, Oklahoma
Billie L Gillespie birth April 28, 1939 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Birdie L Gillespie birth July 13, 1904 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Brenda E Gillespie birth Feb 10 (withheld) Garvin Co, Oklahoma
Burl E Gillespie birth Nov 12, 1939 Garvin Co, Oklahoma
Calvin James Gillespie birth Jan 16, 1929 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Carl Edmon Gillespie birth Sept 11, 1920 Carter Co, Oklahoma
Channing M Gillespie birth March 5, (withheld) Cherokee Co, Oklahoma
Christine Gillespie birth April 2, 1927 Cotton Co, Oklahoma
Christopher C Gillespie birth June 14, (witheld) Bryan Co, Oklahoma
Christopher H Gillespie birth April 11, (withheld) Beckham Co, Oklahoma
Crystal L Gillespie birth July 18 (withheld) Garvin Co, Oklahoma
Cory W Gillespie birth Aug 15 (withheld) Ellis Co, Oklahoma
Dan H Gillespie birth March 9, 1938 Carter Co, Oklahoma
Daniel W Gillespie birth Sept 28 (withheld) Ellis County, Oklahoma
David J Gillespie birth March 3 (withheld), Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
David L Gillespie birth Oct 22 (withheld), Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Dena L Gillespie birth July 15, (withheld) Carter Co, Oklahoma
Dolores Marie Gillespie birth March 26, 1933 Canadian Co, Oklahoma
Donald Lee Gillespie birth Oct 28, 1925 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Dora I Gillespie birth Jan 5,1908 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Dorothy J Gillespie birth Oct 7, 1928 Creek Co, Oklahoma
Edna C Gillespie birth June 3 (withheld) Garfield County, Oklahoma
Eugene Leo Gillespie birth March 3, 1924 Custer Co, Oklahoma
Forrest M Gillespie birth Feb 5(withheld) Carter Co, Oklahoma
Gayle A Gillespie birth June 18 (withheld) Ellis Co, Oklahoma
Gearld W Gillespie birth April 28, 1937 Garwin Co, Oklahoma
George James Gillespie birth FeMenusb 23, 1913 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
George M Gillespie birth Feb 11 (withheld) Craig Co, Oklahoma
“Gillespie” birth Feb 28, 1917 Caddo Co, Oklahoma
Gillespie (f) birth Aug 10, 1920 Choctaw County, Oklahoma
Gillespie birth Oct 12, 1922 Carter Co, Oklahoma
Gillespie, birth Dec 23, 1924 Caddo Co, Oklahoma
Gillespie (m) birth March 15, 1927 Creek Co, Oklahoma
Glenn Hermon Gillespie birth Sept 14, 1917 Cimarron County, Oklahoma
Grant A Gillespie birth Feb 7 (withheld), Cimarron Co, Oklahoma
Gregory A Gillespie birth Jan 24, (withheld) Cimarron Co, Oklahoma
Gregory K Gillespie birth Feb 10 (withheld) Garvin Co, Oklahoma
Harlen Leverne Gillespie birth March 22, 1924 Cotton Co, Oklahoma
Harold C Gillespie birth July 18, 1905 Canadian Co, Oklahoma
Hyram A Gillespie birth April 6 (withheld) Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Ian R Gillespie, birth August 3 (withheld) Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
James C Gillespie birth June 29, (withheld) Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Jay Ann Gillespie (f) birth August 9, 1932 Cotton Co, Oklahoma
Jessica M Gillespie birth Nov 12 (withheld), Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Joe D Gillespie birth Oct 22, (withheld) Beckham Co, Oklahoma
Joe Lewis Gillespie birth Dec 10, 1927 Dewey Co, Oklahoma
John Gillespie birth March 6, 1921 Creek Co, Oklahoma
John K Gillespie birth Feb 6.1900 Garfield County, Oklahoma
John M Gillespie birth March 17, 1912 Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Jordy R Gillespie birth March 15, (withheld) Ellis Co, OKlahoma
Joseph D Gillespie birth May 10, 1898 Garfield County, Oklahoma
Juanita Meek Gillespie birth Feb 16, 1923 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Kealy M Gillespie birth June 4, (withheld) Canadian Co, Oklahoma
Lacy A Gillespie birth Nov 22, (withheld) Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Larry D Gillespie birth July 2(withheld) Carter Co, Oklahoma
Larry R Gillespie birth Nov 6, (withheld), Craig Co, Oklahoma
Laverne Pearl Gillespie birth Sept 30, 1919 Creek Co, Oklahoma
Lillian F Gillespie birth Dec 1, 1898 Garfield Co, Oklahoma
Linda J Gillespie birth Feb 19, (withheld) Carter Co, Oklahoma
Lois L Gillespie birth Feb 25, 1910 Canadian Co, Oklahoma
Lucille M Gillespie birth Dec 15, 1920 Bryne County, Oklahoma
Mae M Gillespie birth Jan 30, 1906 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Margaret D Gillespie birth June 1 (date withheld) Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Mark J Gillespie birth Feb 3, (withheld) Cimarron Co, Oklahoma
Mary Francis Gillespie birth Feb 2, 1924 Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Mary Z Gillespie birth Aug 24, 1921 Garvin County, Oklahoma
Melville C Gillespie birth Sept 22, 1905 Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Melvin Lee Gillespie birth April 10, 1927 Garvin Co, Oklahoma
Ora F Gillespie birth Jan 5, 1904 Dewey Co, Oklahoma
Paul R Gillespie birth Dec 17, 1932 Carter Co, Oklahoma
Ralph E Gillespie birth Nov 21, 1913 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Richard B Gillespie birth August 22 (withheld), Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Ruth L Gillespie birth April 18, 1911 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Sharla A Gillespie birth May 27 (withheld) Cleveland Co, Oklahoma
Shannon L Gillespie birth Oct 4 (withheld) Ellis Co, Oklahoma
Sharlotte R Gillespie birth Sept 9 (withheld) Ellis Co, Oklahoma
Sharon A Gillespie birth July 25, (withheld) Garvin Co, Oklahoma
Sheila R Gillespie birth Dec 7 (withheld), Ellis Co, Oklahoma
Sylvian E Gillespie birth August 25, 1940 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Taylor D Gillespie birth Feb 20 (withheld) Garfield County, Oklahoma
Thelma Ruth Gillespie birth April 6, 1913 Blaine Co, Oklahoma
Tye Gillespie birth Oct 25 (withheld) Ellis County, Oklahoma
Vicki J Gillespie birth March 19 (withheld), Ellis Co, Oklahoma
Victor A Gillespie birth Jan 17, 1902 Blaine Co, Oklahoma
Violet G Gillespie birth July 22, 1911 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Virgil L Gillespie birth June 29, 1917 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Wayland E Gillespie birth Nov 17, 1910 Atoka County, Oklahoma
Wendy G Gillespie birth May 4 (withheld) Ellis County, Oklahoma
William Henry Gillespie birth Nov 30, 1925 Beckham County, Oklahoma
Wonesta Zoe Gillespie birth July 2, 1919 Beaver Co, Oklahoma
Source: OK2Explore website:
Note: These records are from a Government website re Oklahoma State Department of Health. I have been unable to confirm if more current records represent those who have died. Hence all birth years from 1940 have been ‘withheld’ for confidentiality.
Record Count: 97
19 for Commanche County – unable to obtain.