CANADA: Saskatchewan Deaths

Christina Gillespie BELFRY, birth July 4, 1853 in Brock, Ontario. Wife of Isaac Belfy.  Death 1901, Shellbrook Cemetery, Shellbrook, North Battleford Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden name Gillespie.

Annie Elizabeth Gillespie BOLTON, birth Jan 30, 1888, Death Oct 1914. Burial Marengo Cemetery, Marengo, Kindersley Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, wife of Elmer.

Islay Jane Gillespie BOWEY, birth April 22,1926. Death  Dec 22, 2015. Burial Welwyn Cemetery, Welwyn, Melville Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Anna Gillespie BUTZELAAR death April 18, 2019 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Deanna Marian Gillespie CHRISTENSEN, birth May 9, 1938. Death March 28, 2009. Burial Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery,  Regina, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden Name Gillespie

Annalise E. J. FRANKLIN, died Sept 4, 2004, burial Regina Cemetery & Regina Hebrew Cemetery, Regina, SK

Marilyn Gillespie GILBOY,  death 1990. Buried Riverside Memorial Cemetery, Regina, SK


Ada M Gillespie b 1900 d 1994 Wolsely Cemetery, Wolseley, SK, wife of Neil.

Agnes Janet Gillespie, birth Feb 17, 1921. Death Feb 12, 2009. Burial Regina Memorial Gardens, Regina, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Agnes Pauline Tomporowski Gillespie, birth Jan 1, 1919. Death March 13, 1997. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Aldina Rose Gillespie b 1913 d 1986 Lloydminister Cemetery, Lloydminister, SK

Alex Gillespie death 1938. Burial St Mary’s Anglican Cemetery, Brightholm District, SK.

Allen GillespieAllen Gillespie.   It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Allen Gillespie, late of North Battleford on March 30, 2012 at the age of 83 years. Allen is survived by his wife Gertrude Gillespie; daughter Susan Gillespie-Meise; grandchildren: Kerry Gillespie-Meise, Alaina Gillespie-Meise, Kendra Gillespie-Meise, and Michael Gillespie-Meise. The funeral service held on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 from the Chapel of Sallows & McDonald Wilson & Zehner Funeral Home, North Battleford.   Funeral arrangements have been to Kristeen Nylander of Sallows & McDonald Wilson & Zehner Funeral Home, North Battleford, SK.

Mrs Alta Gillespie, death April 6, 1915 Horne Cemetery, Weyburn District, SK

Alvin Spencer Gillespie, death Sept 16, 1960. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Angus Douglas Gillespie born  April 29, 1904 in Haliburton, Ontario, son of John Gillespie & Mary Ann MacDonald. Angus married Olga Schmaltz in Saskatchewan in 1930.   Died 1936. Burial St Mary’s Anglican Cemetery, Brightholm District, SK. Two sons, one daughter.

Anna GILLESPIEAnna Gillespie  (Butzelaar) passed away peacefully at St. Paul’s Hospital on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Anna is lovingly remembered by her sons Nico (Agnes), Tony and Randy (Laurie) Butzelaar, stepsons Todd (Patricia) Leberge, Greg (Bev) Gillespie and Stewart Gillespie, 16 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great-grandchildren, and sister Beppie Broste. She was predeceased by her first husband Tony Butzelaar, second husband Jim Gillespie, son Joe Butzelaar, daughter-in-law Barbara Butzelaar, parents Samuel and Betje van Straten, sister Nettie, and brothers Bob, Ab, Joop and Nico. The Vigil for Anna was held at 8:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24. The Mass of Christian Burial celebrated at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 25. Both services held at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church (211 Ave. O South) in Saskatoon.  Arrangements in care of John Schachtel – Mourning Glory Funeral Services.

Annie Agnes Gillespie, death Nov 12, 1977. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Archibald Gillespie, birth 1870, death 1930, Abernethy Community Cemetery, Abernathy, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, hus of Olive Carmichael.

Archibald H Gillespie 1909 – Feb 1978. Burial Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Melford, SK

Arnold Gillespie 1922 -2004 See British Columbia Deaths

Audrey Elizabeth Gillespie d May 10, 1991 Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, SK

Audrea Gillespie 1967 – 1969 Burial Regina Memorial Gardens, Regina, SK


Baby Gillespie death March 23, 1916 Horne Cemetery, Weyburn District, SK

Baby Gillespie b 1935 d 1935 Earl Grey Cemetery, Earl Grey, SK

Baby boy Gillespie, birth Sept 1, 1925. Death 1925. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Barbara J  Gillespie 1876-1955, 2nd wife of John.

Basil William Gillespie death 1981, age 25.Buried Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery, Regina, SK

Beatrice E Gillespie nee Parley, 1924-1999, wife of Garnet.

Bruce Everett Gillespie of 2518 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon died in hospital on November 4, 1876, age 61. Surviving are his parents:  Mr & Mrs David Gillespie of Saskatoon,  three brothers:  Harold of Guelph, Arnold of Vancouver, and Ralph of Saskatoon, several nieces and nephews. Mr Gillespie was born in Davidson and received his education there. He farmed in the district until coming to Saskatoon about 3 years ago.  Internment at Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon


Catherine Gillespie
Catherine Gillespie

Catherine Jane Gillespie, born July 31, 1864 in Culross Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario. Daughter of William Gillespie & Flora McAuley. She married Honourable William Richard Motherwell in 1907 and lived in Saskatchewan. Catherine died in 1952.

Chas E Gillespie, birth 1885. Death 1956. Burial Rosedale Cemetery, Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Cheryl Muriel Gillespie b Nov 29, 1953 d March 3, 1954 Riverside Memorial Park, Regina, SK

Christine Scott Gillespie b 1884 d 1975 Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Swift Current, SK

Clara Gillespie, death July 9, 1961. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Clarence Gillespie b 1923 d 1983  Balcarres Cemetery, Balcarres, Regina Census Division, SK


D (baby) Gillespie, death 1927. Burial Milestone Cemetery, Milestone, Weyburn Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Daisy Winnifred Gillespie, death March 19, 2000. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, wife of Ralph.

Daniel E Gillespie death 1955. Burial St Mary’s Anglican Cemetery, Brightholm District, SK.

Darlene GillespieDarlene Gillespie passed away on July 11, 2007 at the age of 67 years. She is lovingly survived by her children: Lorie (Detlef) Kunstmann of Creston, BC, Brenda Gillespie of Saskatoon, Greg Gillespie of Swift Current, Gwen Peterson of Saskatoon, Jim Gillespie of Saskatoon, Connie Gillespie of Saskatoon; grandchildren: Jessica Colberg, Jennifer Steen, Kayla Peterson, Sarah Peterson, Christopher Peterson; great grandchildren: Ashley and Dylan Steen; brothers, Lorne (Bev) Panas, Dennis (Joanne) Panas, sisters-in-law: Marie Panas, Marlene (Ted) Becker. She was predeceased by her husband, Bill Gillespie; parents, Julius and Muriel Panas; brother, Sonny Panas and infant daughter. A private graveside service will take place at Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements are in care of MARTENS WARMAN FUNERAL HOME (934-4888).

David Henry Gillespie b 1852 d June 18, 1926  Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

David Henry Gillespie, death Dec 25, 1980. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Della Gillespie b 1931 d 1991 Balcarres Cemetery, Balcarres, Regina Census Division, SK, wife of Clarence

Dessa Marie Gillespie b 1975 d 1975 Calvary United Cemetery, Mankota, Assiniboia Census Division, SK

D Gray Gillespie b 1879 d 1911  Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

Donald Gillespie  b March 26, 1851 d May 17, 1937  Wolsey Cemetery, Wolseley, Melville Census Division, SK, husband of Mary.

Donald Arthur Gillespie b June 10, 1891, so of Peter Gillespie & Margaret Reavie. He lived in Kent, Ontario in 1911, then Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan in 1926.  Donal died   Dec 17, 1950 age 59  in Rocanville Saskatchewan.  Buried Webster Cemetery, Rocanville, Melville Census Division, SK

Donald Glen Gillespie, birth 1922. Death 1985. Burial Yorkton Memorial Gardens, Yorkton, Yorkton Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Donald McKellar Gillespie b July 24, 1884 d Oct 22, 1918 Wolsely Cemetery, Wolseley, Melville Census Division, SK

Donald Thomas Gillespie.  Donald was born to Thomas and Isabelle Gillespie on November 10, 1928 on the farm South of Mankota.  His childhood years were spent working on the farm and attending school in Bannock. Upon completing school, Donald went to work as a ranch hand on the Johnny Watt Ranch on the Montana border.   In 1949 he married his loving wife Norah, and together they started to build their lives, their family, and their herd of cattle.  The same year Donald and Norah would go to work on a ranch South East of Val Marie for Evans McNabb.  It was here that their first three children were born; Doug in 1949, Lois in 1951, Don in 1955.  At the time they were also raising a herd of Aberdeen Angus cattle that Norah had started prior to marrying Donald.  In 1963 they completed their family with the arrival of their son, Darwin, and in 1964 they were able to purchase the ranch south of Mankota where Norah had grown up.  It’s here that they would begin building their herd of Hereford cattle.  Donald and Norah started their purebred Hereford herd in 1977.  Over the next 40 years, they would develop one of the top Hereford cow herds in Canada, thus the DONORAH prefix would become well known.  Many champions were exhibited through Mankota and Maple Creek bull sales, Interprovincial and Red Carpet female sales and other various cattle shows along the way.  Alongside raising cattle, Donald was very involved in the advancement of the cattle industry.   He was instrumental in the building and completion of Mankota Stockman’s Weigh Company where he served as manager for 30 years.  Donald was one of the first ranchers to initiate grading yearlings or calves into carload lots in order to receive better prices.   Donald has been recognized as a lifelong member of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association, where he would spend 16 years serving as a Director.

Donald and Norah were also passionate about travel.  Many of their summers were spent hooked on to their camper travelling across the country.  One of their favorite destinations was Whitehorse to spend time with Lois and her family fishing off the coast of Alaska.  In 2011 Donald and Norah moved into Swift Current to be closer to the medical care that Norah would need.  They enjoyed their last few years together playing cribbage and making trips out to Donnie Wayne’s to check on the cows.  On July 8th, 2021 Donald passed away peacefully surrounded by loving family.   Donald was predeceased by his parents Tom and Isabelle, his wife Norah Gillespie, brother Neil (Edna) Gillespie, brother-in-law Jacob Woloshchuk and granddaughter Lacy Kay Gillespie.  Donald is survived by his sister, Margaret, sons Douglas (Colleen), Don (Beverly), Darwin (Chanti), and daughter Lois (Bob Cameron), as well as seven grandsons, one granddaughter and seven great-grandchildren.

Dougald Gillespie death March 28, 1918. Burial Moose Jaw City Cemetery, SK

Douglas Bruce Gillespie death October 6, 2014 Saskatoon, SK. Douglas Bruce Gillespie was born July 18, 1953, in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. He left us on October 6, 2014, at the age of 61. Doug leaves as legacy his wife Monica, daughter Ali, son Jordan, grandchildren Ryley and Kayla, and son-in-law Aaron. He also leaves sister Karen and brother Greg and families. The consummate athlete, Doug was involved in team handball, rugby, soccer, slo-pitch, coaching Monica’s soccer teams, and, of course, his beloved golf. The consummate adventurer, Doug and Monica travelled many exotic places, beginning their life together in Africa, returning later to safari, playing rugby and coaching soccer at the World Masters in Australia, cruising in Greece, eating in Istanbul, and cycling in Italy, to name only a few. The consummate father-Dude, Doug was never happier than when he was attending or coaching one of Ali’s or Jordan’s or Ryley’s or Kayla’s activities, including attending Ryley’s football games this fall. Doug was a well-known businessman in the Regina and Saskatoon communities, building and growing his business and mentoring young entrepreneurs. He always made time to speak with young entrepreneurs. He was also a major contributor to–and volunteer of–many of Saskatoon’s major sporting events, and he was instrumental in establishing a Beads of Courage chapter in Saskatchewan. As a result of Doug’s many activities, Doug made and retained many life-long, loyal friends. This was never more evident as in the past few months, and Monica, Ali, and Jordan thank all of you for your love and support for Doug. In lieu of flowers, Doug has requested that donations be directed to Beads of Courage or to the Meewasin Valley Authority. In closing, Doug will be sorely missed by those who had the pleasure and honour to work with him in any capacity. We bid you to go gentle, Doug, but we are not resigned. The Celebration of Doug’s Life was  held at Circle Drive Alliance Church (3035 Preston Ave. South) on Friday, October 10, 2014 at 1 p.m. Arrangements in care of Cheryl Carlson -Mourning Glory Funeral Services.

Duncan Gillespie, birth Jan 1887,  death May 1940. Burial Milestone Cemetery, Milestone, Weyburn Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada


Edna Ann Gillespie (nee Mitchell) of Mankota, SK died age 86 on Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 at St Joseph’s Hospital in Gravelbourg SK. She was born in Manor, SK on July 14, 1928. She was predeceased by her father, John MItchell; mother Mary Mitchell; sisters Helen Margaret Mitchell and Mina McCleod; brothers Alex Mitchell and Walter MItchell. Edna will be lovingly remembered by her husband Neil Gillespie; son Kurt (Kim) Gillespie of Mankota, SK; grandchildren Kevin (Lorena), Karson, and Kent; daughter Terry (Glenn) Person of Medicine Hat, AB. Grandchildren Brett (Heather), Reid (Marit).  Great- Grandchildren Linnus and Markus; sister Mary Calberg of Weyburn, SK. Edna married Neil on Feb 17, 1953 in Saskatoon, SK. They resided on a farm south of Mankota where they raised two children: Kurt and Terry. Edna worked for the Credit Union and CIBC for many years. Her United Church Funeral Service will be held on Wed, April l 15, 2015 at 2:00pm at the Mankota Agricultural Hall, Mankota, Sk. Internment at Mankota Cemetery.

Edna Isabella Gillespie, birth 1916. Death Nov 1917. Burial Landis Cemetery, Landis, Kindersley Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, age 2 months, daughter of Ernest & Bertha.

Effie Bessie Steward Gillespie, (nee Steward) birth 1890. Death January 1983. Burial Landis Cemetery, Landis, Kindersley Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Elaine Gillespie birth Oct 22, 1928. Death Oct 19, 1931. Burial Sturgis Cemetery, Sturgis, Yorkton Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Eleanor Isabelle Gillespie, birth 1883. Death 1913. Burial Cabri Community Cemetery, Cabri, Swift Current Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Eliza Gillespie b 1876 d 1911  Chaplin Cemetery, Chaplin, Moose Jaw Census Division, SK

Elizabeth Gillespie death 1996 Burial Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery, Regina, SK

Elizabeth D Gillespie b 1882 d 1973 Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

Elizabeth Sarah Gillespie 1961-1951 Burial Cabri Cemetery, SK

Ella May Gillespie b July 3, 1895 d Sept 29, 1970 Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery, Regina, SK

Elsie May Gillespie b May 1911 d May 5, 1972 Sunset Cemetery, Moose Jaw, SK

Ella Mae Gillespie March 14,1925 – Nov 28, 1998, Kelvingrove Cemetery, SK, wife of John  Oct 31, 1923 –

Ezra Gillespie death Sept 12, 1916 Horne Cemetery, Weyburn District, SK


Flora Gillespie b 1835 d Nov 11, 1892  Stone Church Cemetery, Abernathy, SK, wife of William.

Frank Gillespie death June 24, 1912. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Frank Gillespie death March 26, 2017 Preeceville, SK

Fred Gillespie, Passed away Monday, April 24, 2017. Born in Fort Qu’Appelle August 13, 1928. Fred was predeceased by his wife Jean, parents William and Jessie, sisters Gail McVicor, and Lenny (Jack) Bailey. Fred is survived by his son Gord (Debbie), daughters Debbie Fowler (Harry), and Sandy Horvath (Larry), grandchildren Deryk (Lori) Gillespie, Tara (Davan) Macknak, Erin Horvath (Sheldon), Daryl (Alison) Horvath, Courtney (Taigan) Fowler, Kade Fowler. He will be missed by great-grandchildren Hayden, Hunter, Amy, McKenna, Drew, Chelsea, Joel, Aiden, Jase, and Ripley. Fred retired from the CN Railway and enjoyed decades of summer camping and escaping Saskatchewan winters to Arizona.  . Arrangements are entrusted to the Saskatoon Funeral Home.

Fred A W Gillespie b 1895 d 1987  Sunset Cemetery, Moose Jaw, SK


Garnet Llewelyn Gillespie b Jan 5, 1925 d Nov 10, 2003  Riverside Memorial Park, Regina, SK, son of Hector and Helen Notice dated: 11/14/2003 Regina, SK GILLESPIE, GARNET L.- Garnet was born 5 January 1925 in Unity, Sask. After serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II Garnet returned to Earl Grey, married Bea Parley and started their family with daughter Marlene. After graduating from the U of S with a Bachelors Degree in Engineering, Garnet and family moved to Kingston, Ont. where he was a member of the Canadian Army, RCEME Corps. While in Kingston daughter Wendy was born. The next move for Garnet and family was to Ottawa, Ont. where he was employed at the Canadian.

Gary Charles Gillespie, SK
Gary Charles Gillespie, SK

Gary Charles Gillespie June 15, 1940 – Feb 7, 2013.  passed away on February 7th, 2013 at his home in Regina SK. He was born June 15, 1940 in Tuberose SK to Robert and Juliet Gillespie. Gary grew up in Kyle SK, where he graduated high school. He then attended the University of Saskatoon where he earned a Master’s Degree in Education. Gary then went on to teach high school mathematics and chemistry in both Alberta and Saskatchewan. He also owned a clothing business in Swift Current. After retiring in the early 2000’s Gary spent his remaining years in Regina. Gary was preceded in death by his father (Robert) in 1991 and his mother (Juliet) in 1992.
Gary is survived by his wife Donna and his children Alasdair, Ian and Laura all of Calgary AB; his brothers and sisters, Don (Regina), Betty (Regina), Ian and his wife Barb (Victoria), Linda (Sardis), Neil (Saskatoon), and Joyce (Victoria). He also leaves to mourn many nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service washeld on Feb 16, 2013 at 10 a.m. at Speers Funeral Chapel.

George B Gillespie b June 5, 1892 d 1973 Stone Church Cemtery, Wishart, Wynyard Census Division, SK

George M Gillespie b 1862 d 1938 Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

George R Gillespie, birth June 5, 1892. Death 1973. Burial Stone Church Cemetery, Wishart, Wynyard Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, son of John.

George Wilbert Gillespie b Jan 1, 1892 d Dec 24, 1917 Hervin Cemetery, Mervin, Lloyminister Census Division, SK, s/o James & Margaret.

Gillespie, birth 1921. Death 2003. Burial Rosemount Cemetery, Naseby, Battleford Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Gray Gillespie, Federal Civil Servant. b Regina, SK Feb 11, 1925 d Winnipeg, MB July 18, 1993, age 67.  Biography on Saskatchewan home page

Gray Alexander Gillespie, death 1992. Burial Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Gregory Gillespie, SK
Gregory Gillespie, SK

Gregory Gillespie, August 16, 1963 – July 29, 2023,   It is with heavy hearts we had to say goodbye to Greg (Grego/Lumpy). He passed away quickly at RUH, on July 29,, 2023 at the age of 59. He is survived by three sisters and one brother: Lorie (Detlef) Kunstmann, Brenda Gillespie, Connie (Dwayne) Desrosiers and Jim Gillespie. His canine companion, Salsa. Also, many relatives and friends.

Greg was predeceased by his father Bill, his mother Darlene, sister Bonnie and his twin sister Gwen. Greg was a Montreal Canadiens fan, loved eagles and ice cream. A Celebration of Life was held on Sunday, August 13th, 2023 at 1:00 Greg’s sister’s place. Martens Warman Funeral Home, Warman, SK.



Hazel M Gillespie, birth 1901. Death 1990. Burial Rosedale Cemetery, Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Hector M Gillespie b 1898 d 1973, age 75  Internment in Earl Grey Cemetery, Earl Grey, Regina Census Division, SK. He is survived by his wife,  Helen Gillespie, three sons: Clarence of Balcarres, Garnet of Ottawa, James of Nigeria, five grandchildren, four brothers and two sisters.

Helen A Gillespie b 1904 d 1982  Earl Grey Cemetery, Earl Grey, SK

Mrs Henrietta Gillespie “News of the passing of Mrs Henrietta Gillespie, 90 in the Foothills Hospital, Calgary on March 31, 1979 brought a sense ofl oss to her many friends in and around Wadena. Her life and activities was for almost 60 years in Wadena and for over 15 years in neighbouring Paswegin. Henrietta Dixon was born Oct 4 at Baldur near Brandon, MB to Ben and Catherine Dixon. The family: parents, 3 sons and six daughters moved in the spring of 1903 to a farm in the Clair-Paswegin District. On Nov 9, 1910 she married Gilbert F Gillespie, a teacher of the area. The couple operated a general store in Paswegin for only about a year when a disastrous fire destroyed their store, contents and wedding presents. They were lucky to escape with their lives, although Mr Gillespie suffered terrible burns to his arms and hands. Mr Gillespie became Secretary of Lakeview R. N. When her husband was overseas with the Canadian Forces during the First World War, Mrs Gillespie herself operated the Clair Post Office and Telephone Exchange.

In 1921 the Gillespies moved into Wadena, taking up residence on Second Street, close to St John’s Anglican Church. Mr Gillespie served both the R. M. of Lakeview and Town of Wadena as Secretary and Mrs Gillespie was his assistant. For 11 years until Mr Gillespie passed on in 1947, she carried on as Municipal Secretary for Lakeview. Until her passing, Mrs Gillespie lived in the same house welcoming many visitors. Surviving are her daughter and son- in- law, Esther and Dave Taylor, four grandchildren, 3 sisters: Mrs Tina Nelson of Vancouver; Mrs Hannah Wraith of Saskatoon; Mrs Catherine Cox of Calgary, a brother Sam Dixon of Caroline, Alta; and her brother- in- law Alfred Wraith in Saskatoon. Internment for the couple at Wadena Cemetery.”

Herbert C Gillespie b 1897 d 1982  Sunset Cemetery, Moose Jaw, SK

Hugh R D Gillespie b unknown d Dec 13, 1889 Wolsely Cemetery, Wolsely, SK, age 3 months, 22 days.

Hugh R Gillespie b 1863 d 1934  Horses Butte Anglican Cemetery, Kyle, Swift Current, SK


Ida Gillespie 1893 – July 3, 1979 Burial Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Melford, SK

Ida J Gillespie b 1874 d 1936  Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

Isabella Gillespie b May 16, 1834 d Nov 11, 1911  Dubuc Cemetery, Dubuc, Melville Census Division, SK

Isabelle Y Gillespie (nee Cowie) July 10, 1908 – Feb 15, 1999 daughter of Alexander & Margaret. Burial Calvary United Cemetery, Mankota District, SK


James Gillespie death April 25,1925 burial Saskatchewan Mental Hospital, Weyburn, SK

James Gillespie, birth 1901. Death 1976. Burial Oxbow Cemetery, Oxbow, Estevan Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, son of Robert & Minnie.

James Albert Gillespie, death Sept 2, 1938. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery,Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada.

James Donald Gillespie, birth 1913. Death 1923. Burial Tugaske Cemetery, Tugaske, Moose Jaw Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

James Girdwood Gillespie b 1880 d 1947 Mount Pleasant Burial Park, Swift Current, SK

Janet Piepgrass Gillespie b Jan 22, 1931 d Sept 22, 2007 Riverside  Memorial Park, Regina, SK, daughter of Valdemar & Etta.

Janet Rae Gillespie, birth 1868. Death 1949. Burial Abernethy Community Cemetery, Abernathy, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Jean Gillespie (nee Smith) Feb 2, 1899-Jan 1980 wife of John. Burial Indian Head Cemeter, SK.

Mrs Jean Gillespie died on Saturday June 8, 1985 late of 43 Fuhrman Crescent. Predeceased by her parents, Mrs Gillespie is survived by her loving husband Fred; two daughters: Debbie Fowler of Maryfield, SK, Sandy Horvath of Regina, one son Gord Gillespie of Portage La Prairie, five grandchildren, and two brothers: Gordon and Mervin Plaskett.  Cremation.

Jean Dorothy Gillespie 1910 – 1965 Burial Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Melford, SK

John Gillespie, burial Saint Mary Roman Catholic Cemetery, Esterhazy, Melville Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

John Gillespie, birth Sept 1, 1849. Death Jan 6, 1917. Burial Stone Church Cemetery, Wishart, Wynyard Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

John Gillespie b Sept 1, 1849 d Jan 6, 1917  Stone Church Cemetery, Wishart, SK

John Gillespie
b April 15, 1924 d June 19, 2008 Riverside Memorial Park, Regina, SK, Passed away on June 19, 2008 surrounded by his loving family. Born on April 25, 1924 in Abernathy, SK. to Archibald and Olive Gillespie. Predeceased by his parents, brother, wife Janet, son and grand daughter. John is survived by one son, three daughters, two son-in-laws, ten grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. John enjoyed traveling, fishing, hunting, crafting jewelry and especially spending time with his grandchildren. A funeral service was  held Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 11:00 AM at St. James United Church, 4506 Sherwood Drive, Regina, SK., with Rev. Robin Osborne officiating. Private interment followed at Riverside Memorial Park.

John Burns Gillespie, birth July 1863 Culross Twp, Bruce Co, Ontario. Death Dec 20, 1932, age 68 in Regina, SK. Burial Abernethy Community Cemetery, Abernathy, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, husband of Janet.

John Hector Gillespie, birth 1855. Death 1915. Burial Cabri Community Cemetery,  Cabri, Swift Current Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

John Herbert Gillespie 1883 – 1937 Burial Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Melford, SK

John Milton Gillespie Jan 3, 1892 – 1960 son of George & Margaret, Indian Head Cemetery, SK

Juliet Gillespie b 1916 d 1992 Mount Pleasant Burial Place, Swift Current, SK


Kenneth Gillespie death April 21, 1988, burial Indian Head Cemetery, SK.

Kenneth William Gillespie (infant) death 195


Laurence Gillespie, birth Nov 23, 1915. Death Aug 16, 1926. Burial Sturgis Cemetery, Sturgis, Yorkton Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Lawrence W Gillespie (Lorne W) b unknown  d Oct 27, 1950  Indian Head Cemetery, Indian Head, Regina Census Division, SK

Lillian M Oliver Gillespie, b 1880 d Oct 5, 1956  Rush Lake Cemetery, Rush Lake, Moose Jaw Census Division, SK

Lorna Gillespie, SK
Lorna Gillespie, SK

Lorna Esther Gillespie, August 20, 1936 – July 18, 2023. Lorna was born on the family farm in Yarbo on August 20, 1936 to Harold and Emelia (Minnie) Sparrowhawk. She was raised in the same community and moved to Regina as a young lady where she worked at the Regina General Hospital in housekeeping. There, her older brother introduced her to his co-worker at Smeeds Trucking Company, a young man named John Gillespie.

Lorna and John married January 19, 1957 at Esterhazy Catholic Church. They started their family in Regina, relocating to Balgonie. After moving back to Regina, they finally settled their young family in Esterhazy. As well as raising her large family while John worked away from home, Lorna took employment at the Care Home, then as a nurse’s aide at St. Anthony’s Hospital. She returned to housekeeping prior to her retirement from St. Anthony’s.

In her later years, Lorna travelled extensively across North America on car trips and bus tours. She enjoyed gardening, crocheting, knitting, cooking, and baking. She loved her home and decorated for every season. Lorna was very proud of her Catholic faith and was a member of the CWL, Grey Nuns Associates and the Lay Ministry program. Her faith was a core part of her and saw her through many difficult times and joyous celebrations. Lorna bestowed on us her love of music which continues to play an integral role in her family. She had a beautiful voice and played organ and guitar wonderfully, by ear no less. She loved to dance and at one point was president of the Potashville Singles, which held dances on the weekends.

More than anything, Lorna loved her family. Her home was the centre of all family gatherings and she was so proud of when her children got together and sang, laughed, and celebrated those special times. Her many friends, acquaintances, patients, and co-workers can attest to her warm and caring nature. She was always there to lend a helping hand when needed.

Lorna is predeceased by her parents, brother David, sister and brother-in-law Dorothy and Roger Shivak, husband John, sons Kenneth, Joseph, John and Grant, and daughter-in-law Shelley. She is also predeceased by her second husband Roy Johnson. She is survived by her brother Ken (Betty), sister-in-law Marilyn, children Harold, Carmen (Gerry Oake), Earl (Cindy), Tim, Jason (Annette), Carla, 16 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She also leaves behind numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.  Mass of Christian Burial on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at Our Lady of Victories Roman Catholic Church, 308 Sussex Avenue, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0

Louella Gillespie (nee Allen) death Jan 4, 2009, age 53 years. Pilot Butt, SK

Lydia Neely Gillespie b Dec 12, 1902 d May 2, 1939  Stone Church Cemetery, Wishart, SK, wife of George


Maggie May Gillespie b 1899 d 1976 Webster Cemetery, Rocanville, Melville Census Division, SK

Malcolm Gillespie, birth 1877. Death 1936. Burial Ravine Bank Cemetery, Nipawin, Melfort Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Margaret Gillespie death Dec 12, 1989.Burial Indian Head Cemetery, SK

Margaret B L Gillespie died Dec 20, 1983, late of 602 Fleet Street,  age 50 years. She was predeceased by an infant son, Eric, a daughter, Andra; her parents; three brothers and a sister. Left to mourn are her husband, George Gillespie, a son Dwight, at home; three sisters: Mrs Hadley (Dorothy) Shaw of Broadview, Mrs William (Ellen) Dove of Whitewood; Mrs Harold (Frances) Grover of Regina. Two brothers: Gordon and Henry Tolver of Broadview.  Internment in Regina Memorial Gardens.

Margaret C McCormick Gillespie, birth Nov 29, 1857. Death Oct 6, 1929. Burial Stone Church Cemetery, Wishart, Wynyard Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden Name McCormick, wife of John.

Margaret E Gillespie b 1864 d 1942  Mount Pleasant Burial Park, Swift Current, SK

Margaret Jane Gillespie b unknown d July 30, 1918 Stone Church Cemetery, Wishart, SK, age 27, daughter of  John.

Margaret S Gillespie, birth 1889. Death 1954. Sturgis Cemetery, Sturgis, Yorkton Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Margurite Mary Gillespie (nee Nicholson) Oct 1898 – March 1965. Burial  Milestone Cemetery, SK

Marie Evelyn Gillespie b 1900 d 1985 Oxbow Cemetery, Oxbow. SK

Mary Gillespie b July 6, 1866 d March 2, 1908  Stone Church Cemetery, Abernathy, Regina Census Division, SK, age 41 yrs, 7 months, 27 days, wife of John B.

Mary Gillespie b 1855 d 1931  Wolsely Cemetery, Wolsely, SK

Mary Gillespie, death 1940. Burial Saint Mary Anglican Cemetery, Brightholme, North Battleford Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Mary Gillespie b Dec 3, 1909 d Sept 6, 2001  Sunset Cemetery, Moose Jaw, SK

Minnie McNahon Gillespie b Jan 6, 1872 d Aug 25,1940 Oxbow Cemetery, Oxbow, Estevan Census Division, SK

Muriel Louise Gillespie, death Jan 24, 1972. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, SK

Myles Gillespie, SK
Myles Gillespie, SK

Myles John Gillespie, June 18, 1954 ~ April 25, 2018  Myles John Gillespie was born in Earl Grey, Saskatchewan on June 18, 1954 to Clarence and Adella Gillespie and older brother, Garth.  This was the start of a wonderful life.  In that small town, play was interspersed with a little naughtiness and conducted in the surrounding bush and small town streets. These were almost the olden days with a town well; a phone operator who knew whose kid was calling mom or dad and a wealth of livestock to watch being unloaded from the train. The school had a barn for horses and his elementary school days started Myles on a road that would ultimately lead to Esterhazy.

In grade nine, the family moved to Balcarres to operate a Robinson’s Dry Goods Store.  Myles completed his grade twelve there with his cousins.  His uncle Bill ran the theatre along with his barber shop.  Here Myles learned the fine art of film projection. He helped with his family’s business and enjoyed life as a teenager.  He ventured off to school, the University of Regina where he followed his big brother into the natural sciences, earning a Bachelor of Science in Biology.  He deviated from biology into romance while working north of La Ronge, Saskatchewan. There on the shore of a small lake he met Mary-Lynne who was working as a geology student in that remote northern bush camp. They were married in September of 1979 and spent their first year in Regina while Myles pursued his second degree, in Education.

They moved to Esterhazy after Myles was hired to work as a science and math teacher at EHS in the junior end.  Grades 7, 8 and 9 can be a challenge, but his creative approach to teaching science, liberally spiced by true enthusiasm for his subject and love for his students led to a successful 31 year career.  He was an exceptional teacher, not only of his subjects but of life skills; discipline, integrity, forthrightness, a good work ethic and respect. He shared his enthusiasm for new experiences and the extraordinary natural world we are privileged to explore.

His ability to teach also impacted his life as a father. His three children, Peter, Matthew and Lauren all developed a love of learning, not only academics but wood work, much renovation skill, imposed by the multiple projects on our house in Yarbo and then in Esterhazy. He taught them about animals, hunting, camping, the glories of the night skies and cooking. Under his tutelage they learned to become responsible people, compassionate and cooperative adults.  Most people who interacted with him were treated to his humour and sharp wit even while suffering in the hospital.  He dealt with his disease gracefully and earned our respect and that of his caregivers. Our family has been infused with love, the kind that supports each other in times of trial. Myles passed from this life in our arms on April 25, 2018, surrounded by love and buoyed by the love of those around him. We are thankful for his life.Funeral Service was Saturday, April 28, 2018, 2:00 pm, Our Lady of Victories Roman Catholic Church, 308 Sussex Avenue, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0


Neil Gillespie, SK2

Neil Alexander Gillespie, of Mankota, SK passed away peacefully on November 21, 2019, in Swift Current, SK. He is survived by his two children Terry Person (Glenn) and Kurt Gillespie (Kim), his brother Donald Gillespie, his sister Margaret Woloshchuk (Jake), his five grandsons Reid and Brett Person and Kevin, Karson and Kent Gillespie, and six great-grandchildren. He was pre-deceased by his wife Edna Ann Gillespie in February of 2015.

Neil attended Luther College in Regina, SK from 1947 to 1949. He moved to Winnipeg, MB in November of 1950 and started working for the CPR Railway as a train man. He got promoted to conductor and met his wife Edna. In 1967, Neil and Edna moved to Mankota, SK with their young family. They started farming full time and continued until retirement in 2003.

Neil was passionate about quarter horses. He raised, broke and rode them. When he got too old to ride, he purchased a team of Clydesdales and drove the wagon. He enjoyed many wagon trains and parades with his team. He also delighted kids by taking them for rides on his sleigh at Christmas time.

The last four years of Neil’s life were spent at the Bentley in Swift Current, where he enjoyed playing Bridge and had a great interest in the CFL. At Neil’s request there will be no funeral service. A private family memorial service took place.

Neil C Gillespie b 1895 d 1963 Wolsely Cemetery, Wolseley, Melville Census Division,

Noreen Gillespie, death 1992. Burial Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery, Regina, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Norah E Way Gillespie b May 21, 1928 d Dec 10, 2012 Calvary United Cemetery, Mankota, Assiniboia Census Division, SK


O Gillespie burial Hoffman Cemetery, Ebenezer District, SK

Olive Gillespie, SK
Olive Gillespie, SK

Olive Norma Nielson Gillespie, birth May 9, 1935. Death Oct 23,  2016. Burial Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery, Regina, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden name Nielson

Olive,  beloved wife of George E. Gillespie, was called to her Eternal Home by her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on Sunday, October 23, 2016. Olive was born May 9, 1936 in the Beaubier area of Saskatchewan into the home of special parents, Carl and Olga Nielsen. Predeceased by her parents, Carl and Olga Nielsen; and sister Violet (George) Mountney, Olive leaves to mourn her husband George; stepson Dwight (Gwen) Gillespie; and grandchildren, Gregory and Heather, all of Regina; nephew Brian Muir of Regina; nieces, Sandra (Dave) Hales and their family of Moose Jaw, Cynthia Muir of Regina; as well as special cousins in the U.S.A. and Norway. A Service of Remembrance was held at the Regina Apostolic Church, 808 Assiniboine Avenue East, Regina, SK on Friday, October 28, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Riverside Memorial Park.

Olive Norma Gillespie, beloved wife of George E. Gillespie was called to her Eternal Home by her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on Sunday, October 23, 2016. Olive was born May 9, 1936 in the Beaubier area of Saskatchewan into the home of special parents, Carl and Olga Nielsen. Predeceased by her parents, Carl and Olga Nielsen; and sister Violet (George) Mountney, Olive leaves to mourn her husband George; stepson Dwight (Gwen) Gillespie; and grandchildren, Gregory and Heather, all of Regina; nephew Brian Muir of Regina; nieces, Sandra (Dave) Hales and their family of Moose Jaw, Cynthia Muir of Regina; as well as special cousins in the U.S.A. and Norway. A Service of Remembrance was  held at the Regina Apostolic Church, 808 Assiniboine Avenue East, Regina, SK on Friday, October 28, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Riverside Memorial Park.  Speers Funeral & Creation Service.


Paline Elizabeth Gillespie 1902-1916. Burial Cabri Cemetery, SK

Patrick Gillespie 1885-July 19, 1922 Burial Ladville Laurier Cemetery, SK


Ralph Leaman Gillespie, death July 5, 1988 Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Robert Gillespie b Aug 17, 1875 d Nov 28, 1949  Oxbow Cemetery, Oxbow, Estevan Census Division, SK

Robert Gillespie b 1905 d 1991 Mount Pleasant Burial Pa..Swift Current, SK

Robert James Gillespie, birth 1939. Death 1991. Burial Pleasant View Cemetery, Unity, Kindersley Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Robert M Gillespie 1884-1967. Burial Indian Head Cemetery, SK


S. A Gillespie March 29, 1921 – Nov 11, 1995. Burial Indian Head Cemetery, SK

Samuel Gillespie b unknown d July 7, 1953 Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

Sarah Gillespie. Spouse Thomas John Lynd 1854 – Oct 8, 1931. Burial South Cemetery, Moosomin, SK.

Stanley Gillespie death July 4,1996. Burial Indian Head Cemetery, SK

Stewart Gray Gillespie b 1854 d 1924  Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

Sylvia Gillespie death Aug 17, 2019 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Thomas Gillespie, birth Feb 2, 1892. Death July 1919. Burial Davidson Cemetery, Davidson, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

Thomas Gillespie March 4, 1885 – Aug 12, 1949 Burial St Anne’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Annaheim, SK. brother to Ellen Haggerty.

Thomas F Gillespie, birth 1896. Death Feb 4, 1967. Burial Calvary United Cemetery, Mankota, Assiniboia Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, husband of Isabelle Cowie.

Timothy Wayne Gillespie Profile PhotoTimothy Wayne Gillespie born Sept 5, 1958, of Kelvington Saskatchewan, passed away March 28, 2024, at 65 years of age. In 1963, Tim and his family moved to Kelvington. Tim was a clever and mischievous child, always joking around with his siblings and his many friends.  In high school, Tim played the tuba in the marching band and spent his high-school years making mischief and listening to rock and roll music. Music was always a big part of Tim’s life. Tim graduated in Kelvington in 1976, and soon moved to the Elk Valley to mine coal and operate heavy equipment. He made many great friends which he always seemed to do no matter where he went. He had many unbelievable adventures with his brothers and a great number of friends.  In 1985, he returned to Kelvington and met the love of his life, Karen Oxenrider.

In 1986, they were blessed by the arrival of their first child, Bryanna Gillespie. The young family operated restaurants throughout Saskatchewan for a few years after that and then, in 1989, they were blessed by the arrival of their second child, Timothy.  In 1990, the family moved to The Crowsnest Pass, AB, as Tim loved to be in the mountains. While there, Tim worked on the Old Man River dam and in 1991 they were blessed once more by the arrival of their youngest daughter, Tina (Christina). The young family thrived in that mountain town until 1994, when Tim took ill with his second bout of rheumatic fever. He had it when he was 8 and again at 35. The illness left him struggling physically, and over the years it took him to recover, his mind turned to computers, and he soon became widely known as “the computer guy”. He and Karen operated their business “Computer Guy Systems” from 1995 to 2009. Their house was always bustling as they operated their business from the front of their family home. The family had many different friends, and their home was always known as a great place to be and was also known as a second home to many people. Tim loved taking his family to concerts, the list of which would be too long to mention. As the computer industry shifted and the Mom & Pop shop model couldn’t compete anymore, Tim once again took a job operating heavy equipment, this time in Fort McMurray, AB. He quickly climbed the corporate ladder and landed himself a job in the training department developing state of the art computer-based training.
In 2015, his eldest daughter Bryanna May Gillespie was tragically taken from us by a car accident. The grief from this loss stayed with him for the rest of his days.  In 2020, Tim and Karen moved back to Kelvington, where Karen took a job as a Covid school janitor and Tim was set to retire, but soon became a school bus driver. He really enjoyed the kids and always made sure they were listening to excellent tunes while on his bus.

In December of 2023, Tim found out he had stage 4 stomach cancer. He fought as hard as anyone could, determined not to leave us, and while he lost that battle we know he will forever live on in our hearts and minds!  Tim is survived by his wife Karen, son Timothy, daughter Christina, and his chosen son James Poriz, his brothers John and Patrick, his sister Maureen (Wayne) Hagen, nephew Troy Hagen, niece Courtney (Alex) Phillips, niece Stephanie Oxenrider, nephew Eric Goodon, and his sister In-law Lorraine (Ed) Hetherington. We can’t even start to name the many friends that loved him like a brother.  He was predeceased by his daughter Bryanna May Gillespie, his parents John and Ella Gillespie, his in-laws Milton and May Oxenrider and his sister in-law Marlee Oxenrider. Celebration of life was held Saturday, April 13, 2024 at Kelvington United Church.  Starts at 1:00 pm.


W Birrell Gillespie b 1885 d 1898 Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

William Gillespie  b Jan 1830 d June 10, 1902  Stone Church Cemetery, Abernathy, Regina Census Division, SK, age 72 yrs, 5 months

William Gillespie b 1889 d May  1961 Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Swift Current, SK.  Vet

William Gillespie, (Bill) birth Dec 21, 1931. Death Jan 21, 1995. Burial Sturgis Cemetery, Sturgis, Yorkton Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

William Anthony Gillespie 1877 – 1938 Burial Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Melford, SK

William H Gillespie 1896 – Sept 1919. Burial Holar Cemetery, SK

William J Gillespie, 18411945. Burial Rush Lake Cemetery, SK.

William John Gillespie b 1886 d 1962  Wolseley Cemetery, Wolsely, Melville Census Division, SK

William MacKenzie Gillespie death Feb 26, 1956. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatoon Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada

William Wesley Gillespie, birth July 26, 1890. Death Sept 5, 1979. Burial Landis Cemetery, Landis, Kindersley Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada, husband of Effie.

Wilton W Gillespie b 1881 d 1958  Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK

Wilton John Brown Gillespie b July 26, 1916 d Nov 26, 1993 Rockwood Cemetery, Rockwood, SK

Ellen Gillespie HAGERTY, birth Feb 20, 1881. Death June 16, 1964. Burial Saint Anne’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Annaheim, Prince Albert Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden Name Gillespie

Lillian May HUTCHINSON (nee McCrorie), d/o Sarah (nee Gillespie) Feb 22, 1892 – April 13, 1975 burial Mt Hope Cemetery, Assiniboia, SK

Geraldine H MATTHEWS (nee Gillespie) 1919 – 2002. Burial Regina Cemetery & Regina Hebrew Cemetery, Regina, SK (buried with other Matthews).

Agnes Gibson Gillespie MCCAIG, birth 1858. Death 1948. Burial Senlac Cemetery, Senlac, Kindersley Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden name Gillespie.

Agnes Gibson MCCAIG (nee Gillespie) 1858 – 1948, wife of Gilbert Burial Senlac Cemetery, SK

Ruby F Gillespie MCDOWELL, 1891 –1958. Burial Ernfold Cemetery, Ernfold, Moose Jaw Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden name Gillespie.

Arthur Gillespie MORPHY 1861-1940 Burial Union Cemetery, Viscount, SK

Catherine (Kate) Gillespie MOTHERALL, birth 1865. Death July 6, 1952. Burial Abernethy Community Cemetery, Abernathy, Regina Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden name Gillespie.

Mabel Gillespie SMITH, death Jan 1965. Burial Sturgis Cemetery, Sturgis, Yorkton Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden Name Gillespie

Annie VICARS, (nee Gillespie)1872 – 1958 Burial near other Vicars at Qu’Appelle Cemetery, SK

Jean Gillespie WONNACOTT, birth 1901 Death 1981. Burial Pleasant View Cemetery, Wynyard, Wynyard Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada. Maiden name Gillespie.

Record Count:  181

Source of Records: Mormon Website; Find A Grave Index; Saskatchewan Cemetery Project; Le Necrologue;; Regina-Leader Post. Funeral Home Obituaries

Note: Glasby burials in Oxbow Cemetery, Oxbow, Estevan Census Division, Saskatchewan, Canada






